A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Abb
. name            size sumxor   arc   publisher      yr intro   description
10thFrame         39422 25-f1    a    Access         86 DynamicDuo26/10/85 bowling (PIC)
180               42838 a6-1e    a    Mastertronic      WCC86 sport: darts (NoR)
1942              35161 3d-91    a    Elite            +-    stu (NoR)
1943              31921 f3-85    a    -              -- Triad stu 
1944              23721 bd-47    a    cr.Crim.Empire   *MCG22.12.86 stu 
1994TenYearsAfter 29699 8e-20    a    Visions        84 -    platform coll.arcade 
20Tons            30381 e5-ed    a                   -- -    simple Boulderdash clone 
3DPacMan.bas       6422 68-c0    a    Nufekop        82 -    3dPacMan (also 3D-Man)<03b>
3DPool            29312 23-8f    a    Firebird       89 Hotline/INC  sport: billiard sim. 
3DSkramble        28774 97-b3    a    Livewire       84 ABC85 classic Skramble in 3D 
3DSoccer          35477 5e-bc    a    F.Carla        -- Paramount arcade soccer 
3DWaterski        21557?b3-35    a    Alligata       -- -    back view waterski 
3Tunes.demo       13529?4f-93    a    ACC            -- -    demo music 
4.TimesRevlex.demo 2038 15-c9    a    Anno           91 Bingo looks like short demo 
45                29500 c9-bb    a    Hitech         90 Action1jun91/Empire25Jun logic 
6ASide            42354 37-1f    a    Microprose     88 Ikari26-11-88 BEW small soccer
720'              35840 72-7c    a    Atari86/USGold87 RedSector skating 
720.docs           9682 82-66    a    Hotline        -- Hotline20-11-87 intro to 720 <11b>
80DaysRoundTWld.1 49188 4e-54    a    -              -- -    l1: forrest; walk&shoot <11a>
80DaysRoundTWld.2 48648 b1-cf    a    -              -- -    l2: castle; walk&shoot <11a>
A       A
Aaargh!Condor     20236 e1-2d   n1    Alan Osborne   84 cr.Rene simple arcade shoot <10a>
AbsoluteOverride. 16256 f7-db   n1    RilleyEller    -- cr.Faedorne  insulting the user 
Ace               50915?5e-22   n3    Cascade        86 cr.DynamicDuo flight sim.
Ace.2088          46601 0b-43   c7    Cascade        88+Sharks fight those planets
Ace.2088.pic       4819 d6-3c   c7    Cascace        88 -    pic
Ace.II            42609 3e-d8   c1    Cascade        87+TCS14-8-87 head2head fight (PIC)
Ace.II.picmus     11274 89-09   c7    -              -- -    pic+music; scroll message
Acia&JunglePatrol 23478 6d-33   c1    -/K.P.      --/89 Genesis skill / shoot
AcidRunner        38020 19-05   c1    Avalon 93+Chromance/Empire acrade plat. 
Actionauts        26176 3c-d0   n1    AdvProgramTec85 Section8'86 onboard strategy 
ActionBiker       33783   -           -              -- -    drive&explore
ActionBiker       33900 50-68   n1    -              -- -    ride your bike and coll. 
ActionForce       30467?ae-96   c9    DavenFive      -- Hotline stlr 
ActionOnProtection46904?d4-20   n3    HG-soft        -- -    space ship; avoiding 
AddictaBall       29934 2b-0f   c1    Alligata       87+FLT  TTW 
AdInfinitum       25516 16-5a   n1    SWT            86 -    stlr 
AdrianMole.1      50604 a3-93   c7    Level9/Virgin  -- Pirasoft menu adv. 
AdrianMole.2      50763 ef-ab   c7    Level9/Virgin  -- Pirasoft part 2 
AdrianMole.3      50533 84-de   c7    Level9/Virgin  -- Pirasoft part 3 
AdrianMole.4      50689 bb-f5   c7    Level9/Virgin  -- Pirasoft part 4 
Adv.1.AdvLand.bas 12700 f0-ae   c1    ScottAdams     -- -    TA cr.F.Ekman94
Adv.1.Questprobe  41499 d5-9b   n1    ScottAdams     84 -    TA (AdventureInternational)
Adv.3.Sarcophagus 16153 03-05         -              -- -    TA (TheFourthSarcophagus.bas) 
Adv.4.VoodoCastle 30723 c5-2f   n1    ScottAdams     81 -    TA
Adv.9.Perseus     37121 c5-57   n1    AJ.Harding,MolimerxLtd. TA
AdventureC=32592  30722 7d-e5   n1    Commodore-ScottAdams81 TA 
AdventureCastle.b 22169 cd-4f   n3    Wapi           -- -    adv. skill (german) <04a>
AfricanAdventure. 22936 e3-c1   n3    SoftSide       -- -    TA; Search4DrLivingstone<07b>
AfricanSafari     46168 cd-1b   n1    KyleHodgetts   -- -    graphics arcade TA 
Aftermath         35897 5a-2e   c1    D.Cooper       -- -    stu 
AfterTheWar.1     43318 1f-37   c7    cr.Hotline     --+-    walk&fight
AfterTheWar.2     43387 ac-88   c7    cr.Hotline     -- -    walk&shoot
Afterworld        41689 cc-a2   c1    -              --+Garbage/Afros logic skill 
AgentOrange       22595 b2-ca   c1    -              -- WestCoast Shooting strategy 
AgentX.II.1       28422 51-73   c8    Mastertronic   -- DGold18-12-87 str 
AgentX.II.2       23812 f2-0a   c8    Mastertronic   -- DGold18-12-87 plat 
AgentX.II.3       11860 b9-87   c8    Mastertronic   -- DGold18-12-87 TTW 
AirCop2000        19198 15-61   c1    Nuremberg      90+Twente/LRU10.19.90 shoot lr 
AirSupport        25170 6b-b1   n1    Synapse        84 -    stdown 
AirWolf           37813 99-cd   n3    Elite          -- -    chopter flight - avoid 
AirWolf.II        56731 22-5e   n1    cr.LCP         86 -    stl 
Aksjemarked.bas   10843 cc-36   n1    Ikke Minst     -- -    trade sim (lang?) 
Alcazar           37634 8c-02   n1    Activision     85 ABC85 escape the castle 
Alien             44955 11-4d   n1    Concept        84 -    menu strategy 
Alienator         28416 f2-b8   c1    Ary            92+Mayhem TEO shoot 
AlienNew          48419 e6-a6   c2    -              -- Culture/Optical27apr90 shoot 
AlienPanic        12281 a9-ad   n1    BubbleBus      -- -    catch the alien arcade<10b>
Aliens            46632 ce-36   n1    -              -- -    movie conversion shoot
AllAmericanBasket 30515 ce-64   c2    Zeppelin       92 Illusion4.12.92 sport:action (PIC) 
AlleyKat          37444 4d-b7   c2    Hewson         86 DynamicDuo13/9/86 stu (NoR) 
AlligataBlagger   33282 2b-1b   n1    A.Crowther     -- -    Manic Miner clone 
Alloyrun          42634 af-af   c2    Starlight      --+Hotline0-0-88 str 
AllTheFish        16559 dd-61   c2    -              -- Motiv8 arcade coll. 
Almazz            30439 28-0c   n1    TheEdge        85 Mediator arc.adv. in Africa 
Altarius.prw      19119 0f-af   n2    -              -- Dom17-9-88 2players str 
AlternativePacker210630 f7-25         Druid          -- -    packing utility 
Am.TagTeamWrestli 34992 5c-4c   c2    Zeppelin       92 Legend92/TSM2-Nov-92 fight CITMOTG 
Amaurote          51271 f8-f6   n1    Mastertronic   -- -    BEW walk around and shoot? 
AmazingSpiderman  47360 89-29   c2    Microprose       +NEC 12-11-1990 arc. adv.
Amazon            25248 b3-a7   c2    C.Disc         92 -    crach after the (PIC)
AmazonWarrior     45430 01-29   n2    cr.Marksoft    85 -    shoot <05b>
AmazonWomen       49643 5c-5e   n2    Silvertime     86 -    fight in the jungle 
America'sCup      37802 2a-c8   c2    -              -- -    sailing 
American3DPool    35362 45-83   c2    Zeppelin       91 Enigma sport: BEW pool (PIC) 
Amiga.picture      6503 bf-95   n3    -              -- -    pic of Amiga 500
Anarchy           48071 01-e3   n2    Hewson         87 -    BEW shoot 
AndromedaConquest 12849 df-b1   n3    -              -- -    star system strategy <01a>
AndyCapp          40945 88-18   c3    MirrorSoft        BeastieBoys/FBR12/12/87 (PIC)<11b>
Angle             31248 8a-b6   c3                      Glory2-20-92 How to pass intro??? 
AngleBall         18123 7c-90   c3    Mastertronic   87 Ikari27-Nov-87 billiards 
Anihilator        38670 e1-11   n2    MikeWacker     83 -    stlr 
AnimStripPoker    49253 43-f7   n3    -              -- -    cards
AntAttack         40236 e3-49   n2    Quicksilva     84 -    save your girl arcade 
Antiriad          41702 cf-91   c3    -              -- -    shoot adv. (one level?) (NoR)
ApeCraze           9793 25-db   n2    Comm*Data      82 -    How to start? 
AppleCiderSpider  20737 ad-2b   n2    cr.Antisoft840719      arcade platform (NoR) 
AppleFrenzy       12971 49-e9   c3    cr.FCS         -- FCS  coll skill arcade (German) 
Aquanaut          44386 cb-25   n2    -              --+Legend88,Ikari str 
Aquaplane         11825 6c-a6   n2    Quicksilva     -- -    arcade;no hit anything<01b>
ArabianNights     47691 a1-5b   n2    Interceptor    84 -    arcade (doesnt work good) 
Arac              38515 3f-c3   c7    -              -- -    walk&explore
Arachne           39973 5a-aa   c3    T.Espeset      -- Legend str 
Araknifoe         30264 83-39   c3    S.Chance       -- Hotline shoot the spiders 
ArcadeClassics    28207 c5-c3         -              -- Ikari17-9-87 
ArcadeClassics    28207 c6-c0   c3    -              -- Ikari17-9-87 the title says it
ArcadeFlightSim   31576 6e-e8   c3    Amazing        89+Hotline27/5/89 stlr 
Arcadia64         38913 20-08   n2    Imagine        -- -    stu 
ArcheType         43904 7e-ec   c3    Psytronix      --+AVTmay94 stu 
Archon            41479 35-e9   n2    EOA            84 -    like chess,with fight <07a>
Archon.II.Adept   40505 ca-1c   n2    EOA            83 -    fight in an enclosed area 
Archon.III.Excite 25763?db-05   n3    EOA            85 cr.Freefuck board game&fight 
ArcOfYesod        44163 bd-15   n2    cr.TBL         86 -    arcade platform coll.shoot 
ArcticAnticsGame  39438 c3-71   c4    FirstStar      86+DanishGold11-6-87 SpyVsSpy III
ArcticAnticsIntro 11212 e9-59   c4    FirstStar      86 -    the main animation
ArcticShipwreck   16433 b0-54   n2    Commodore      83 -    be a mamut 
ArenaFootball     15039 b8-dc   c4    -              -- Bingo93 manager 
Arkanoid.I        38765 3b-bf   c4    Imagine/Taito  -- Yeti TTW
Arkanoid.II       32295 c5-41   c4    Imagine/Taito  87 -    TTW (19) (Triad)
Arkanoid.NewLvls  42024 0f-55   c4    TheFreak       87+LastGen29.7.87 Ark.I w/diff levels 
ArkanoidSounds    22540 02-04   c4    Shadows        -- Shadows music from the game
ArktycznePolowanie32384 24-14   c4    Avalon         94+F4CG/TSM7Jun87 ArcticHunt arcade 
Armada            34232 af-8f   c4    Loehn/Seuck    88+WeirdScience5Sep88 stu 
Armageddon         7425 82-28   n2    Ocean          -- -    TEO <03b>
ArmageddonMan     36527 98-f8   c4    -              -- Papillons14.9.87 war menu strategy 
Armourdillo       36612 80-32   c5    -              -- -    stlr 
ArmyMoves         37480 5c-84   n2                           code? 
Arnie.II          46977 4f-a9   c8    Zeppelin       93+Illusion15-3-93/Armageddon stall
Arnie.II.doc       2463 c2-9e   c8    Illusion       93 -    docs
ArrowC=.bas        7966 d9-1d   n2    Commodore      -- -    snake game 
ArrowOfDeath      37121 3e-52   n3    -              -- -    TA with graphics 
Artillery         19620 e4-32   c5    Squadron       89 Asterix/Ikari tank wars 
Artura            39327 71-b7   c8    Sentient       --+Hotline arc adv.
Artura.doc         4635 43-e5   c8    Hotline        -- -    docs
AsparGPMaster     35671 13-99   c5    Dinamic        89+GP   BEW biking (PIC) 
AssaultCourse     21445 74-58   c5    Players        90+IkariTalent army training 
AssaultMachine    46935 79-a7   c5    -              -- Triad8/11/86 stahead 
Asterix'n'Cauldron42867?16-2c   n3    cr.Stars       -- -    arc.adv. 
Asteroids64       11150?0d-e7   c9    UdoReiss       -- -    shoot (after BRK type RUN) 
AstroBlitz         8451 6c-06   n2    Creative       83 -    stlr 
AstroChase        16795 21-0d   n3    -              -- -    stAllAround 
AstroMania        14343 31-b1   c5    J.Triesch      87 Frantic TTW
AstroMarineCorps1 36325 ab-0d   c9    Dinamic        90+Bonzai10May walk&shoot part1
AstroMarineCorps2 35627 e4-62   c9    Dinamic        90+Bonzai10May walk&shoot part2
AstroMarineCorpsm  4452 c1-3b   c9    -              -- -    music
AstroMarineCorpsp  8866 7f-eb   c9    Dinamic        -- -    pic
AstroPilot        20554 a7-8f   c5    -              -- DerbyshireRamDec93 land the scape 
AstroWars.prw     12988 be-7e   c5    -              --+NFL16jun88 str 
ATF               39559 6c-cc   c5    Digital        88 Jewels flight shoot sim 
Athena.1          41314 03-83   c8    Imagine        87 Triad13oct87 arc 1:World of forest 
Athena.2          35743 58-22   c8    Imagine        87 -    part 2: World of caverns 
Atlantis           2049 0e-b2   n3    -              -- -    shoot (Joy lr)
Atlantis.stu      38621 3f-c1   c5    Lewis          87 Orion15-4-88 stu 
AtomAnt           26467 37-19   c6    HannaBarbera   90+IkariTalent5-9-80 cartoon conv. 
AtomAnt.pic        6220 28-f6   c8    HiTech         -- -    cr.Ikari/talent pic
AtomicHandball     3806 06-04   n3    FrankLindsey   -- -    TTW 
AtomX             14918 87-5b   c6    Chrischi       -- BadTaste/Lamerz7jul-91 Atomic like 
AttackOTMutantCame12481 88-84   n3    Jeff Minter    -- -    shoot giant camels(NoR) 
ATVSimulator      36199 00-00   n3    cr.Fusion87    -- Fusion/FCD1.7.87 2D bike ride
AufwiedersehenMont42967 cb-b3   c9    Gremlin        -- -    room pass arcade (NoR)
AugieDoggie       42367 2d-07   c6    HannaBarbera   91 Talent cartoon conv. 
AuralMystery.1    39866 fc-1c   c6    Antitrax       -- -    musics from games
AuralMystery.2    38162 ff-3f   c6    Antitrax       -- -    musics from games
AuralMystery.3    44040 85-5f   c6    Antitrax       -- -    musics from games
Auriga            19859 9b-3d   c6    players        86 1001 stu 
AutoMania         37892 4b-2f   n3    Micro-gen      -- -    platform coll. (wally like) 
AutoRenner         1768 e2-60   n3    -              -- -    BEW drive (german) <03b>
AutoTest          34249 80-10   c9    DaisySoft      90+Dominators/NEI4-30-91 BEW drive 
AutotestSim       34249 80-10   c6    Daisysoft      90+Dominators/NEI4-3-91 BEW drive 
Avenger           39601 da-76   c6    Gremlin        86 -    sta adv. search 
Avoid             16547 50-62   c6    Fizzle         92 Gulas/Burp avoid asteroids 
Avoid'em.prw      29244 a0-30   c9    Dynamic        -- Motiv8 avoid aliens 
Axiens            13839 03-93   n3    Alternative    88 Rampar15-Dec-88 stu Galaga like 
Aztec             32050 1c-04   c9    Datamost       82 -    cr.TCI kybd arcade 
AztecChallenge    30721 b3-7f   n3    -Cosmi         -- -    skill arcade <02a>
AztecTomb.bas     30724 82-90   n3    A.Crowther     83 -    TA 
B       B
B-1.Bomber.bas     8027 8b-ad   n1    AvalonHill     80 -    type in navigation commands 
B.E.A.M.          39781 d0-d8   c1    -              --+Ikari28-5-89 coll. 
B.O.Planets       25003?8e-a2   n6    -              -- NZC  stAhead 
BabylonFour       39701 50-28   c1    PSD-Prod.      88 Bros stAllAround 
BabyOfCanGuru     48071 e2-4e   n1    M.Pley         -- LightCircle arcade fight'em right 
BackGammon        13440 0a-d6   c1    HighScoreDisc  -- HSD  board game 
BackToFuture      41965 7c-c6   n1    Universal      85 Caesar arc.adv. (PIC)
BackToFuture.III  41065 1b-0d   c1    UCS&Amblin     90 Censor11-3-91 from the movie 
BadCat            46276?5a-12   n6    -              -- LegionOfDoom walk&shoot 
BadCat.docs        8827 0b-ab   n6    Parade         87 -    Ninja writer text <11a>
Bagitman          30789 a0-98   n1    AardvarkAS     --*-    platform coll.
BalakonRaider     34007?fe-38   n6    Interstel      86 -    stAllAround 
Ball-Land         22475 ce-80   c1    CP Verlag      93+Epic 2pl. TTW 
BallBlasta        36675 3c-f8   c1    Zeppelin       88+Ikari5-8-88 TTW-good 
BallBlazer        23418 50-c0   c1    -              -- CRM  2pl. fight 
BallCrazy         20295 d1-89   c1    Mastertronic   --+Hotline10-6-87 (PIC) build 
BalletjeDeLuxe    13857 c3-b3   c1    DRO            87 Hotline logic-observe good 
BallFever         47769 71-87   c1    Cosmos         -- Vision guide your ball 
BallGame          27455 80-c8   c2    ElectronicZoo  -- Legend/NEi17jul91 logic 
Ballisation.prw   13857 e0-02   c2    -              -- Chromance 5 in a row 
Ballistix         31040?af-e5   cB    Psygnosis      89 7-11 sport: a ball game 
BallJob           46703 f7-eb   c2    BlueAngel      -- Cream93/Chromance/Demonix logicPIC 
Baloon            10391 e5-f7   n1    ARC            -- -    skill;guide da baloon <07b>
BananaDrama       33794 3d-bb   n1    -              -- -    be the president;strategy
Bandits           31747 9f-b7   n1    Sirius         83 -    stu <02a>
BangerRacer       31178 7a-3a   c2    -              -- Dominators/Empire9-5-91 manager 
BangersAndMash    30405 16-ea   n1    Ocean          84 cr.OddBall arcade logic skill 
Barbarian         41190 90-d6   n1    -              -- RawDeal fight (NoR) std.bck 
Barbarian.Desert  42088 68-70   n1    -              -- RawDeal fight (NoR) desert/forest 
Barbarian.new     36988 b8-64   c2    -              --+Hotline5-8-88 walk and fight 
Basil             45743 25-13         Gremlin        -- -    great mouse detective<15b>NR
BasildonBond      46604 03-a5   n1    -              -- -    arcade adv. (SITMOTG) 
BasketBall        27055 c5-97   n1    Commodore      -- Section8 sport: arcade <07b>
Basketball        27059 39-63         
BasketballSam&Ed   8071 b0-12   c2    -              -- F4CG21-11-93 ball vs ball 
BasketManager     17762 16-16   c2    -              -- Hotline sport: menu manager 
BasketMaster      22105 f7-63   c2    G.Biasilo      -- Triad sport: one on one 
Batalyx           50135 6d-03   n1    cr.Yak         -- -    atAllAround 
BathTime          10227 52-1a   c2    Andromeda      -- -    keep the water level in bath 
Batman            46689 88-26   c3    -              -- TNF88 arcade adv.
Batman.1          45907 e1-3b         -              -- Hotline1/12/88 arc.adv. insert the disk
Batman.2          48765 78-3e         -              -- Hotline1/12/88 arc.adv. 
Batman.New        37516 b1-0d   c3    DCC            89+Talent shoot 
BatOutOfHell.pic   9474 48-c2   n1    Rat            -- -    from the song from MeatLoaf
BattleChopper     20257 f2-b4   c2    -              --+DreamTeam stAhead; nice anim 
BattleField       15897 3e-dc   c3    Atlantis       88 Ikari25-11-88 2pl. hunt and shoot 
BattleOfBritain   48651 ea-d2   n1    -              -- -    war strategy 
BattlePlanets     33229 a1-27   n1    -              -- -    3D fight - Elite style gfx 
BattleShip        18624 01-51   c3    Kinley/Fresh   92 Trash/??? TEO 
BattleShips       48071 f0-c2   n1    Cr.Laffen      -- RawDeal7-10-87 board game 
BattleStations    28858 87-11   c3    -              --+Ikari2-8-88 TEO 
BattleThroughTime 35090 78-ae   n1    K.Grant        -- -    stur (PIC) <07a>
BattleValley      44703 9c-7a   c3    S.Wellard      --+Papillons21-2-88 stlr 
BattleZone        31456 d4-18   n1    -              -- -    TEO 
Batty             42186 0b-0f   c3    HitPak         -- Dominators16-10 TTW <19b> 
Bazair.lvl1       47713 20-74         Proteus        88 -    arcade <22b> 
Bazair.lvl6       47712 ed-c3   n5    Proteus        88 -    arcade. start at level 6 <22b> 
BazookaBill       50031 bf-25   c3    -              --*LightCircle fight'em lr (PIC) 
BeachBuggy        20467 32-c8   c3    -              --+Jewels2-6-88 side view drive&jump 
BeachCommand      42719 93-6f   n1    SoftwareEnt.   92+ULT  stAllAround 
BeachHead.III     34010?47-b7   n6    cr.AtomHead    -- -    stAhead 
BeamRider         16642 a8-64   n2    Activision     -- cr.2708 stu (NoR) 
BearGeorge        16936 24-58   c3    Sheetah        93 -    catch nuts 
BeatBall          33089 c4-76   c4    DoubleDensity  91+Insiders/Mirage8-2-91 kill balls 
BeerBellyBurt     49634 fe-60   n2    AmericanEagle  -- -    defend your brewery-shoot 
Besieged          23492 62-00   c4    -              -- Onslaught logic strategy 
BestMoneyMaker      104 89-f9         
BetterDeadThanAlie35192 ac-42   c4    Electra        88 Hotline2-11-88 stu 
BeyondIcePalace   41452 2d-7f         Elite          88+Papilons31.5.88 arcade shoot<15b>
BeyondIcePalace.pi 9375 e5-ab   n5    Elite          -- -    pic&music <14b>
Biff              41463 7e-be   c4    BeyondBelief   --+Image/Empire9apr92 arcade adv. 
BigBen            19696 42-62   c4    cr.Mr.L  24-12-84 -    platform 
BigFoot           42425 3f-35   c4    CodeMasters    90+Ikari17-10-90 platform coll. 
Biggles           59932?c2-e2   n6    Mirrorsoft     86 -    airplane str
Biggles.TimeWarp  43195 19-2b         
Biggles.Weapons   31377 d2-10         
BigKO             32866 30-1c   n2    TymeSoft       87 -    sport: boxing 
BigMac            28971 93-af   n2    -              -- -    platform 
BigNosesUSAadvent 30277 d9-77   c4    Codemasters    92+Talent shoot platform 
BigSleaze.I       42554 59-b9   c4    Piranha        87 -    TA part 1 <19a>
BigSleaze.II      32098 5f-b9   c4    Piranha        87 -    TA part 2 <19a>
BigSleaze.III     32896 2e-60   c4    Piranha        87 -    TA part 3 <19a>
BigTopBarney      33985 23-03   c5    Interceptor    -- -    arcade; avoiding enemies 
BigTroubleInLChina28627 1c-5a   c5    -              -- Omega fight'em left 
Billiards          8450 43-f9   n2    Commodore      83 -    sport: BEW pool (NoR) <01a> 
BionicGranny      14477 75-c9   n2    -              -- -    catch'em lr 
Bioritem.bas.WSG   1981 a5-e9   n5    West S. Group  83 -    biorythm <04b>
BirdMother        27905 b0-ec   c5    Ivanhoe        --+Gulas/BurpBoys build a bird nest 
BizyBeezzzz       22530 d1-89   n2    Solar          84 -    platform coll. 
BlackAdder.bas    14591 fe-1e   n2    Hama           85 -    TA-marry the Spanish princess 
BlackBox          14401 87-dd   n2    MicroSpec      83 -    logic <10b>
BlackHawk         24207 ca-48   n2    ThornEmi       84 -    stu <07b>
BlackIce.demo     25984 d8-b0   c5    Eclipse        92 -    cool demo 
BlackJack.bas      3672 39-8f   n2    A.Dripke       80 -    play cards <03b> (del.13)
BlackKnight       17922 dc-3e   c5    Interdisc      84 nova85 horse ride&jump 
BlackLamp         34604 6d-b1   c5    Firebird       -- Triad shoot 
BlackMagic        41055 11-dd   c5    -              -- -    run and shoot and cast spells 
BlackPearl        36480 12-c4   c5    Logyk          93 Motiv8-94 TA (NoR) 
BlackShagger      12800 ad-4d   c5    -              -- Zenith stu 
BlackThunder      51201 10-c6   n2    A.Crowther     -- -    cr.F1 Loco like (NoR) 
BlackWyche        32244 4b-79   c5    A.C.G          85+-    black magic on the ship 
BladeRunner       50570 eb-6b   n2    CLR            85 -    labirynth 
BlaggerGTHolywood 24354 a6-f6   c6    M.Altman       -- -    3D arc. 
BlastBall         22424 a3-c3   c6    YourDisk       88+Hotline TTW 
Blasteroids       38498 49-1f   c6    Tengen         88+Ikari3-4-89 blow the asteroids 
BlastersOTUnivers 36373 44-80   c6    Lyon           88 Legend4-12-88 stu (PIC) 
BlazingThunder    32659 d7-93   c6    Pal            90 Genesis stud 
BlipBlop          18501 6d-df   n2    -              -- Zenith88/Outsiders6-4-88 TTW 
BlipBlop.III      31897 60-a0   n2    Phoenix        -- Phoenix/IHC7sep88 TTW 
Blobber           22629 d0-a2   c6    V.J.Schrader   88+Ikari one screen platform coll. 
Block'n'Bubble    14556 5c-5e   c6    Construction   86 NewEdition18-6-87 shoot (NoR) 
BlockBusters      26624 ef-8d   n2    -              -- -    wants to load :( 
BlownAway         27283 6e-c2   n2    sos       2-2-92 -     TA-make your own story 
Blubria           18523 cf-a3   c6    Verlag         -- TRGSGS CITMOTG 
BlueMax           27055 ab-f9   n2    Synapse        83 -    air combat <02b>
BlueMax.2001      25347 54-a6   n2    Synapse        84 -    air combat 
BlueMoon          11767 cc-22   n2    Merlin      Aug83 -    space arcade <10b,Green,CDm>
BlueThunder       30721 ca-82   n3    -              -- -    chopter shoot 
BMX               15487 69-37   n3    -              -- -    BEW simple bmx drive-avoiding 
BMX.II.ExpDesert  36190 65-f1   c7    CodeMasters    --*Hotline sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.ExpDirt    35961 5c-46   c7    CodeMasters    --*Hotline23-2-88 sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.ExpQuarry  36861 72-50   c7    CodeMasters    --*Hotline sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.StdDirt    35336 6f-91   c7    -              -- X-Factor screwed version 
BMXNinja          34835 d8-d8   c7    M.Lister       --+Hotline22-10-88 fight 
BMXSimulator      37402 e1-01   n3    CodeMasters    -- -    sport: BEW ride 
BMXStunts         30785 4b-81   n3    Jetsoft        84 -    side view ride 
BobbyBearing      31387 d5-8b   c6    TheEdge        -- TCS  spindizzy.II (PIC) 
Bobix.prw         11520 2c-b6   c6    -              -- Succes avoid baloons? 
BobsWinner        47883 ea-1c   cB    -              -- -    walk&fight SITMOTG <14b>
Bocce             36672 85-cf   n3    Simulmondo     87 CG4F'88 olympic game (balls) 
BodySlam          31084 39-81   c7    Firebird       88+Hotline3-9-88 ring fight 
Boeing727.bas     14175 d8-de   n3    -              -- -    flight sim (German) <03b>
Boing             38629 99-eb   c7    E&J soft       89+Ikari Jump and shoot  
Bomb              46544 dd-4f   n3    DanishBH       85 -    menu adventure 
Bomber            15189 83-eb   c7    Active         92+Illusion14-10-92 catch the bombs 
BombFusion        17408 f9-57   c7    Virgin         89+Hotline 
BombJack          47404 55-a9   n3    Elite          86 -    Collect the bombs
BombJack.II       43145 d3-8b   n3    Elite          86 Goonies2-14-88 3D BombJack 
Bombo             45672 28-52   n3    Rino           86 -    BombJack like 
BombUzal          46778 4d-01   c7    Mirror         88 Ikari19-11-88 logic 
BonduelleSoccer   31889 00-6a   n3    -              -- FD17.6.87 soprt: acade side view
BoneCruncher      39569 5b-91   c8    Superior       87      logic -BD like 
BoneCruncher.pic   8536 4f-cb   c8    Superior       87 -    Start Picture
Bonka             12292 fc-8c   n3    Morrison       83 -    platform 
BoogaBoo          34213 8a-32   n3    KotzBrocken    84 -    Jump with frog to exit
Boom              12362?d1-3d   cB    -              -- Lithium stu (PIC) 
Boost             33653 08-1e   c8    -              --+Bros/NewAge3-16-89 str 
BootlegBandits    22900 43-6f   n3    ScorpioGW      -- -    shoot 
Bop'n'Rumble      42226 2c-76   c8    Beam           87+Illusion fight 
BorderBlast.II    29828?33-dd   cB    -              --+Troep stu 
Bosconia          25472 c5-2d   c8    -              -- FCG87 stAllAround 
Boss              34543 da-ae   n3    -              -- -    soccer manager 
BoulderConKit     26927 17-b3   c9    -              -- star Edit your own BD caves 
BoulderDash.16x   44997 c6-64   n4    Replica        87 -    logic: coll. compilation
BoulderDash.I     16450 b2-0a   n4    First Star     84 -    logic: coll. cr.MrM
BoulderDash.II    22543 cc-e4   n4    First Star     85 -    Logic: coll. Megabyte85
BoulderDash.III   16896 a5-2f         
BoulderDash.III   32365 47-6f   n4    First Star     86 FLASH Logic: coll. <07a>
BoulderDash.IV    23395 ee-d0   n4    Peter Liepa       -    Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.IX    25090 d2-42   n4    Don Pedro      86 Pedro Logic: coll. 
BoulderDash.pro   16896 4b-fb   n4    Sijben         85 -    Logic: coll. caves by Sijben85 
BoulderDash.VI    24835 4e-ba   n4    Don Pedro         Pedro Logic: coll. 
BoulderDash.VII   24834 b7-e5   n4    Don Pedro         Pedro Logic: coll. 
BoulderDash.VIII  24835 46-12   n4    Don Pedro      86 Pedro Logic: coll. 
BoulderDash.X     25090 9f-1f   n4    Don Pedro      86 Pedro21-9-86 logic; coll. 
BoulderDash.XI    25090 50-b8   n4    Don Pedro      86 Pedro Logic: coll. 
BoulderDashSuper  17890 bf-a7   n4    First Star     84 EOArts Logic: coll. 
BoulderDashSwedis 25760 85-d9   n4    -              -- -    can also load new caves
Bounce            28934 01-d1   c8    CP Verlag      --+Chromance/Empire Eliminator like 
BounceIt          21634 70-ca   c8    -              93+RedSector platform coll. 
Bouncer           14319 8b-c1   c8    MagicDisk      92+BrainBombs stu 
Bounces           50756 cc-bc   n3    -              -- -    2pl. fight
Bounces           50756 ee-9e         
BounchingBall     23685?ec-7e   cB    Input64        -- strikeForce/ByteRapers logic skill 
BouncingHeads     48381 83-17   c8    Zeppelin       --+Dominators/Empire pacman like? 
BouncyCars        11115 b2-cc   c8    -              --+DrsiDytec94 BEW 2pl drive 
Bounder           45080 a9-e9   c9    Gremlin        85 Rambo jump and avoid 
BountyBobStrBack  43779 3c-30   n3    BigFive        85 HitchHiker85  like Miner 4096'er 
Bowling.bas        3107 12-26   n3    -              -- -    sport: simple arcade 
Boxes             43155 90-e8   c9    GoaGrapfix     91+Chromance/Demonix93 logic: D.Cave 
BozosNightOut     47104 06-d8   n3    TaskSet        84 -    guide Bozo home; arcade 
BrainSpasm        20090 85-a5   c9    CP Verlag      94 Dytec HiScore saver search pairs 
Brainwave         13948 28-ba   c9    Paladin           Duneh 9-10-91  Logic, ChinaChall 
Brands            13772 4e-38   n3    Arc            -- -    BEW drive <01a>
BraveStarr        33731 5f-d5   c9    Probe          87+Jewels stlr (NoR)
BreakDance        16497 27-e3   n4    Epyx           84 -    repeat what the man does 
BreakDown         30720 2e-a8   c9    ZZap           92+Illusion9-11-92 str 
Breaker           29177 cf-1b   c9    Radarsoft      87+Decibel87 TTW 
BreakerProf.I     30704 80-0e   c9    cr.Illusion    87 Illusion diff.levels&level editor 
BreakFast          2817 a1-1b   n4    LoadStar       -- Hawk TTW 
BreakFaster       13699 8f-d5   n4    G.DeBlois      -- JTC  TTW 
BreakFever        36264 e8-ec   n4    cr.DanishCr.   85 DanishCr. fight 
BreakIn100%       20894 26-be         PowerRun       87 PowerRun26.11.87 simple TTW<15b>
BreakIt            8448 0b-41   n4    Funsoft        -- -    TTW 
BreakStreet       44388 2b-a9   n4    -              -- -    dance on the Break street 
BreakThru         44124 93-c1   n5    -              -- -    str 
BrianBlodaxe      38913 6d-95   n5    XCS Int.       -- -    JSW like
BrideOfFrankenste 41965 ac-08   c9    Timedata       87 CCS  arc.adv. 
BridgePlayer.II   25383 7d-c3   cA    Sagittarian    84 Sharks21-5-88 play bridge 
BrightonStrand.ba 13965 8a-18   n5    DaveBarnes     -- -    Swedish?? 
Bristles          36625 1b-7b   n5    FirstStar      83 -    paint house&avoid (PIC)<10a>
BritishSuperLeagu 20935 7f-2f   cA    HyperDyne      -- Action basic manager 
BrothersInArms    41856 78-50   n5    -              -- BR7-8-88 stu 
BruceLee          48926 a4-f0   n5    Datasoft       -- -    fight 
BubbleBobble      41985 32-5e   cA    Firebird/Taito   Antitrax26-9-87 Arcade platform
BubbleMania       23482 7e-58   cA    ArticDesign    90 Ruling Co. platform 
BubbleTrouble     28507 74-60   n5    NewGeneration  -- NGC12-5-88/TSS5-14-88 stu
Buckaneer         50852 ad-ab   n5    -              -- -    stAhead
BuckRogers        16425 ea-2a   n5    Sega           83 -    shoot aliens <04a>
BuddyBubble       44933 45-41   cA    -              -- Trianon3-5-87 platformCITMOTG(PIC)
BugBlast           9729 83-5f   n5    -              83 -    shoot the worm 
BugBlaster        18693 80-80   n5    Alligata       -- -    shoot the worm 
BuggyBoy          40861 c2-5c   cA    Taito/Elite    87 -    back view rally race CITMOTG 
Bugsy.II          44334 ba-ea         
BugsyPart1        44412 6a-92   cA    -              -- WCC20-11-86 TA with gfx 
BuiltIt           16478 5f-63   cA    -              --+China8-7-91/Jellyfish8jul91 logic 
Bulldog           48783 91-5b   n5    -              -- -    stu
Bullet            33920 8c-72   cA    -              -- Motiv8/Coderz20-11-94 platform 
BullsEye          29408 ef-db   n5    -              -- -    darts 
Bullshit.4.demo   13286 12-a6   cA    Network        87 NetworkNov87 nice; with 6 scrolls
Bully              6028 86-b4   cB    T. Feiweier    -- Frantic BEW ice hockey (start=both buttons) 
Bully'sDarts      22199 02-ce   cB    Alternative    92 Illusion11-17-92 
BumpingBuggies    21709 7b-6f   n5    BubbleBus      84 -    BEW car drive&kick&jump 
BundesligaLive    25293?3a-62   n6    Atlantic       85 -    sport: soccer manager <13a>
BungelingBay      45313 b1-29   n5    --             -- -    stAllAround 
BurgerTime        38568 aa-6e   n5    Interceptor    84 -    Platform, make burgers 
Burnin'Rubber     36869 8b-6f   n5    ColoSoftware   83 -    BEW car drive&kick&jmp<04a>
BuzzardRamjets    36156 36-b4   n6    Blaze          86 -    3D shoot 
BuzzOff           22537 15-ed   n6    Electric       84 -    arcade coll. 
C       C
C.I.A.Adventure.b 14909 be-2e   n1    HughLambert            <05b>
C.I.A.Agent.009.b 22098 bc-5e   n1    GregCeton      -- -    TA 
CadCamWarrior     27184 4a-ae   c1    Taskset        84 -    shoot 
CaesarTheCat      17421 91-31   n1    MirrorSoft     83 -    platform;catch mice<02a>
CageMatch         35103 50-9c   c1    cr.CCS    39-8-87 CCS  2pl. fight 
CairoConnection   36736 18-70   c1    TonyRome       93 Motiv8 TA (NoR) 
Calculator        10010   -           -              -- -    stack oriented calc.<01b>
CallMePsycho      47835 73-ff   n1    cr.Pirate      --+Zenith22-7-88/Epic88 stlr 
Calvin            28729 c6-48   c1    ECP            -- ACE  platform adventure 
CamelotWarriors   30112?f1-c3   n5    ArionaSoft     -- -    room walk&fight 
CamelTrophy       42509?a7-39   n5    Tequila        85 CFB  skill 
CampaignManager    7472 06-82   n1    -              -- -    political strategy 
CannonRider       37302 28-5c   n1    -              --+TSK27-5-88 lanyrinth platform 
CanoeRacing       27351 bc-96   c1    RedArrow       90+ChinaSyndrome/LRU29jun90 sport 
CanyonsOfZelaz.ba  6281 64-c2   n1    G.Mccellan     -- -    land the aricraft 
CaptainAmerica    37517 f3-11   cA    Tarann         --+Hotline30-11-87 strategy <11b>
CaptainCactus     21274 29-bb   n1    SDS            94+OnslaughtMar95 str 
CaptainDynamo     27201 30-88   c1    CodeMasters    --+Illusion10-10-92 (PIC) platform 
CaptainFizz       25211 6a-e6   c1    Psyclapse      89+Talent shoot 
CaptainKelly      43449?1a-22   n5    -              -- -    walk&shoot 
CaptainKidd       17424 2b-a5   n1    LothLorien     85 Beyond18-8-88 skill logic 
Captured          47439 92-94   c1    -              --+TMC 1991 platform getaway (PIC) 
CardGames         13928 12-20   n1    Mr.Chip        -- -    simple cards gambling 
CardrianGames     35003 59-7d   n1    cr.CCS         -- -    arcade games compilation 
Cargo             44395 d5-e7   n5    Firebird       88+Ikari88/Survivors5-25-88 PIC <14b>
CarWars           40194 45-ab   c1    -              -- Bronx BEW car drive 
Casanova          33343 fd-47   c1    -              -- MCG/FBR7-23-88 stu (german) 
Cashman           20480 f0-18   c2    ElectricBoys   93+AVT  stAll 
CasinoKing        31399 fb-0f   n1    -              -- -    gambling 
CasinoRoyale      19321?8a-ae   n5    GeneralMasters-- -     simple avoid  
Castle            44800 40-50   c2    Avalon         93+Chromance/Demonix multiroom plt. 
CastleMaster      42179?9e-dc   cA    -              --+Cosmos 3D-vector adv. 
CastleQuest.bas   14591 b5-f1   n1    Commodore      83 -    TA (for teaching) 
CastlesOfDoctorCre32487 8f-63   n4    Broderbund     -- -    Creep; walk the castle 
Catapult          13499 14-ac   c2    -              --+Brenda10/6/91 Shoot with catapult 
Catastrophe       24515 48-1c   c2    Novotrade      -- Gulas/Burp92 build with chopper 
Catch             35381 b2-10   c2    Exclu.Design   92+Arcade18-oct-92/Empire92 (PIC) 
Cauldron.II       42322 4a-a2   c2    Palace         -- -    jump thru rooms adv. (NoR)
Cave-Guennie       9436 11-11   c2    -              --+Sprint BD clone-level pass 
CaveClimber       18615 ba-60   n1    T.Lange        -- ROM  Rope Man (German) 
CaveFighter       39017 9f-3d   n1    BubbleBus      84 cr.Bytebreaker shoot 
Cavelon           21361 4f-67         
Cavelon.II        30721 a3-b1   n1    JetSoft        84 cr.Phantoms coll. platform 
Caveman            7916 33-cd   c2    -              --+NewEdition BD clone(=Cave-guenie) 
Cavemania         33920 0e-a4   c2    Atlantis       91+Dominators/Random2/14/91 arc.(PIC) 
CavernRun.bas      5044 57-fb   n1    BubbleBus      -- -    simple avoiding 
CavernsOfKhafka   38913 cf-b3   n1    Cosmi          -- -    lost in the cave; platform
CavernsOfSillahc  26503 2e-0e   c2    A.Challis      85 cr.Jabba Fort Apocalypse clone 
CavernsOfXydrahpu 43211 fa-10   c3    A.Kemntitz     85 cr.RadWar arcade;avoid walls (PIC) 
CavesOfIce.bas     4084 1c-0e   n1    -              -- -    lost in the 3D maze 
Celluloid         35262 70-ba   c3    MagicDisk      90 Hysteric/WiseGuys TTW 
Centipede          8249 05-79   n1    Atari          83 -    shoot the worm 
Centripod         11009 84-10   n2    -                 -    shoot the worm
Centro'sRevenge   11988 02-90   n2    cr.Antischutz  84 -    stu <01b>
Centron           28968 2f-a9   c3    A.Montecchio   -- Spalteroct'91/Burp 2pl.TTW 
Centropods         8961 8a-d0   n2    Comm*data      83 -    shoot the worm 
Centurions        48071 eb-83   c3    A.Crowther     -- FBD21-aug stAllAround 
Cesar             16788 ec-f4   c3    -              -- Wicked chess 
CG.HalfPipe       50022 da-6c   n2    -              -- -    sport: California Games
ChainReaction     25437 3e-cc   c3    -              --+TDF  room walk & shoot 
ChallengeOTGobots 36950 f4-22   c3    Cr.TAM         87 CCS  stlr 
Challenger        11586 05-a3   c3    -              --+     std 
Chameleon         41935 0d-21   n2    ElectricDreams86 -     stlr 
Champ.3DSnooker   38209 ec-cc   c3    Zeppelin       92+Talent92TSM22-jan-91 snooker 
ChampionshipSprint34721 c4-2c   c3    -              -- Hotline23-2-88 BEW drive; C.kit 
Chaos             16989 dd-13   c4    Magic Disk     90 TerrorDesigns TEO 
Chaterpillar.bas   4027 e1-d1   n2    -              -- -    simple arcade<07b>
ChemistryRevision 27081 2c-ac         -              -- -    learn chemistry 
Chess             42920 91-27   c4    -              -- Compware87 chess 
ChessMaster2000   44742 1c-ee   n5    -              -- YUCS86 3D chess<13b>
ChevyChase        50615 8a-8a   c4    Hi-TEC         91+Talent/TSM24-oct-91 bck view drive 
Chicago's30s      32044 0c-9a   c4    -              --+Hotline15-4-89 stlr 
Chicken           39580 df-e3   c4    Electric Boys  --+AVT  arc.coll. play chicken 
ChickenChase      40775 96-24   n2    Jaws           -- -    be a chicken; platform 
Chimera           28591 a1-e9   n2    Firebird       -- -    4D labyrinth and coll. 
ChinaMiner64738   47104 fa-fa   n2    Interceptor    -- -    level pass platform<05a>(NoR) 
ChineseJuggler    16643 b6-44   n2    Ivanhoe        -- -    Juggle with plates 
Cholo             50302 7e-bc   n2    -              -- -    3D adventure (Driller type) 
Choplifter        16642 4e-22   n2    BroderBund     82 -    rescue men with chopter
ChopperCommander  24883 c1-f5   c4    -              --+Ikari5-8-88 stlr (NoR) 
ChubbyChester     25796?f9-db   cA    MagicDisk      91+IkariTalent logic; Sokoban like 
ChubbyGristle     28423 ba-72   c4    Grandasian     88+Wanderer/TWG7-13-88 platform 
ChuckieEgg        20513 08-9a   n2    A&F Soft       84 -    platform level pass coll. 
ChuckieEgg.II     49539 7a-02   n2    A&F Soft       85 -    platform multi room coll. 
Ciphoid9          29512 8b-e3   n2    Monarchy       -- Judge85 TEO 
Circopoly.bas     34916 f4-ea   n5    M.Schaefer     -- -    logic (German)<13b>
Circuit           24596 9f-35   c4    cr.HWM         90+Motiv8-90 area clearing 
CircusAdv         37121 c8-c4   n2    -              -- -    TA gfx 
CircusCharlie     31799?58-90   n5    Konami         84 VGW  arcade 
CircusGamesUSA    43857 a9-23   c4    -              -- Hotline arcade in circus (PIC) 
Citadel           35145 f3-43   c4    ElectricDreams 89+Talent stAllAround 
CityAttack        23685 ca-ba   n2    -              84 -    stAll 
CityHall          34994 b1-d1         
CitySurvivor      37017 04-a8   c5    cr.Gromoslan   88 Bros wander around the city 
ClassicSnooker    29006 00-1c   n2    anco           -- -    sport: BEW 
Classix           31065 c0-a6   c5    Soft2000       -- CST  2 games; 1:avoid; 2:shoot 
CleanupService    48071 fb-47   c5    Players        -- Triad29-sep-87 platform;avoid(PIC) 
CleanupTime       39347 b1-ff   n2    Hornell-Plyrs  86 -    2pl. shoot 
Clever&Smart      50279 16-04   c5    cr.Mash        -- -    arcade 
Clone             22495 d2-52   c5    A.Teichmann    91+X-Ray logic; clone the pic 
CloudKingdoms     39937 43-ab   c5    Electralyte    90+GP/Exodus Quedex like 
Clowns             8450 5f-9f   n2    cr.Antirom     83 -    kind TTW (NoR) <01a>
Cluedo            31966?b5-0f   n5    Waddington     84 -    board game 
ClueMasterDetecti 50984 15-e9   c5    Virgin         -- NEC89/Talent board game Cluedo 
Clystron          41757?23-1b   cA                     +Enigma (entering name forever) 
Cobra             47839 2c-7a   c5    -              -- DynamicDuo14/12/86 stlr 
CobraForce        41404 c1-a5   c5    PlayerPremiere 89+DCS8/13/89 stlr 
Cock'in           52663 44-5c   n3    Jaws           -- -    same as Chicken Chase 
CodeHunter        17878 ad-53   c5    Gordon         --+Hotline jump skill plat. 
Codename-Mat.II   31455 56-08   n3    -              -- WASP 3D spacecraft simulator shoot 
Cohen'sTowers     39939 d3-d1   n3    Fanda          83 -    climb the tower
CoinQuest         15531 90-ee   c6    cr.Sero        -- -    platform labyrinth coll 
Collapse          29661?d7-89   n5    N.Sharma       85 Medwaroys86 logic 
Colony            38952 1f-67   n3    Mastertronic   -- -    search & shoot 
ColorOfMagic      49411 be-de   n3    Macmillan      86 -    TA 
Colors            25319 01-65   c6    AlienParts     -- Epic93/RADjune29-93 color tetris 
ColossusChess.4   49390 1d-ef   n3    M.Bryant       85 -    chess simulation 
CombatLeader      47107 27-85         
CombatLynx        43096 09-cf         
CombatSchool      47252 b2-9a   c6    Konami/Ocean   87 Fairlight21.11.87 Joy.destroy<11a>
CombatSchool.II.  30901 77-15   c6    -              -- -    fight (SITMOTG) 
CombatZone        38883 6a-e6   n3    RubenJonsson   -- -    stu 
Comet             18176 af-a5   c6    Lovely bytes   92+TRCsuccess avoid comets 
ComicBakery       45180 dd-b3   n3    Imagine&Konami -- WASP arcade for children 
Commando          43468 1f-b5   n3    Elite          -- cr.abc stu <10b> 
Commando.86       40608 e0-14   n3    Elite          86 -    stAllAround 
CommandoLibya     30849 f0-7c   n3    -              86 -    shoot
Compare           21945 9d-bb   c6    Markt&Technik  93+Motiv8 logic; clone te picture 
Compare.II        28906 2c-9c   c6    Markt&Technik  94+Motiv8/AlphaFlight followup 
CompleteBastard   37923 8a-d4   n3    Virgin         87 DreamTeam arc.adv. 
Compu-Tarot.bas   33619 3e-d4   n3    J.Beslanowitch 84 -    read the fortune off cards
ComputerMagic.bas 12758 9f-0d   n3    John Maffia       -    text to teach you magic
ComputerManiacs   42609 71-ed   c6    -              -- DCS88 trivia games 
ComputerMemo.bas   3177 11-17   n3    -              -- -    memo game (Slovene) <04b>
ConcordeLandingSi  6717 cf-75   n3    -              -- -    simulation <10b>
Confuzion         30721 3f-4d   n3    Incentive      85 -    logic skill 
CongoBongo        16901 d5-ad   n3    Sega           83 cr.MAM platform screen-pass (NoR) 
Connect.4         25730 73-55   c6    MagicDisk      -- PS/GD/LUs23-nov-93 tick tack toe 
Conquest          41830 6f-dd   c7    TranzForm      -- Hotline28-1 3D room walking 
ConquestOfTheNewW 32791 8e-64   c7    -              -- Drive dtrategy creation 
Contra            37888 f4-7e   c7    -              -- Ikari20-nov-87/TS stlr 
Convoy            47260 7f-c3   n4    -              -- -    strategy
ConvoyRaider      31153 89-a9   c7    Gremlin        -- SCG17-7-87 war navy strategy 
Cookie-Eaters      9216 9e-e4   c7    Hotline                 
Cops              31186 9d-03   c7    Alf Yagve      92+DUH  stu 
CopsAndRobbers    14208 5c-6c   n3    Mike Davis     -- -    simple arcade action
Copy190            3335   -           U.stahl        -- -    copy utility <02a>
Core              33901 be-d0   c7    -              -- -    space arc.adv. room walk(NoR) 
Cosmic            31492 30-4c   n3    -              -- -    str; escort the convoy<01b>
CosmicCapers      19007 c1-83   n4    SuperSoft      -- -    TA <10b>
CosmicCauseway    32825 b1-f1   c7    Chip           87+Fairlight1-12-87 Eliminator like 
CosmicCauseway.II 30410?ab-0d   cA    ChipSoft       87 Fairlight Eliminator like 
CosmicCruiser     38914 23-59         
CosmicPirate      49689 df-bf   c7    Palace         89+CDS/FBR8-28-89 stAll strategy 
CosmicSplit        8998 fc-d6   n4    -              -- -    shoot the worm 
CosmicTunnels     26628 00-36   n4    Datamost       83 -    space action (PIC) 
Cosmonut          43606 1c-80   n4    Codemasters    87 -    seek and destroy 
Couldron.II       42322 4a-a2         
Couldrun          48018 e3-a3         
CountdownToMeltdow41698 0c-6a   n4    ThornEmi       84 -    save the nuclear plant ar.adv 
CountdownToShutdow38632 ba-dc   n4    -              -- Radwar same game as melt. 
CountDuckula      30974 4b-a7         
CounterForce      35846 99-4b   c7    -              --+StrikeForce/Mayhem TEO 
Crack-Up          22658 b6-3c   c8    Atlantis       91 CSI/LRU TTW 
CrackersRev.II    47259 4e-6a   c8    -              -- -    shoot 
CrackersRev.IV    30914 8f-c7   c8    SCD20-12-86..30-1-87 SCD stu
CrackersRevenge   31744 fa-e4         
CrackersRevenge   31744 fa-e4   n5    FlyingCrackers2oct85 how to pass intro?
CrackersRevenge.IV30913 90-c6         
CranmoreDiamondCa 34228 26-e8   c8    Logyk          93 Trsi TA (NoR) 
Crash             18434 59-fd   n4    CoricSoft      -- -    BEW simple drive;skill<10a>
CrazyBaloon       18069 2c-30   n4    Soft.Projects  -- -    fly the baloon; arcade 
CrazyCars         35036 4c-ca   c8    Titus          --+Ikari3-12-88 rear view drivin(PIC) 
CrazyCaveman       8225 7a-6a   n4    Merlin         83 -    jump and avoid rocks 
CrazyCoaster      38403 cb-8f   c8    HowlinMad      -- -    arcade platform coll. 
CrazyCommando     18946 56-7e   c8    Tim/LaserCS    86 -    stu 
CreatorsRevenge   11988 02-90   n4    MikeWacker     83 -    <01b>
Creeps (2 files)  16493 14-40   n5    PD Jeff Bean   -- -    Shoot'em up (stu)
CricketCaptain    27071 ff-f9   c8    -              -- IkariTalent18-11-89 manager 
CricketInternatio 14330 6b-2b   c8    -              -- ScouseCG field action 
Crillion          16707 b0-20   c8    O.Kirwa        87+Awesome/Hotline20-7-88 skill TTW 
Crillion.II       25843 56-d8   n4    OliverHirwa    90+Action/Fantasy6-17-90 skill TTW 
Crime&Punishment  43201 a6-b6   c9    J.Kress        84 -    be the judge; menu.sim. 
CrisisMountain    16696 9c-44         
CrisisMountain    16696?ec-14   n5    Creative       83 -    plat.coll. <01b>
CriticalMass.1    10241 2f-e1         
CriticalMass.2    51201 7f-bd         
Crossfire         16450 a9-f9         
CrossIt           25035 e3-b3   c9    Amok           -- Genesis logic; clear the creen 
CrossRacer         9155 58-e6   c9    CourboisSoft   -- -    simple 2D barrel jump
Crucible          16704 9d-59   c9    T.koistinen    -- X-Ray14-3-89 stl (NoR) 
CruelZone         47275 72-5a   c9    Cream          92+ArcadeDeadline/Empire stu 
CrystalCastles.1  30627 61-43   n4    Atari          84 -    3D pacman like 
CrystalCastles.2  40265 c7-bf   n4                           different level 
CrystalCaveDlx    12360 d1-97   c9    -              --+TLF  coll. maze 
CrystalsOfZong    12731?8a-92   n5    Cymbal         83 -    coll&avoid level pass <02a>
Crystapolis.demo  35997 89-d1   c9    -              -- GE/SAC expanded Boulderdash clone 
Cubin             30081 40-e8   c9    MagicDisk      --+Enigma/Empire2-nov-92 logic; board 
CuddlyCuburt      12068 64-26   n4    Interceptor    -- -    jump&hilight the squares(NoR) 
CueBoy            44769 d0-98   c9    -              -- Sunrise sport: snooker 
CurseOfSherwood   44287 46-4e   c9    -              -- NewMen28-10-87 room walk adv. 
Cuthbert          25757 c2-20         
CuthbertITTombs   25757 c2-20   c6    -              --+RoughTrade room walk arc.adv.
Cyberball         25730 93-63   cA    ArtProject     94+Success logic (PIC) 
CyberdyneWarrior  49359 86-b2   cA    Hewson --+IkariTalent room walk shoot 
CyberMen           9990 f5-a7   n4    -              -- -    labyrinth shoot<01b>
Cybernoid         40702 2e-8e   cA    Hewson -- Ikari88 room pass shoot 
Cybernoid.II      48071 cc-46   cA    Hewson       +Ikari 14-10-88 followup 
CyberWorm         25149 67-af   cA    -              -- Ikari88 atAround <14b>
Cyborg            48071 34-fa   cA    I.Foster       -- Hotline10-4-87 shoot room walk adv 
Cyborg2900        45700 a9-05   cA    3DdesignGroup  92 LamerForce 3D Drillerlike adv(PIC) 
Cybotron          39116 ee-7e   n4    Anirog         83 -    shoot 
CycloneBomb       19825 ce-2e   n4    -              -- Zenith/FBR TEO 
Cyclons           27138 3e-b8   n4    -              -- -    stAllAround in space <02a>
Cyrus             40407 50-8e   cA    DoubleDenstiy  90+Nato/Destiny stlr 
D       D
D-Bug             46271 cc-bc   n1    ElectronicArts85 cr.Flora object? 
D.D.T.            21959 ba-20   c1    -              -- Burp plat.;water the plants 
Dallas.bas        12656 71-ad   n1    M.Grages       -- -    menu; rule the oil imp.<03> 
Dalto             38360 9d-eb   c1    Systems        -- Epic/DUI2-18-93 str (NoR) 
Dambusters        38657 2f-5b   n1    Sydney         84 -    flight simulator 
DancingMonster    11319 7d-81   n1    Commodore      83 -    TEO; try to shoot off <03b>
DanCooper         31481 bd-f7   c1    K.Wieclawski   -- Tristar str 
DanDare           50945 6b-17   n1    Virgin         86 LFK  arcade adventure 
DanDare.II        41794 33-49   c1    Ipc            88+TSC25-2-88 shoot adv.(PIC) 
Dandy             43334 58-92   c1    ElectricDreams86 Triad25-dec-86 walk&shoot 
DangerHighVoltage 22886 87-a5   c1    ......         92 Chromance logic 
DangerMouse.1     28063 09-31   n1    THORN EMI      84 -    menu adv. 
DangerMouse.2     34050 bd-f9   n1    THORN EMI      84 -    second part of the adventure 
DantesInferno     48644 38-9a   n1    -Denton        -- JazzCat arc.adv. walk the forest 
DareDevilDenis    38917 eb-4d   n1    Visions        84 cr.S-C arc. plat. 
DariusHamburgerLa 23290 17-6b   c1    N.G.C          88 NGC88/FBR catch hamburgers arc. 
DarkDungeons.bas  25346 c8-46   n1    -              -- -    TA 
DarkShit          28683 7f-4f   n1    -              -- Genesis stu 
DarkSide          18206 07-95   c1    P.Hannington   --+Decibel str (PIC) 
DarkSide.3D       37759 e9-c9         
Darksyde          41276 22-48   c1    K.Franklin     --+Outsiders4-20-88 strl 
DarkTower         30080 5d-75   c1    -              -- Motiv8 TA 
DarthVader.bas    17980 69-db   n1    -              -- -    TA  
Darts              7476 1e-e2   n1    Funnysoft      -- -    sport: simple darts
Dartz             15919 5e-a2   c2    Proteus        86 Hotline sport: darts 
DataBase.bas       8564   -           -              -- -    utility (Slovene)<01b>
Dater             22903 96-b2   n1    Alive Dsigns   84 Slaughter skill avoid 
David'sMidnightMa 38458 f2-fc   n1    -              -- -    pinball <01a>
DawnPatrol        33880?bb-81   c8    Bytebuster     87 MagicCircle ship sim. strategy 
Day               28843 8d-dd   c2    Mark Le-May    86 -    TA (NoR) 
DayAfter-1985     12036 52-d0   c2    Severn         84+Bod85 thrust like 
Deactivators      45310 0a-00   n1    cr.Eagle       -- -    2pl. 3D arcade hunt
Deactivators.pic  12597 44-b0   n1    Eagle Soft     87 -    demo picture
Deadenders        47667 f4-52   c2    DreamingDjinn  88 DCS88 TA (NoR) 
DeadOrAlive       25401 24-ce   c2    Alternative    87+Ikari western shoot 
DeadRinger        29572 05-e3   c2    Reaktor        -- FCS4-7-87 shoot (PIC) 
Death-Race        27181 7f-3b   c2    Atlantis       87+Hotline rear view racing (NoR) 
DeathInEffect     22602 58-5c   c2    BratPack       89 Triad picture&music 
DeathOrGlory      20497 07-b5   n1    -              -- Bilbo shoot? (couldnt thrust) 
DeathRide         46039 75-75   c2    AriolaSoft     87+TWGI walk&robb the train (PIC)<14b>
DeathStar         14438 ef-bb   n1    Rabbit         83 Anti-Rom84 atahead 
DeathWish.III     35172 d1-7f   c2    -              --+DanishGold22-8-87 walk&shoot 
Decathlon         22001 70-73   n1    Activision     84 Anti-Rom84 sport:athl.(NoR)<07b>
Declem            32693 c1-67   c3    DoubleDensity  90+Vision BEW jump 
Decstone          27283 ad-21   c3    LOGO           91+X-RAY/TSM10-25-91 logic 
DecstoneEditor    19653 ad-3f   c3    -              -- LooneyTunes level editor 
Decton            23453 50-10   c3    DoubleDensity  --+Genesis89 skill landing 
DeepSpace         12533 e9-73   c3    -              -- TRD  preview? 
Defcom            24104 b5-6d   c3    Quicksilva     86 Triad stAhead 
Defender          16648 6f-2f   n2    Atari          83 -    stlr (NoR) <10b>
Deflektor         31113 c8-2a   c3    Vortex         87+FCS  logic 
Deliverance       50176 6a-b4   n2    Hewson         90 -    action adventure  
Delta             46450 1d-fd   c3    Thalamus       87 -    str 
DeltaFighter      40913 01-e1   n2    Sys.editoriale--+BadBoys92 stu 
Demolition        18634 14-d6   c3    Kingsoft       87 TWG  TTW 
DemonsKiss        45773 04-b0   c3    -              --+TalentIkari walk&fight 
DemonsOfOsiris     4817 94-ce   n2    -              -- -    very simple stu 
Denarius          33964 5c-78   c4    Firebird       --+Hotline13-6-87 stu (PIC) 
Deneb             26569 5e-e8   c4    MagicDisk      89 Hotline stu 
Denga             14445 85-a7   c4    M.Pachea       89 Crush str 
DeriColors        24576?d3-2b   c8    DoubleDensity  90+Pandora/NorthEeast logic 
DesertDuel        13220 e1-d9   c4    J.Augustine    88 Hotline TEO shoot 
DesertFox         57603 2e-30   n2    SydneyDevel.   -- -    shoot (doesnt work ok) 
DesertFox.pic     11465 f0-ac   n2    ABC unlimited  -- -    intro picture
DesertHawk        44254 69-bd   n2    S.Bough        -- -    shopter stlr &pick pple 
DesignersPencil   18433 af-bd         Activision     84 -    utility: drawing shapes 
Destruct          45297 53-51   n2    PowerHouse     87+Ikari/Legend str 
DetectiveGame     44304 fe-e8   c4    APS            86 -    arc.adv. (NoR) 
DetroitInvader    26489 1f-19   n2    ArtConcepts    93 Epic stu (demo?) 
DevastatingBlow   23766 80-24   c4    -              --+Depredators/Glory boxing 
Deviants          24736 04-cc   c4    Players        87+4-2-88 walk&shoot 
Devil'sWheel      29250 52-f4   n2    -              -- -    collect honey (PIC) 
DevilsRevenge     25205?7e-a4   c8    M.Nietta       --+BeastieBoys30-5-89 stu 
Dhat              36694 95-45   c4    AlDukes        -- Hotline12-6-88 stu 
Di'sBaby          23858 21-39   n2    -              -- -    catch the drops 
Diablo            15282 33-1f   c4    ClassicImage   87 Wanderer logic skill 
Diamenty          31060 de-84   c4    Sonix          92+Chromance logic 
Diamond           35945 64-80   c5    Destiny        88 Ikari6-8-88 stAllAround 
DiamondDrop.bas    4653 37-7b   n2    -              -- -    catch the diamonds falling 
Dicky'sDiamonds   29442 f4-b6   n2    Shaughnessy    83 -    arcade; walk&hilight 
Dictator.bas      24454 77-31   n2    DKtronics      83 -    be a dictator 
DieAlienSlime     32681 4c-da   c5    Mastertronic   89+Talent BEW walk&shoot 
DiePyramide       46511 73-a1   n2    HansBoer       89 RFO8-3-89 platform room pass 
DigDug            16451 c7-9b   n2    Atari          83 -    dig and kill
Diggits           33810 82-22   c5    Markt&Technich 92 Pandora/Empire5-oct-92 logic 
DinkyDoo          26632 c4-c0   n2    SoftwareProjects84 -   arcade room pass&coll 
DinoEggs          30724 0b-d1   n2    Schroeder      83 -    rescue the dinosaurus 
DirtyMovie         6091 fa-5e   n2    -              -- -    sexy movie (German)<07a>
Discovery         32994 95-ed   c5    -              -- Triad19-dec-87 atAllAround (CITM) 
Ditris            37920 af-79   c5    -              -- Legend17-4-91/NEI17-Apr-91 tetris 
DizasterBlaster   30322 eb-b1   c5    -              -- Nato stu 
Dizzy.II.TrIsland 37006 d6-fe   c5    CodeMasters      +IkariTalent89 arc.adv.
DizzyBubble       34041 06-20   c5    CodeMasters    92+Talent92 platform clibming
DizzyCrystalKingd 50378 a4-1c   c5    VisualImpact   92+NEi  arc.adv 
DizzyDice         16733 7b-2d   c5    -              -- Faze7 slot machine 
DizzyDownTheRapid 43879 80-ea   c6    CodeMasters    91+Talent92 crashed when game starts 
DizzyPanic        22272 96-10   c6    CodeMasters    91+Sharks/Excellence arcade (PIC)
DizzyPrinceOTYolk 42027 82-18   c6    CodeMasters    --+Deadline/Empire15-nov-91 arc.adv. 
DnaWarrior        42481 50-26   c6    AAron          89+Hotline25-2-89 str 
DocDestroyer      51046 11-71   n2    -              --+Evil87 man2man fight 
DoctorWho         50436 f6-dc   n3    -              -- -    arcade adv; walk the cave 
DoctorWho.II      49913?db-65   n3    -              -- -    arc.adv.; walk in the lab 
DodgyGeezers      38917 fd-2f   c6    -              -- WCC  TA 
Dogfight.2187     35257?44-0c   c8    starlight      87 Trianon1-4-87 stu 
Dominion          47838 e3-29   c6    -              -- Dom  stAhead 
DonaldDuck        42311 69-65   n3    -              -- ABCCrack earn money and buy 
DonaldTheHero     12971 05-8f   c6    F.Abbin        88 Bros coll&avoid 
DonkeyKong        30722 00-00   n3    -              -- -    platform level pass
DonkeyKong.II     28934 1a-e0   c6    Ocean          86 Jabba31-12-86 (PIC) sequel 
DonkeyKong.Ninten 16641 b8-3c   n3    Nintendo       83 -    platform level pass 
DonkeyKongJr.     14469?85-01   n3    Nintendo       -- -    young Donkey Kong 
Doriath           44190 4d-a9   n3    Virgin         --*-    arc.adv. coll&spells 
DoubleBreakout    12416 ca-9e   c6    -              -- Burp 2pl. TTW 
DoubleTake        47828 c9-4b   c6    Ocean          -- -    stlr 
DoubleTrouble     42320 11-43   c7    R.Toegel       91+Empire92 logic 
Doughboy          35923 85-f1   c7    Synapse        84 -    war arc. (NoR) 
DP'sSexQuest      35517 68-34   c7    -              -- -    TA (NoR) 
Dr.Watt            4909 d2-1e   n3    A.Hall         -- -    simple labyrinth; shoot 
Draconus          44420 db-89         
DracsterCrash.bas  6079 d9-71   n3    JD&PT          -- -    side view drive (Slo)<03b>
Dragon.bas        10092 7f-59   n3    AWO            -- -    find the dragon(Slo)<04a;02b>
DragonHawk        24845 8a-5c         
DragonRiders      41898 84-cc         
DragonsDen        16644 46-16   n3    Commodore      83 -    srcade-stages (NoR) 
DragonsKingdom    42296 d6-5e   c7    Genias         90+Fyogi/Destiny G&G clone 
DragonSkulle      40665 72-d6         
DreamBall         31884 5b-25         
DreamRider        32209 e3-8d         
DreamWarrior      40626 c7-7f         
Drelbs            35560 05-55   n3    Synapse        84 -    arcade logic
Drink&Drown.bas   30067 d5-47   n3    -              -- -    Drink; menus 
Droid             37896 0e-72         
DroidDreams       44168 43-1b         
Droids            44121 17-35         
DropZone          41128 70-f6   n3    U.S.Gold       84 -    stlr
Druid             44275 84-5e   c7    Firebird       -- DynamicDuo13-9-86 (PIC)
Druid             50443 b3-e1   n3    Firebird       -- -    forest walk&shoot 
Druid.II          40275 14-e8   c7    Firebird       --+Triad sequel (hi-score save)
Druid.II          56026 c1-3f   n3    Firebird        
DruidsMoon        43475 4a-16         
DruidsMoonAdv     47774?e3-07   c8    C.A.Sharp      -- MenAtWork15-4-88 TA 
DT.Supertest      50737 e4-da   c7    -              --+Trianon sport disciplines 
Duckula           30974 4b-a7   c7    CDSGadueHall   89+IkariTalent room walk coll.adv.
Duckula.II        36204 2b-cb         
DuelAttack        22930 da-2c         
DuelStrike        22728 99-5d   c7    5thDimension   --+RedSector logic (PIC) 
DukesOfHazard     23370 5d-cf         
DuoBlaster        44087 2a-9c         
Duonoid            9707 4c-26         
Duotris           29612 2c-c4         
DylanDog          47707 c8-5c         
DynamicDuo        34297 c6-38   c7    -              -- GE   arc.adv. 
DynamiteDan       50373 fc-6a   n3    Mirrorsoft     85 -    arcade 
Dynamix           27006 43-ad         
Dynamoid          42901 f7-39         
Dystopia          23147 b7-65         
E       E
E-motion          27195 14-ba         
E.T.bas            5637 83-0f   n1    SunSoft        83 -    puzzle <07b>
EagleEmpire       24124 03-09         
Eagles            46751 61-a7   n1    Hewson         87 -    stl 
Echolon           48070 bd-f5   c2    -              -- -    sim. SITMOTH <11b>
Eclipse           42301 7a-f0         
EddieKiddJumpCh   31192 af-e3   n1    Martech        84 -    bike 
EddTheDuck        39771 de-be         
EggCup            40875 4d-9b         
EggMan            33206 0a-f8         
Einstein          20775 f3-2b         
Eldorado.bas       4207 42-16   n1    -              -- -    trade market? (nordish?) 
Election'87       47385 86-6c         
ElectroWorld      21464 9f-5f         
ElektraGlide      49433 fa-68         
Elektrix          32645 b6-66         
ElevatorAction    37561 93-95         
Elidon            33530 1e-78   n1    Orpheus        -- -    arcade adventure 
Eliminator        51169 2d-c9   c1    Hewson         88 Zenith/ATC space highway <22b>
Elite             48131 e8-4e   n1    Braben-Bell    85 YAK  3D trade & fight simulator
Elite.Deutsch     50416 7c-c6   n1    Brabem-Bell    85 -    german version
Eliza              9380 9b-c1         
ElvenWarrior      43130 e0-dc         
EmeraldIsle       48396 6f-f7   n1    Level 9        85 -    TA 
EmeraldMine.II    41938 c8-d2   n1    Kingsoft       88 CompuShop BDclone +editor
EmilioButrageno   41723 20-24         
EmlynHughesSoccer 44890 15-33   c1                      RTI  soccer manager&simulator 
EmpireOfKarn      44760 22-f6         
EmpireStrikesBack 40769 43-d7   c1    Domark           + ??  shoot em all
Enclave           32457 c3-97   c1    Nationsoft     87 Hotline11-5-87 stu  
Encounter         20263 5c-ee   c1    Novagen        84 -    3d shoot strategy (NoR) 
Endless           42086 77-8d   n1    Milano Pier    86 -    fly chopter and shoot 
EnduroRacer       49682 1f-89   n1    Activision-Sega87 -    motor bike sim 
EndZone           29568 fd-8d         
Energy            35134 7a-a0         
Energy Warrior    44489 6d-dd   c1                      NukeBusters&Society88  stlr 
Enforcer          31612 7a-6c   c1    Arcade         87 GCX  Shoot adventure 
EnigmaForce       56383 31-d5   n1    -Denton        -- -    arcade adventure 
EnigmaForceConSet 40059 5f-1b   n1    -              -- -    edit your own Enigma Force 
Enoch.Dungeon     43035 f4-96         
Enterprise.bas     6022 a5-89   n1    -              -- -    menu adv. (German) <10b>
EnterTheNinja     44451 28-28         
Entombed          47404 73-61         
Eoroid            16286 fb-cd         
Epilepsy.Demo     30642 5e-58   c1    Spidey    KnightsOfFortune  demo musics 
Epsilon.4         34556 6c-54         
Equalizer         42366 ad-41   n1    Gax game       86 7769 fire n forget 
Equestrian        49564 48-0c   n1                      -    show jumping 
EquinoxSpecial    49982?93-f1   n1    Fingers        -- TheDway room travel
Erebus            46749 47-61   n1    -              -- -    str 
ErikTheViking     34159 77-6d   n1    Section 8      -- -    TA 
Eruca             18693 af-57         
Escape            27834 04-c0         
EscapeFColditz.1  12092 db-fd   c1                      -    Intro and creditz
EscapeFColditz.2  39370 10-7c   c1
EscapeFDoomWorld  30426 ab-61   n1    Illusion       85 AOKInc. plat.coll.room pass
EscapeFParadise   35087 24-ac   c2    
EscapeFromArth    43628 52-a4         
EscapeFromNewYork 45041 4b-e3         
EscapeFTDarkPrison22254 ff-fb   c2    Systems        90 Spatters8-5-90/ZeBest room walk 
EscapeMCP          9473 8b-23   n2    Comm*Data      83 -    labyrinth arcade <10b> 
EscapePlanet      44587 4e-b2         
EscapeZooman      15951 e9-f1         
Espionage         45863 2d-3d         
Espital           19510 0c-78   n2    ANTI-ROM       84 -    stu 
EuroBoss          32670 16-dc         
EuroChamps        17835 0b-85         
EuroFootball      33869 68-78         
EuropaGeography   37121 04-84   n2    Radarsoft      84 Gen  learn about Europe<10a>
EuropanKartta     34038 42-46         
Eventyr           23360 11-fb         
EventyrSpill.bas  23360 11-fb   n2                   -- -    TA
Everyone'sAWally  43913 2f-a1         
Everyone'sAWally  43913 2f-a1   n2    Mikro-gen      -- Visionaire  arcade adventure
EvilCrown         49332 d4-50   n2                      -    strategy 
EvilDead          51202 bd-b3   n2    Palace         -- -    BEW shoot in the castle 
Evolution         33286 fb-07   n2    Sydney DC      82 -    Live the evolution arcade 
ExecutiveGolf     46321 b0-78         
Exile             49054 20-1e         
Exolon            30343 e3-67   c2    Hewson 87+Fairlight walk&shoot
Experiment        33742 b0-9e         
Expire            34339 6e-d2         
Explanation       36661 8e-9c         
ExplodingFist     40546 a2-b0   c2                      -    karate 
ExplodingFist+    44167 6a-0a   c2                      BloodSuckers89 karate 
ExplodingWall     23055 05-25         
Explorer          27911 dc-de   c2    ElectricDreams87 WCC  strategy adventure 
Explosion         26240 dd-bb         
ExpressRaider     42833 f6-7a   c2    -              --+Hotline8-3-87 train robb.
Extreme           48388 0f-11         
EyeGame           24367 45-5b         
F       F
F1.Tornado        36083 42-8a         
F40Pursuit        35450 70-5c         
FabulousWanda     27074 f1-21   n1    GamesMachine   83 -    space menus adv.
FACup'87          35588 3f-e3         
FairlightAPrelude 43172 fd-b9   n1    Edge           -- -    arcade adventure
FairOrFoul        43394 a6-7a         
Falcon            49110 e5-1f         
Falcon-C.IntCPT   25414 8f-29         
FalconPatrol      17157 bb-eb   n1    Virgin         83 -    airplane stlr <07b>
FalconPatrol.II   24579 9c-f2   n1    Virgin         84 -    airplane stlr
FalconQ           26209 58-50         
FalconQuest.bas   26209 58-50   n1    Stefan    24/5/86  -   TA
FallGuy           30753 e2-78         
Fantasy           29966 fd-0b         
FastEddie          9311 11-7d   n1    Sirius         82 -    arcade; rem.Antiram mess.
FastFuture        38055 db-f9         
FatherChristmas   39370 8b-95         
FBI                6079 02-a6         
Federation        48031 9e-42         
FernandezMustDie  47360 bd-35   c1    Imageworks     88+Legend16.9.88 stu NR
FernandezMustDie. 10044 40-70   c1    Image;Ratt     88 -    pic
Fetris            46940 c3-87         
Feud              51122 44-22         
FifthQuadrant     31263 37-b1   c1    BubbleBus      87 Relax room walk&shoot 
FightDrive        33034 0a-98         
FighterPilot      49166 93-df   n2    -              -- -    flight sim. <13b>
FightingHardware  13907 fc-b2         
FightingWarrior   61673 e8-b4         
FileCipher         8600   -           GrandRascal    89 -    encipher/unenchipher utility
FinalConquest     26629 f4-00   n2    CargoRun       -- -    coll/shoot<07a>
Finale            26633 05-4d         
FinalEncounter    49332 08-1c         
FindersKeepers    43271 b7-ef   n1    Mastertronic   -- -    platform arcade adventure
FireAnt           17125 4e-14   n1    Mogul          83 -    level arcade
Firebug           16545 16-7a         
FireGalaxy        17031 c9-f3         
Firelord          46077 fc-c4         
FiremanSam        39505 54-be         
FireOne           17531 78-8c   n1    Epyx           -- -    submarine; SeaFox like
Firepit           43776 81-83         
FirePower         24394 48-0e         
Firequest         34425 56-c2   n1    cr.Section8    84 -    platform skill game
FireTrack         48392 f6-18         
Firetrap          32284 77-83         
FirstDVSNManager  47232 95-0d         
FirstSamurai      47216 31-af         
FirstStarfighter  18569 3a-c4   c1    cr.TdDen 14-7-86 +-    staround in space
FirstStrike       41720 e8-1c         
Fist.II           48288 22-22         
FiveAside         40501 68-d6   n1    Artworx/cr.Anirog -    sport: arcade soccer
FiveInARow        34601 6a-00         
Fizz              12839 90-94         
Flak              45954 22-68   n1    Funsoft        84 -    stu
Flappy            17565 6c-b2         
FlaschBier.II     18808 20-d0   n1    -              --*Track12(13Fri87) BD variation<13a>
FlashDance.music   5130 56-da   n1    -              -- -    background music <06a>
FlashFlood        10073 b0-d0         
FlashGordon       45509 4f-fb         
Flex              33955 74-aa         
FlightDeck        42067 85-59         
FlightPath737     36865 27-7d   n1    Anirog         84 -    simulation: flight
FlightSimulator   49244 7b-17         
Flintstones       47372 de-a2   n1    -              -- -    arc.adv. (PIC) <05b>
FlipAndFlop       31489 21-ab   n1    FirstStar      84 -    logic arcade (PIC) <01a>
FlipperConstruct  24841 36-7e   n1    -              -- -    design yer own flipper<10a>
FlowerMan         10791 3b-eb         
Flowers            3807 85-cf         
FloydTheDroid     32918 2f-39         
FlyerFox          39533 82-a0         
FlyingAce         12509 64-9e   n1    AvalonHill     83 -    stlr from airplane <02a>
FlyingFeathers    11269 d7-85   n1    BubbleBus      84 -    take'em out like
FoolsGold.bas     30530 2e-b0   n2    MicroCopy      -- -    TA
FootballerOTYear  36159 a9-ab   n2    Gremlin        86 O.I.O86 Sport: soccer manag.arcade
FootballerOTYear2 41689 db-27         
FootballManager   36776 12-86   n2    AddictiveGames    -    sport: soccer manager
FootballManagerWC 28844 cc-08         
FootballStrategy. 25329 ba-72   n2    AvalonHill     -- -    sport: manager
FootballTrainer   16813 12-2c         
ForbiddenCity.bas 12143 d5-77   n2    -              -- -    TA <04a><02b>
ForbiddenForest   28772 61-5d   n2    Cosmi          -- -    arcade archery <02a>
ForbiddenForrest3 42798 6c-78         
Force             50228?d3-63   n2    -              -- -    strategy
ForceOne          11618 06-ca   c1    cr.CCS            CCS18-may-87 str
ForceSeven         9984   -           SiliconForce15-2-87    pass intro?
Forester          36274 fc-da         
FortApocalypse    38803 0a-b4   n2    Synapse        82 -    chopter arcade
Fortress          17694 d2-7c         
Foton             17682 87-f9         
FoxFightsBack     45840 d2-ae         
Frankenstein      35891 24-ce         
Frankie           58491 fc-54         
Frantic           24451 09-f1         
FranticFreddie    35470 6d-8b   n2    cr.Herzog      84 GCS  platform coll. <04a>
FreakFactory      57035 3b-bd         
FreakyFishPV      17825 8f-19         
Fred              34834 e9-4f   n2    cr.Phantoms    -- -    arcade adventure
FreddyHardest     23844 4b-83         
FreddyHardest.II  32157 3a-c2         
FredFeuerstein    17923 1f-a3         
Freeway           18331 0e-e6         
FrenchVerbs.bas    2864 4c-f4   n2    -              -- -    learn french
Frenesis          11250 2f-e9   c1    T.Tanolshi     87 Hotline29-6-87 shoot
Frenzy            29765 cb-1d   n2    MicroPower     -- -    Stix like
FridayThe13th     44151 41-c7   n2    -              -- -    arcade adventure
FrightMare        50010 c0-c2   c1    Cascade          +Hotline23-2-88 arcade platform
Froehn            41190 30-88         
Frog.bas           6746 8a-fc   n2    -              -- -    simple skill <04a>
Frogger           22778 95-2b   n2    Sega           81 -    simple arcade (NoR) <07b>
Frogger'93        22016 0d-5d         
Frogger.II        17814 03-31   n2    ParkerBrothers- DanishCrackers simple arcade
FrogJumper        17774 77-33   c1    -              -- FCS  frogger like CWP
FrogMaster         8267 88-98   n2    Commodore      83 -    strategy board like game
FrogRun            9220 40-dc   n2    Jeff           -- -    frogger like
FrontBall         23961 49-55         
Frontier          48636 4a-88         
Frostbyte         31117 62-b6   c1    -              -- DCS28-1-87 arcade logic room pass
FruitBank         24701 da-ca         
FruitMachine.II   38961?3c-78   c1    -              -- Dom/Exodus gambling: slot machine
FruitMania        34434 46-48         
Fungus            49775 5d-69   n2    K.Hornell-Plyrs86 -    arcade walk right
Fury              27195 38-b2         
FutureAsteroids   46128 ac-7e         
FutureKnight      46080?49-2d   c1     Gremlin       86 DS-Compware walk&shoot
FutureRace        13632 82-5a         
G       G
G-Force           28289 c8-88   n1    cr.Bytebreaker    -    stu
G-Loc             29387 32-20         
Gaertner           4227 3a-22   n1    Commodore      82 -    simple arcade (NoR)<07a>
GalacticChaos     29758 1c-14         
GalacticHonoris   38914 23-59   n1    -              -- -    stAllAround
GalactyForce      44815 7a-9e         
Galaga            11196 95-bf   n1    H.Wening       82 -    SpaceInvaders like
Galaga-color      13570 51-d7   n1    color flash       -    SpaceInvaders like
Galaxian           8244 a3-3f   n1    Atari          83 -    SpaceInvaders like
Galaxions         15618 4e-ca   n1    Solar          83 -    SpaceInvaders like
Galaxis           28924 04-3e         
Galaxy            18544 b2-48   n1    Kingsoft       83 -    SpaceInvaders like <01a>
GalaxyBirds       23525 98-70   n1    Firebird       86 -    stu
GalaxyCop         28448 e7-87         
GalaxyCPoker      41505 89-8b         
Galivan           31825?32-04   n1    Mihoneussan    85 cr.1001 walk&shoot
GameMaster        23172 fd-a7         
GameOver          50624 fb-af   n1    -              -- -    shooting adventure
GameOver.II.p1    37669 62-74   c1    Dinamic        88+Ikari16-9-88 str
GameOver.II.p2    38068 2c-0c   c1    Dinamic        88+Ikari16-9-88 shooting adventure
GamePack          35335 a8-36         
GamesTrainer.S8     721   -
GameWithNoName    17288 c1-17         
Gandalf           44219 60-9a         -              -- -    arcade shooting adventure 
Gangbusters       22426 aa-60   n1    Prickey-pear   82 -    gang manager
Gangster          44808 d6-78         
Garfield.BigFatHa 49739?a7-bd   n1    TheEdge        87 NinjaSoft88 arc.adv.
GaryLineker       34033 ac-5e         
GatesOfDawn       51202 b3-a7         Virgin         85 -    room walk
GatewayToApshai   16464 1c-fc   n1    Epyx           84 -    labyrinth coll.
Gauntlet.1        49971?95-93   n1    -              -- -    shoot
Gazza             23569 fd-5b         
Gazza.II          44683 9d-ed         
GC'sStrongmanChl  37857 7c-02   n1    cr.Wasp        85 -
GeeBeeAirRally    47889?f2-e6   n2    -              -- -    backview flying <11b>
Genesis           28740 14-ae   n1    DataSoft       -- -    shoot (PIC) <01b>
GeoDestruct       46054 20-a0         
GeoffCapes        45557 57-a5         
GerryTheGerm      48056 1e-e4         
GetReady          24947 af-2b         
GG.100mSlith      11964 e2-16   c1    -              -- UCD/oct worm race up'n down
Ghettoblaster     49648 28-ac         -              -- -    arcade adventure 
Ghostbusters      38509 b9-27   n1    Activision     84 cr.TBC arc.adv.action <01a>
GhostDriver       36746 ff-cd         
GhostHunt         10499 eb-ff   n1    Commodore      83 -    catch the ghosts <07b>
Ghostland         38915 0c-78         -              -- -    arcade (italian) 
GhostOfShilmore   27423 aa-f8         
Ghosts'nGoblins   47881 e7-0d         Elite          86 -    stlr progress adv. 
GhostsNGoblins.1.p24196 1f-7f         Elite          86 -    part1: pic + loads graphics
GhostsNGoblins.2  36300 52-5a         Elite          86 -    part2: arcade shoot
GhostTown         41601 af-17         
Ghosty.bas         6679 41-53         LeslieWigmore  84 -    simple arcade 
Ghouls            29712 49-7d         MicroPower     -- Anti-rom'84 platform (NoR) 
GiannaSisters     43086 ca-7c   c1    TimeWarp       87+StrikeForce10/1/88 jump&run
GiannaSisters.Gitt42934 40-02         cr.Htl         -- -    Gitty.II; new levels
GirlsWantFun      18369 e7-19         Shilmore       -- -    erotic 
GirlTest          27107 d6-c6   c1    -              -- TFO87 get t/right girl (PIC)<13a>
Gladiator         39507 3d-6f   n1    Niwa           -- -    fight 
GliderPilot       31629 ca-c0         -              -- -    flight simulator 
GliderRider       42627 17-05         QuickSilva     86 WCC3/11/86 arcade adv.(PIC)  
GlobeTrotter      33865 fe-a2         
Gnome             38729 03-25   n2    W.Hofacker     84 cr.RF platform arcade
GnomeRanger.1     48543 b4-b2         
GnomeRanger.2     48238 49-fb         
Gobot'sStory      53334 2c-b4         
Gods&Heroes       36037?23-63   n2    SteveBak       -- -    walk
GoForIt           11392 08-68         
GogoTheGhost      47481 f5-07         
GoldFever          8402 d8-6a         
GoldRunner.prw    26943 4c-70   c1    -                 -    stu
GolfAbrasco       27207 c1-5b   n2                      -    sport: simulation
GolfMaster        46406 91-85         
GoodnesGracious    7785 aa-7e         
Gordon'sTomb      42641 0a-a2         
Gorf              16626 be-06   n2    Commodore      83 -    stu Invaders like <04a>
Gotcha            30229 d5-77         
Gothic            50538 1d-d3         
GraemeSouness     31079 f6-d6         
GrandLarc         35613 18-34         -              -- GCG18.11.87 arcade TA <15b>
GrandLarceny      24485 71-e1         
Grandmaster       11281 e5-d9   n2    KingSoft       82 -    chess
GrandPrix         21373 fb-df   c1    -                 Fairlight20/6 sport: sim.bikes
GrandPrixCircuit  45527 eb-af   c1    Accolade       88 -    F1; Silverstone 
GrandPrixManager  25002 aa-5c         
GrandPrixTennis   24074 ae-d4         
GrangeHill        44355 6a-ce   c1    cr,Plutonium   -- -    menu adventure
GraphicAdvCreator 35456 e9-0d         Incentive      -- TCI  util: adv. creator<15b>
GraveRobbers.bas   8470 1a-fe   n2    B.Robinson     82 -    TA
GreatBurgerRace   26162 bc-10         
GreatCourts       43234 54-7e         
GreatEscape       42297 c9-41   c1    -                 Madness14/4/87 escape from camp
GreatGurianos     52453 96-40         
GreatRoadRace     44290 4b-fb   n2    GreatAmericanCrossCountryRoadRace out run like
GreenBeret        49939?ee-dc   n2    Konami         -- cr.DynamicDuo str; walk&levelpass
GrellAndFalla     40114 30-e2         
Gremlins.adv      50928 70-22         -                 DanishCr. TA 
Gremlins.atari    33460 2a-4a   n2    Atari/WB       84 -    simple arcade
Greyfell          36022?6e-16   c2    -              -- Plutonium arc.adv (SITMOTG)
GreyfellLegend    40496 fe-ca         
GrfxJump          13952 71-79         
Gribbly'sDayOut   43009 2a-58   n2    Hewson         85 -    arcade (CITMOTG)
Gribbly'sSpecialD 30462 2a-58   c2    Hewson         86 Madness16-5-87 arcade
Gridder            9415 17-fb   n2    -                *-    logic arcade <01a>
GridRunner32768    4098 07-e5         
GridTrap          36415 72-ec   n2    LiveWire       83 -    logic <04a>
Gringos           44096 53-ed         
GrogsRevengeBC's  49410 f2-68   n2    Sydney         84 -    skill arcade fun
GroundSnipe       11011 cd-c5   n2    Inmates        -- -    take em out
Grunts            27786 7b-93         
Gryphon           41812 8d-af   n2    Quicksilva     -- -    stlr (NoR)
Gryzor            42682 08-ee   c2    cr.Zenith      88 Zenith stlr
GuadalCanal       31907 5d-7f         
GullRush.bas       8118 8f-61   n2    -                 -    arcade (language?)
GullyJumper        6989 0f-7b         
Gulper            12802 96-22   n2    E.Petermeier   -- -    pacMan like <06a>
GunBoat           42637 4c-a4   c2    Piranha        -- TDF  shoot strategy (PIC)<11b>
GunBoat.docs       2579 d3-e7   c2    DeadlyFriends  -- -    game directions<11b>
GunCity           22279 07-9b         
GunDogs           25858 59-f9   n2    -              -- Antisoft84 be a dog;get the ducks
GunFighter        19509 7f-3d         
GunRunner         23866 ff-31         
Guns'nRoses       36677 2e-74         
Gunstar           32992 eb-75   c2    R.M.Kay        87 Plutonium10/4/87 stu
Guradian          24091 bf-ad   n2    crProbyte 14-6-84 -    stlr <07b>
Gustav            27520 0c-50         
GuttBlaster       24710 f3-27         
Gutz              49302 2e-62         
GypsumCave.I.bas  13271 81-21         BrianWagner    -- -    TA 
GypsumCave.II.bas 13403 9a-20   n2    BrianWagner    -- -    TA
GypsumCave.III.ba 13314 9d-fd   n2    BrianWagner    -- -    TA
Gyropod           43994 d2-7c         
Gyroscope.1       44549 dc-2a   n2    Catalystcoders'85 -    Spindizzy like
Gyroscope.2       42557 21-27         
Gyroscope.3       37656 e8-74   n2                      -    Spindizzy like
Gyroscope.4       29440 7a-ee   c2    cr.Dom.        87 Dominators10/2/87 Spindizzy like
Gyroscope.II      42557?02-66   n2    AlfiSoft       -- 1001 Spindizzy like
Gyruss            16472 2c-e2   n2    Parker cr.RLA  -- -    stahead
H       H
H.E.R.O.          20225 2d-0b   n1    Activision     85*LordVader level pass 2D arcade
Hacker            29204 15-db   n1
Hacker.docs.txt    2473 af-53   n1
Hacker.II         39811 c6-a8   n1
Hades             16525 01-17         
HadesNebucca      38043 fb-cf   c1    -              -- Trianon1/6/87 stu
HadesNebula       50243 fa-5e   n1    Paranoid       87 -    stu
Halcyon           33590 0b-e9         
HalfPipe          50022 da-6c         
Hallax            16653 c5-f1         
HallsOfDeath.bas  26840 55-d3   n1    S.Sargaison    83 -    maze strategy
HallsOfTheThings  12110 51-99   c1    DesignDesign   --+Fairlight arcade adv. (NoR)
HangMan.bas        5983 ba-ac   n1    -              -- -    simple <10a>
Hangman.II        22209 e2-ae         
HansKloss         41372 c6-a4   c1    Avalon         93+Success/Demonix army adv. 
HappiestDays      34536 ee-b8         
HappyHacker       25254 a3-4f         
HardBall          35034 71-1f         
HardHatMack       38914 ac-c4   n1    ElectronicArts83 -     platform arcade (NoR)
HardNHeavy        40704?54-12   c1    -              -- ByteRapers GiannaSisters sequel
HardWork          27295 56-64         
HarrierAttack     14309 1a-5e   n1    cr.greatCrack  -- -    simple stlr
HarveyHeadbanger  31283 9e-4c   n1    Firebird       86 Stars 2play skill (PIC)
HatTrick          56104 ab-55   n1    BallySente     87 Papillons16-1-88 sport: ice hockey
HauntedHouse      36354 69-41   n2    Alligata       83 -    arcade avoid <07a>
Havoc             19450 e8-40         
Havoc.new         49724 fb-6d         
Hawaii.demo.bas    5907 79-7b   n1    -              -- -    funny text cartoon <10b>
HawkStorm         40448 5f-71         
HazarAction       29312 ce-4a         
Headache          26451 8b-ab   n1    Firebird       84 -    shoot&coll.(PIC)
HeadKarate        26014 78-e0         
HeadOn            28677 28-4c   n1    A.Haar         83 -    simple skill car drive
HeadOverHeels     45448   -           Ocean          --+Relax arc.adv <15b>
HeadOverHeels     49864 e4-64   c1    Ocean          -- Shield22-5-87 arc.adv
Heartland         29611 d5-8f   c1    OCG            86 Triad arcade searching adventure
HeathCliff        27520?0c-50   n1    R.Bobio        84 Indy plat.
HeavenBound.prw   36352 ed-7d   c1    Cosmos-design  93 Chromance/Coders arcade clibming
Heist             30734 96-86   n1    MicroFun       84 -    platform coll.arcade
Hektic            42965 90-06         
Hektic.II         30528 9f-c1         
HelikopterJagd    41972 cb-6f         
HeliRescue        47509 c5-1f         
HellFighter       30208 39-9f         
Hellgate          11777 3c-98   n1    Llamasoft      84 -    stallaround
HellsBells         8960 e2-06   n1    W.Dunczewski   -- -    platform bell ringing (Ger.)
HelterSkelter     48204 65-e9         
Henry'sHouse      47185 d8-d2         
Henry'sHouse      47185 d8-d2   n1    English        84 -    platform coll.
HerbertsDummyRun  29072 d5-75   n1    -              -- -    arc.adv.
Hercules          36354 c0-04   n2    Phantoms/Interdisc84-platform arcade
Herobotics        39449 94-2e         
HeroQuest.II      33818 6e-14         
HexenKueche       48018 e3-a3   n2    cr.Megabyte    -- MegaByte be a witch and cook(Ger.)
Hexpert           25381 1e-2e   n2    Anirog         83 -    highlight the squares
Hi-Q-Quiz         22377 3d-49         
HiBouncer         30724 af-f9   n2    Mirrorsoft     84 -    move around and avoid enemies
HighFront         24715 44-50         
Highlander.L1     46820 c8-46   n2    -              -- Triad 2play sword fight
Highlander.L2     46089 39-51   n2    -              -- Triad 2play sword fight
Highlander.L3     41448 dd-ff   n2    -              -- Triad 2play sword fight
HighMemory        36093 2e-9a         
Highnoon          34512 0a-36   n2    cr.Nova        84 -    saloon shootout
HighRoller        48643 ad-ed         
HighwayEncounter  50450 f8-ea   n2    Vortex         85 -    3D shoot
Hirnris           11293 c2-5e         
Hiskado           27987 44-6c         
HitBall           21600 75-a5         
Hobbit            50048 ed-dc   n2    -Microprose    -- -    TA
HobGoblin         19847 4d-07         
HocusFocus        29780 92-7a         
Hodoshi           28447 8d-a1         
Hogan'sAlley      44086 06-1e         
HoleInOne         33728 25-eb         
HolidayGames      35328 34-f0         
HollywoodBust     54052 87-6d         
Honda.AGV         31410 44-b6   n2    -              -- -    sport: bikes (Italian)
HongKongPhooey    32048 c3-2f         
Hoppin'Mad        30219 14-72   c1    Elite          88 Xakk level pass-jumping ball
Hoppin'Mad.pic     6217 6c-dc   c1    Elite          88 -    picture before the game
HoraceGoesSkiing  37863 11-75         
HotAir            28325 f8-94         
HotFood           15486?d6-80   n3    v.Wiever       85 -    catch&avoid <10a>
HotPop            48175 6b-cb         
HotPop            48175 6b-cb   n2    cr.PCB         -- TCB12-1-87 platform coll.
HotShot           32198 eb-8d         
HouseJackBuilt    22806 14-8a   n2    cr.Joey        85 -    arc. avoid&coll. <13a>
HouseMess         12574 bc-d6         
HouseOfUsher      33286 26-92   n2    Kingsoft`      84 cr.U.B. platform arcade
HovardDuck.II     25248 ef-57   c1    -              -- -    walk and shoot
HoverBovver       16449 d2-c2   n2    Llamasoft      83 -    BEW mowing the lawn <01a>
HoverRaider       27322 d3-03   c1    Alf Yngve      --+Troep stu
HowzatCricket     22915 7d-ed   n2    -              -- -    sport: 3D cricket
Hubschrauber10.ba 15132 ed-11   n2    F.Jahnke       -- -    sim.(german) <10b>
Hubschrauber11.bs 16740 50-06   n2    F.Jahnke       -- -    sim.(german) <03b>
Hulk              41499 d5-9b         
Humanoids         51201 52-c0   n2    M.Twigg        86 -    stl
HumbaCheese       16160 68-20         
HunchBack         30772 01-bf   n3    Ocean          -- -    2D screen pass arcade
Hunchback.II      30665 fe-fe   n3    Ocean          -- -    2D coll. level pass arcade
HunchbackAtOI     30846?20-62   n3    -              -- -    sport: running...
HungryHorace      18575 db-e5   n3    Beam           83 -    PacMan variation
Hunter'sMoon      33157 14-44         
HunterPatrol      15147 ba-16         
HuntForRedOctober 42105 1d-f1   c1    -              -- -    strategy, menus...
HuntHigh          13469 89-47         
Hustler           12289 58-32   n3    BubbleBus      -- -    sport: billiards
Hydra             34454 1b-c5         
HypaBall          39614 68-8c   c1    Odin           -- cr.Mash ball sport (german) (PIC)
HyperActive       23660 10-48         
HyperAgressive    42068 05-89         
HyperBiker        42834 1e-da   n3    T.Stoddart     -- -    2D biking
HyperBlob         25117 d3-45         
HyperCircuit      28187 3f-b7   n3    Alligata       85 ABC85 BEW drive (CITMOTG)
HyperHen           6633 9d-05   n3    Luna           83 -    BEW simple coll.&highlight
HyperRace         33387 b8-68         
HyperSports       39019 d6-ac   c1    Konami/Imagine84 -     sport: running, ...
Hysteria          43050 00-c0   c1    -              --+Silents871009 fight'em lr
I       I
I-Alien           38012 b8-5a         
I-Ball            32062 b5-0f         
I-Ball.II         37783 82-4c   c1    Firebird       --+Ikari3/8/87 sta
I-Xera            26599 d6-54         
Iceball            8128 98-48         
IceBlaster        35393 eb-cf         
IceHockeyManager  12864 62-a2         
IcePalace.run     15748 e7-65   n1    Ktel           84 -    platform arcade
IceTemple         40539 a8-6e         
IceTitans          6523 a5-2b         
IcicleWorks       44013 34-d0   n1    Commodore      85 -    BD-like
Icups             49615 67-ef   n1    Thor           86 -
IJ.TempleOfDoom   46525 54-9c   n1    -              -- -    Indiana Jones &TOD <11a>
IJ.TempleOfDoom.d  7208 d1-2f   n1    Hotline        -- -    docs <11a>
IkariWarriors     42692 46-90         
Ikarus            34905 81-d7         
Iketa             42199 bd-d5         
Ilse              24014 95-61         
Imhotep           29937 22-64         
Impact            29418 af-2f   c1    Audiogenic     88 Hotline23-2-88 TTW(PIC)
Imperium          40571 12-ca         
Imperoid          19204 92-46         
ImposibleMission  48153 a3-9b   n1    -              --+woodysoft action adventure
ImpossiBubble     35670 15-b3         
Indiana           48962 6b-ab   n1    W.Schonzggz    85 Jazzcat85 plat.coll.
IndianAtack18432  18530 82-c4   n1    Anirog         83 -    take'em out
IndianPoker.bas    6244 df-2f   n1    -              -- -    cards (Slovene) <03b>
Indoor.AirHockey  42150 d9-a9         
IndoorSports.1    45863 97-47         
IndoorSports.2    45197 69-fb         
IndyHeat          29550 64-82         
Infiltrator.II    39879?42-06   n1    -              -- 1001'86 arc.adv. 
Infiltrator.III   40359 07-ef   n1    -              -- ICG  3D war arcade adv.
Infodroid         51019 d3-97   n1    -              -- TMC  create
Inheritence       48637 52-0a         
InjuredEngine     36407 ea-32         
Ins               35635 6e-ae         
Insects           45067 05-c5         
InsideOuting      34698 27-dd         -              -- -    3D walk around the house<15b>
InspectorGadget   31915?a4-e8   c1    -              -- Trianon87 walk 
Instruction       35635 6e-ae   n1    -              -- SH85 learn how to fly
Int.Basketball    33025 37-d7   n1    Commodore      83 -    sport:side view <10a>
Int.Hockey        44566 e0-24   n1    Artworx        -- -    sport
Int.Karate+       47678 9a-ce   c1    -              -- TCS30-oct-87 karate sim. (PIC)
Int.Karate.egypt  46064   -           System 3       86 Radwar Egypt 
Int.Karate.Gizah  38837?fd-a3   n1    System 3       86 -    karate sim. Gizah;Rio
Int.Karate.Sydney 38987?96-f8   n1    System 3       86 -    karate sim. Sydney;NewYork
Int.Soccer        23297 60-54         
Int.Speedway      36148 63-39         
Int.SportsChalleng26477 47-d7         
Int.Tennis        30976 5c-e0   c1    Zeppelin       92 Illusion sprt:backview tennis(PIC)
Int.Tennis.C=     21249 c1-4d   n1    Commodore      84 -    sport: sideview tennis
Int.TruckRacing   40960 b6-98   c1    Zeppelin       93 Arm./Illusion12-3-93 BEW dr. (PIC)
Interchange       36191 4e-6a         
InterdictorPilot  25570 89-9b   n1    Supersoft      84 -    enter name and then?
IntoEaglesNest    31537 38-f4   c1    Pandora        -- Hotline/YUCS86 BEW war ar.shoot
Invaders          18689 9b-f3   n1    LiveWire       84 -    space invaders
Invision          31198 5e-b0         
IO                41242 17-57   c1    MineticDesign  87+Hotline25-3-87 str
IridisAlpha       46613?7c-d0   n1    JefMinter      -- DynamicDuo86 
Ironhand          35346 67-13         
IronHorse         39490 93-c3         
IronMaiden.pic    18433 32-c4   n1    Mike Salvia    -- -    shows a picture
IronMan           42422 92-56         
IS.TableHockey    42150 d9-a9   n1                           sport (c64: crash)
IslandOfDrDestruc 33623 d6-52   c1    Hotline        87+Hotline11-7-87 stAllAround 
ISS               36614 cf-1b   c1    4field4        --+Rawhead19-feb-89 3D platform ball
It'sAKnockout     41976 d3-55   c1    Ocean          86 -    arcade
ItalySoccer'90    46698 49-47         
J       J
J-Bird            38041 10-50         
JabcoJada         10226 2f-5b         
Jackle&Mr.Wide    19240 e4-38         
Jackpot.64        22801 b7-49   n1    cr.DogSoft        -    fruit machine
JackTheNipper     41434 bd-a9   c1    Gremlin        86 Flash be a naughty boy
JackTheNipper.II  33820 01-c3         
JagtenPaBubbersBa 43534 f2-48   c1    InteractiVision90 GHG/BMW (PIC) labyrinth coll. 
Jai Alai          43365 2b-57         
JaiAlai           34701 99-89         
JailBreak         33580 9f-c9   c1    -              --+TMC91(12-1-87) stAllAround
JamesBond         13955?8b-d1   n1    cr.Antiram     84 GCS  shoot <01b>
JamesBond.II      47250 44-74         
Jammin'           40198 a7-4b   n1    Taskset        83 -    arcade collecting
Jammin.II.BeatIt  38528 ee-cc   c1    Mastertronic   87 Ikari26-10-87 coll. music signs 
JawBreaker         8515 38-a8   n1    -                 -    pacman like
Jaws              48016 a5-bb         
JB.1.AViewToAKill 24120 3b-8f   n1    Domark         85 BronxCrackers <09a>
JB.2.TheParisChase44123 af-79   n1    Domark         85 -    <09a>
JB.3.TheCityHall  34994 4f-69   n1    Domark         85      <09a>
JB.4.TheMine      36066 7a-aa   n1    Domark         85      <09a>
JB.5.Finale       16694 4f-8f   n1    Domark         85      <09a>
JeepCommand       34224 da-06   n1    Argus          86 -    Moon buggy like+PIC
JerryTheWorm      24681 6f-67         
Jet               45059 e1-93         
Jet-BootJack      43469 ff-75   n1    English        83 -    platform
Jetboys           35435 1b-dd         
JetCombatSim      48849 a6-e0         
JetPac            12191 44-92   n1    Ultimate          -    conv from Spectrum
JetPowerJack      27137?db-3d   c1    MicroPowerLtd. -- -    plat.
JetSetWilly       40934 be-74   n1    Microprose        -    platform arcade
JetSetWilly.II    61566 a2-f6         
JetSki-dock       43567 9d-c3   n1    CodeMasters    -- cr.YUCS BEW jetski drive
JetSki-lake       33531 e0-2c   c1    CodeMasters    -- Illusion15-3-90/3-5-90 BEW drive
JewelChest        19671 06-ca         
Jimmy'sManager    23802 87-dd         
Jinks             33419 6b-87         
JinnGenie         28476 d6-3e   n1    Dalali         84 Bytebreaker flying carpet <07a>
JockyWilson       36433 77-cd         
JoeBlade          19458 b4-0e         
JoeWhizz          33457 da-a4         
JohhnyReb.II      37555 45-37   c1    -                 ACF  war strat.(turns) (PIC)
JollyRoger        25858 32-10         
Josh              34336 da-54         
JourneyTTCenterOf 16127 39-75   n1    -              -- -    TA 
JourneyTTCentreOT 45058 04-14   n1    OZISoft        -- -    arcade adventure; coll.
Jouste            30720?8a-66   n1    cr.SCS         -- -    BEW walk&shoot
Jr.Pacman         36456 36-70         
JS90              30720 95-d3   n1    -              -- -    flight sim. SITMOTG <13b>
JudgeDredd        42531 53-21         
Juice             16645 5d-b1   n1    Tronix         83 -    arc. jump&hilight(NoR)<02a>
JuicyType         16042 4d-6f         
Julia             13983 4e-f4         
JumpBall          20224 03-85         
JumpinJack        28930 c8-a6   n1    Livewire       83 -    3D Frogger <10a>
JumpmanJunior     16656 85-33   n1    Epyx           83 -    platform coll. (NoR)
JumpOut           23694 20-c8         
JungleDrums       35478 d7-9d         
JungleHunt        16465 83-29   n1    -                 -    skill arcade <02a>
JungleJack         4836 92-4c   n1    -              -- -    simple arcade
JungleRaid        37589 b5-07         
JunoFirst         28929 ee-2a   n1    Datasoft       84 -    stahead <07a>
Jupiter           30776 df-a5         
JupiterLander      8219 9b-fd   n1    Commodore      82 -    not working properly
JustFreaky        14561 2d-15         
K       K
K-Ring            20773 bd-27   c1    ByteEngineers  --+FAC  stu (NoR)
K.O.              24208 da-a8         
Kaktus             8962 ae-e6   n1    Supersoft      83 -    SpaceInvaders like <10b>
Kamikaze          33024 14-88   c1    cr.Ikari         +Ikari26-9-90 stl
Kandar            44645?f2-c4   c1    -              -- Hotline14-5-87 walk CWP
Kandar.inst        6037 7c-3a   c1    Hotline        -- -    keys&credits 
Kane              45392 a3-ab   n1    Mastertronic   -- -    western arcade (NoR)
Kapriolen         49398?1e-c8   n1    -              -- -    walk
KarateChamp       41217 f6-ba   n1    -                 -    karate sim
KarateChop        50176 bb-47         
KarateDevils      26371 77-15         
Kaskade           21649 c4-a2         
KatTrap           48071 1b-39         
Kawasaki          27502   -                                  
Kazalo.bas         2047 51-29   n1    SoftMat        84 -    search for tape games <07b>
Kellogg'sTour     30107 10-80         
KendoWarrior      34128 80-6e         
KennyDalglish     30015 bb-7d         
Keno.bas          15495 14-94   n1    Comp-u-soft    82 -    <10b>
KentuckyRacing    30199 71-4b         
Kernal            12502 2d-cb         
Kettle            30949 10-a4   c1    cr.Crowther       LightCircle shoot
KG.Archery        46934 ca-78   n1    cr.Softrunner  86 -    Knight Games <15a>
KG.Axeman         49920 83-e9   n1    cr.Softrunner  86 -    Knight Games <15a>
KG.Crossbow       48891 d9-db   n1    cr.Softrunner  86 -    Knight Games <15a>
KG.PikeStaff      48033 b5-c5   n1    cr.Softrunner  86 -    Knight Games <15a>
KG.QuarterStaff   50687 4d-ab   n1    cr.Softrunner  86 -    Knight Games <15a>
KGBAgent          30122 23-99         
KickMan           10247 61-73   n1    Commodore      82 -    simple arcade <07a>
KickOff            8194 14-06   n1    BubbleBus      83 -    table soccer <03b>
Kidgrid           12363 5d-cf         
KikStart.II       28735 04-e6   c1    Mastertronic   87 Hotline20-6-87 2D 2play motors
Kikstart.II.newlvl31068?b4-66   c1    Mastertronic   87 Illusion new designed levels
Kikugi            22784 95-1d         
Kill'emAll        44491 a4-58         
Killer            30208 6c-54         
KillerRings       26574 15-b5         
KillerWatt        36169 6b-bb   n1    Alligata       84 cr.Probyte->PRESS SPACE TO START
KillingFields     32640 49-ff         
King              33792 27-d5         
King'sRansom      39087 67-09         
KingTut'sTomb.bas 15039 57-ed   n1    -              -- -    TA
Klax              31130 55-73         
KlepkoMania       32840 44-3c         
KnightRider       40258 d5-e7   n1    Ocean          86 -    arcade action 
KnightShade       49982 03-25         
KnockOut          31149 34-1c   n1    R.Gibbs           cr.abc sport: boxing
KnockOut.bas      10026 08-58   n1    EdKiel 83 -    sport: boxing
KnotieInCave      41130 10-78   n1    Knotie Co.     -- -    simple arcade
KnuckleBuster     27980 ab-63   n1    GraphixxDezigns86 -    fight; music from Commando
KnuckleBusters    37523 f8-3e   c1     intro DynamicDuo19/12/86 fight; not same as ^
Koder              3147 69-ef         
Koko              34411 e8-58   n1    ActiveBrains   85 -    simple arcade adventure
KokotoniWilf      47754 ca-e6         Elite          -- -    fly, coll & explore
Kong64            30728 63-af         
KongoKong         13328 6d-27   n1    Victory        83 -    Donkey kong like
KongStrikesBack   32941 e5-dd   n1    Ocean          -- -    simple arcade
Kopido            28781 a2-6c         
Krakout.I         35372 09-6b   c1    AndyGreen      -- GWMNTM TTW
Krakout.I.Pro     49340?8a-f4   n1    -              --+Impact TTW (1lvl:TI) 
Krakout.II.New    40252!4d-09   c1
Krakout.IV.Pro    34019 be-b8   c1    LukeSkywalker12-7-87   TTW
KrakoutTri        33495 46-ac   c1    Nerosoft/FederationAgainst(C) TTW
Kromazone         47174?48-98   n1    -              -- -    start?
Krymini           31637 b6-98         
Krypton           14986 65-01   n1                      -    str
KrystalsOfZong    14491 eb-15         
KulfonDemonland   39808 f0-f0         
KungFuMaster      51072 e8-0e         -              -- -    walk & fight
Kwah              36258 18-6e   n1                      -    graphic TA
L       L
L.O.C.O.          46082 e8-de   n1    Alligata       -- -    arcade (NoR)
Labyrinth         16000 31-99   n1    Owen Marcott   83 -    find the way out
Labyrinth.64      12703 d0-d2   n1    Lloyd          -- -    find the way out V1.6
LadyTut           35385?18-da   n1    Programe       -- -    platform coll. <10b>
LancerLords       14539 33-6b         
LandNeverwhere    26779 8f-43         
LandOfHeroes      31825 36-56         
LandOfSolarium    43604 ce-1e         
LaserForce.bas     4129 4a-da   n1    -              -- -    str <01b>
LaserStrike       23810 3d-0f   n1    Isis Hathor    83 -    stl <10b>
LaserZone          8254 36-92   n1    LLamasoft      83 -    stlrud
LastFighter       27081 86-28         
LastGladiator     32002 fa-6a         
LastMission       37109 df-49   c1    DataEast       86+Fairlight28-aug-87 staa
LastNinja         50176 bb-47   c1    -              -- FBR/+Triad14-jun-87 fight adv.
LastSurvivor      36462 4c-2e         
LastV8            48096 d9-ab   n1    D.Darling      -- -    BEW driving <05b>
LastWarrior.49152  2662 1d-0f   n1    -              -- -    stahead
LatentFusion      40834 76-66         
LatinTutorial.bas  2499 7d-6f   n2    E.Lumpkin 12Jan80 -    learn Latin words (Utility)
Laurel&Hardy      28992 76-84   c1    Advance        87 Relax arcade adv. (NoR)
LawnTennis        22459 33-3f   c1    Mastertronic   -- HellGang18-dec-87 sport: arcade NR
Lazarian          16655 31-41   n1    Commodore      82 -    shoot (NoR)
Lazarus           45831 c7-b7         
LazerChess        13207 65-59         
LazyJones         33573 fb-79   n1    D.Whittaker    -- -    play videogames <10a>
Leaderboard.I     44899 84-8e   n1                           sport: golf
Leaderboard.III   46321 b0-78   n1    Access         86 -    sport: golf
LeagueChallenge   23623 76-3c         
LeagueSoccer      19565 d0-d8         
LeArchery         11520 83-75         
LedStorm          44270 24-36         
LegendDeeds       37345 46-72         
LegendOfCage      29588 79-77   c1    Imagine/Taito  86 cr.Aliens fight'em left
LegendOfNinja     34762 63-bb         
Legionnaire       34825 18-78   n1    cr.Phantoms    84 -    real time war strategy
Lemans             8459 d8-da   n1    Commodore      82 -    BEW driving <10b>
Lemonade.bas      12805 c6-80   n1    Commodore      -- -    operate lemon stand <10b>
Lethal            28570 2f-cd         
LethalZone        29739 2f-6d         
LevelShock        12799 6f-eb         
Leviathan.pic      8521 30-ec   c1    English        87 Triad main picture of the game
LicenceToKill     39465 db-d1         
LifeExpectancy.ba s5170 d9-e3   n1    Andy Gample    79 -    calculate your life length
LifeTerm          50339 1e-ba         
LightForce        46528 31-b1   n1    cr.FTL         -- -    stu
Lightsaver         7679 39-1b   n1    -              -- -    catch the falling baloons
Limbo.II          26711 3d-d3         
LittleC.People    48534 67-a1         
LittleGreenMan    37209 ba-60         
LittleHatsMaze    30892 5b-d5   n1    Teamsoft       88 -    a rat in a maze(NoR)
LittlePuff        38282 94-66         
LiveAndLetDie     38703 11-83         
Liverpool         41600 60-18   c1    Grandslam      93 Empire5-9-93/IllusionAug93 Sport
LivingDaylights   49341 1f-d9   c1    Domark         87+Fairlight 007 in action
Livingstone       34736 8e-ee         
Loader             1489 9d-3b         
LodeRunner.I      18433 6a-ac   n2    Broderbund     83 Xerox   platform arcade coll.
LodeRunner.II     25384 50-1e   n2    Broderbund     87 -
Logger             8827 77-3f   n2    Comm*data      82 -    main screen only?
Logic             16917 38-76         
LomilecSrc.bas     2590 68-58   n2    BIT            -- -    snake game <04a>
LonelyRider       33136 f7-83   n2    cr.CSD         85 CSD  western shoot
LoneWolf          49163 9d-cb         
LongLife          32852 e6-56         
LoogaRoo          44554 4c-5a         
Loopz             41344 7c-02         
LordsOfKarma      32052 9c-d0   n2    working too much
LordsOfMidnight   53313 88-82         
LordsOfTime       28673 7d-d7   n2    -              -- -    TA
LuckyLuke.1       28075 9e-00         
LuckyLuke.2       27586 05-af         
LunaLanda         24932 cf-9d         
LunarLeeper       16642 22-4c   n2    SierraOnLine   81 -    rescue some men (NoR)
LuxorTheMoonprinc 53313 88-82   n2    -              -- -    adventure (NoR)
M       M
MA.GoldenButton   38657 f8-9e   n3    -              -- -    MysteriousAdv. TA <01b>
MacadamBumper     34146 9e-72   n1    RemiHerbulot   85 -    pinball (french) 
MadBalls          34083 a8-9e         
MadMix            24990 6b-07         
Madness           29292 26-dc         
Madness           35968?f3-51   c2    A.Vistar       --+Outsiders plat. room pass <14b>
MadnessTrianon    31943 bd-e1         
MadPartyFucker    15015 d1-7d   n1    Strech&theSpy12-28-85 TA
MadPlanets        30722 3e-72         
MadRax            42098 43-1b         
MadSpring         41865 ff-21         
Maggotmania        8812 92-d0   n1    Commodore      83 -    stu shoot the worm
MagicalFormula.pr 31912 c8-58   n1    -              -- Success coll. platform
MagicBalls        29915 0a-a2         
MagicCarpet       32001 4f-fb   n1    Anti-rom       84 -    skill arcade (NoR)
MagicFields       24594 c2-68         MagicDisa      93+Sunrise/mar.93  logic 
MagicianAppr      23417 c9-d7         
MagicJohnson      40336 14-d2         
MagicMadness      38374 73-d1   c1    MarcoloSoft    85 FCS3/3/87 stlr
MagicMarble       30695 e3-5f         
MagicMouse        47336 ff-77         
MagicPin          32788 24-98         
MagicRufus        36982 e2-b8         
MagicStone        43999 88-6a         
Magmax            50294 3a-4e         
Magnetic          21299 b8-94         
MagnumForce.prw   48424 fb-8f   c1    -              -- Hotline27/11 stu
MainFrame          7940 90-88         
Mancopter         57432 92-68         
Mandroid          38842 46-b0         
Mangrove           4945 0e-7a   n1    -              -- -    simple arcade
Maniac.music      35907 58-12   n1    -              -- -    demo music
Maniax            31530 09-7f         
ManicMiner        45437 64-7e   n1    SoftwareProjects -     2D platform (SITMOTG) All20
Marbloid          20516 99-b5         
MariaWhittaker    43969 17-1d         
MarioBros.Atari   16093 be-a2   n1    Atari          8? -    2play arcade
MarioBros.II      35064?cd-a1   c2    Riffs          87 MicromanTHC arcade
MarioBros.Ocean   38383 cb-0f   c1    Ocean          87 ?CS  2play arcade
MarsPatrol        22023 5d-b3         
Mask.3            35222 5a-16         
Mask.II           49121 f3-0d   n1    -              -- -    stlr
MasterBlaster     28372 ac-20         
MasterHead        31154 a2-04         
MasterMind.bas     3019 3a-64   n1                   -- -    logic? (language?)
Mastermind.new     8967 85-01         
MasterOfMagic     47966 4f-ab   n1    -              -- -    menu adventure
MasterOfTheLamps  24583 11-f7   n1    Activision     85 -    arcade (NoR)
MastersOTUniverse 40458 d1-ed         
Match             30130 7b-d9         
MatchDay.I        42832 d7-81   n1    Ocean          -- -    sport: soccer 
MatchDay.II       45358 33-1b   c1    -              -- CSG27-nov/Nukebusters87 sp: soccer
MatchmakerGame    17251 8b-d7   n1    MicroSpec      82 -    logic: memory game
MatchOfTheDay     39642 6c-ec         
MatchOT           38919 e4-40         
MatchPoint        38203 a8-20   n1    -              -- -    sport: tennis
Matrix             8273 8c-66   n1    Llamasoft      83 -    shoot the worm
MaxHeadroom       36705 bb-c3   n1    BinaryDesign    --+E.C.A arcade menu adventure
MaxHeadroom.pic    6191 07-b3   n1    -              -- -    3 frame simple animation
MaxTorque         31972 be-74   c1    BubbleBus      87 Triad27-Jul sport: bikes
Maze-Mania.bas     6016 f6-a4   n1    -              -- -    simple one screen maze
Mazer             37416 c4-4a         
MazeRunner        24934 b5-7f         
McGuiganBoxing    44218 d5-8d         
MeanCity          36523 c7-c5         
MeanStreak        36612 0b-69   c1    Mirror         87 Ikari stlr
Mediator          43904 d2-08   c1    Englich        86 cr.FAC space adventure
MegaApocalypse    46660 58-44   c1    Martech        87 ZERO/THC28-8-87 stu
MegaBlast         28948 87-2d         
MegaForce         20184 cc-ea         
Megahawk          20036 34-26   n2    Big "G"        -- -    stahead
Megahawk          25348 fc-9a         
MegahawkTrail     20036 34-26         
MegaMouse         43921 72-28         
Meganova          37460 85-6f         
MegaNucleus       35602 19-a9         
MegaPhoenix       41418 39-25         
MegaRun           35976 8e-22         
MegaRygar         32376 f3-8b         
MegaZoom          36163 e0-64         
MegaZynaps        33747 66-80         
Melee             18837 5e-9a         
MelonMania        45652 00-80         
Memorix           33648 11-f1         
Memory            25883 5a-32         
Memory.2          17780 02-72         
MemoryBank        17106 8f-6b         
MentalBank        25412 e8-4a         
Mercenary         49203 90-b2   n3    -              -- -    3D adv <13a>
Mercenary.II      48254 e5-e3   n2    -              -- -    3D Driller like (SITMOTG)
Merlin            24529 b3-87   n2    ?.Lewis        -- -    stlr; collect and deliver
MermaidMadness    43716 0b-9f   n2    SoftDesign(ElectricDreams) DCS1986 arc.adv. 
Metabolis         38505 d4-5a         
Metal              8890 65-1d         
MetalBar.demo     14750 d3-75   c2    PSY            -- -    gfx and scroll
MetalW.1          11324 5c-60         
MetalW.2          11699 45-55         
Methodos          43834 b9-fb         
Metro-Cross       46206 4f-93   n2    Namco          86 -    run against time - funny
MetroBlitz        27497?83-ed   n4    -              -- -    stlr <01b>
Metronaut         39314 e2-74         
Metropolis        35062 6f-29         
MiamiVice         46862 40-d6   n2    -              -- -    car drive & shoot
MiamiVice.pic     11826?dd-ed   n4    -              -- -    picture
Mice              26514 d4-36   n3    -              -- -    board game (german)<10b>
MickeyMouse       43140 08-e0   c1    Gremlin        -- -    adventure with Mickey
MicroDisco      - 32488   -           SimonPick      86 CCS  music creator
Microolympics     43739?59-65   c2                      FCS10-5-87 csh after main menu<13b
MicroproseSoccer  42570 ae-6a   c1    Microprose     88 Ikari26-11-88 sport: soccer arcade
Microrhytm        20316 8e-26         
MiddleEarth       31506 f0-2a         
MIF.II             3372 18-46   n3    -              -- -    2player TTW fun <15b>
Mig29SovietFighter29351 9f-23         
MikeGunner        36302 64-c4         
Mikie             37947 de-5c   c2    Konami/Imagine87 DynamicDuo2/10/86 arcade
Mikro             11648 8a-5c         
MikroAssembler  - 11648   -           cr.Utopia      -- Silents programmers help
MilkRace          26596 15-8f   c2    -              -- Fairlight870519 sport: 2D biking
MindControl       14849 4e-9a   n3    Anti-rom       84 -    simple avoid (NoR) <07a>
MindGames         27092 d6-7a         
MindMaze           5634 63-0f         
MindShadow        47566 d1-b3         
MindTrap          18439 14-28         
MineField         42232 f8-5a         
Miner1861         25176 c3-41         
Miner2049'er      16451 c7-fb   n2    cr.Olenader84  -- -    fill out platforms <06a>
MineSweeper       13295 3f-53         
MineZone.bas       7219 c7-53   n2    -              -- -    mine field game
Minidium           8208 75-0d         
MiniGolf          23035 16-c6         
MirariVos         31111 d9-c5         
Miser'sHouse.bas  13723 c9-99   n3    M.J.Lansing    81 -    TA <10b>
Misfortune        39347 12-e6         
MissileCommand    33537 71-39   n2    Interceptor    83 -    take'em out
Mission.2         36920 d9-47         
MissionA.D.       37501 4e-08   c2    DCG            86 DynamicDuo86 shoot&dest.(PIC)<06a>
MissionAssault    46935 79-a7   c2    -              -- Triad8-11-86 stahead strategy
MissionElevator   49986 df-cf   n2    -              -- 7769/29.8.87 climb the tower&shoot
MissionGenocide   22775 90-c8         
MissionMonday     26257 be-40         
MissionPO         17095 27-67         
MissionX.1        37277 39-67         
MissionX.2        23960 56-32         
MobyDick          22408 00-92   n2    Cymbal         83 -    SeaFox like
Molar Mad         19624 d2-e6         
MolarMad           4363 fc-3e         
MoleculeMan       35482 52-14   n3    Mastertronic   -- -    maze arc.coll.<15a>
Molla             28928 14-ec   n3    -              -- -    jump&hilight (French)<10a>
MonkeyMagic       24927 71-1f         
Monopole.bas      24336 4a-f6   n2    -              -- -    monopoly game (dutch?)
Monopoly.bas      24393 c1-d9   n2    -              -- -    monopoly (english) <10a>
MonopolyDeluxe    37780 f4-70   c2    LeisureGenius 86 Ikari22-5-87 board game 
MonsterMash       33580 92-58         
MonsterMunch      14262 f0-e8         
MonsterStation    25389 7d-cf         
Montezuma'sRevenge16659 bc-9a   n2    ParkerBrothers84 -     platform adventure (NoR)
MontyMole         43953 74-fc   n2    GremlinGraphics  -     platform adventure (CITMOTG)
MontyOnTheRun     36679 4f-d1         
MoonBuggy         23041 a2-32   n2    D.R.Gamon      83 -    2D drive&jump
MoonCaves          6942 d2-38         
MoonCresta        28281 c3-7f         
MoonCresta        28281?c3-7f   n4    IBC            85 -    start?
MoonCrisis1999    13555 9d-af         
MoonCrystals      36302 0e-fc         
MoonFall          38305 f0-44         
MoonGoddess       18916 4d-49         
MoonPatrol         5135 d2-87   n2    Avalon Hill    83 -    stl
MoonRaid           6808 e8-f4         
MoonRaid           6808 e8-f4   c2    -              --+Fairlight simple str
MoonRaider        10270 2f-fd         
MoonShadow        42000 7f-79         
MoonShuttle       18693 e8-98   n2    Datasoft       83 -    stu
MoonStrike        37152 aa-02         
Moontroc          27007 21-df         
Moose             21099 49-ed         
MorganKane        45392 a3-ab         
Morpheus          32722 03-e1   c2    CraftGold      -- Hotline6-10-87 atall
Morphicle         24915 6b-6b         
Motocross         23554 ae-30   n2    Tronix         83 -    sport: behind-view driving
MotorHead.2       41199 7d-63         
MotorMania        15148 be-b0   n2    UMI            82 -    BEW drive (Lemans predecessor
Motos             26511 24-2a         
MountainKing      16510 ef-7d   n3    Beyond            -    platform collect
MouseDetective    32371 96-70         
MouseTrap         34249 39-61         
MoveIt            13650 68-14         
MoveOn            26267 6d-1f         
MoveOut           28701 50-80         
MovieMonster      43123?74-c8   c2    -              -- CodemastersMad walking dinosaurus
MovingTarget      22106 29-25         
Mr.Angry          24142 b4-82   n3    CodeMasters    86 -    coll&avoid (Stringer)<13a>
Mr.Cool            8460 f7-45   n3    SierraOnLine   -- -    highlight the squares (NoR)
Mr.Dig            34819 99-ed   n3    Microdeal      84 -    field collect
Mr.DigSpake       31832?10-fa   n4    Microdeal      84 -    walk&coll. BD clone
Mr.Doo'sCastle    51063 eb-35         
Mr.Flintstone     43418 a3-8f         
Mr.Hat            27203 80-ce         
Mr.Joe            17976 24-72         
Mr.Mephisto       37124 f9-a9   n3    Euro-Byte      -- -    walk&avoid <04a>
Mr.Robot          25350 af-97   n3    cr.Snoopy      -- -    platform collect with editor
Mr.Tnt             8705 0b-57   n3    Telko'82/HES   84 -    skill-logic:coll.bonuses(NoR)
Mr.Weems          28723 99-e5         
Mr.Wimpy          28067 1e-38   n3    Ocean          -- -    arcade (coll.&make burgers)
Mr.Wino           35654 51-6f         
Mrs.Mop           27072 fe-c2         
Ms.PacMan         16698 4d-8d   n3    Atari          83 cr.Byte pacman clone (NoR)<06a>
Munch             46234 d7-43         
MunchMan64        15373 15-ed   n3    Solar          83 -    pacman clone <10b>
Munchy            14081 02-62         
Munchy            14081 02-62   n3    -              -- -    Pacman clone
Munsters          47867 ea-4a         
MurayMouse        26628 6d-6f         
Murder.bas        20608 4e-ae   n3    A.K.Stanton    83 -    typing mystery
MusicBox           9261 b1-d5         
MusicDemo          1830   -           <03b>
MusicMaker        10243   -           <10a>
MusicPowerPack.1  10549 05-03   n4    HCA            -- -    demo music 
MusicSinthy        6506   -           <02a>
MutantMonty       36757 93-55   n4    Artic          84*-    level-pass coll.arcade
Mutants           40017 f0-ee         
Mutants           40017?f0-ee   n4    -              -- Syntax19-2-87 logic
MutantSpiders.bas 16192 a3-e5   n4    cr.Microcopy9/11/85    TA
Mutations         46123 cf-21   n4    -              -- -    skill arcade shoot
MysteriousAdv.8   36933 86-78   n4    B.Howard       -- -    TA; save the princess <3b;1b>
Mystery           19584 fa-24         
MysticMansion     16652 16-b0   n4    JV             83 -    simple skill arcade
N       N
Nacl              23298 66-0a         
NamRescue         48386 6a-32   n1    -              -- -    chopter ride
NatoAssaultC      35148 73-b9         
NebraskaJoe       32953 3a-50   c1    Systens    Jul88 Frantic arcade collect adv.  (NoR)
Nebulus           33665 93-52   c1    Hewson         87+Wanderer87 arcade logic
NecrisDome        47220 0d-9f         
Necrofile.demo    31360 84-b8   n1    Human/CFR/TSC16/11/86 music&gfx
Necromancer       24638 06-48         
Necromancer       24638 06-48   n1    Synapse           cr.UGS arcade skill
Nefarious         14560 6e-d4         
Negatron          24642 8d-2f         
Nemesis           44268 99-23   n1    -                 Conan str
NemesisTheWarlock 32781 9b-e3   c1    Martech        87 Hotline17-4-87
Neoclyps          33826 5e-f0   n1    Cymbal         88 cr.AntSoft stlr skill <04a>
NeptunesDaughters 31555 f0-32   n1    English SC     83 -    Arcade shoot
NetherEarth       37806 a2-fa   c1    -              -- DSCompware  walk? 
NetherWorld       35294 ca-2a   c1    Hewson         88+Zenith shoot adventure
Neutmare          15839 45-49         
Neutralizer       43483 90-8a         
NeutralZone       32566 ae-0a   n1    Access         83 -    stahead
NewCyborg         44315 7b-d3         
NewGauntlet       32664 a9-17         
NewJump           40704?f1-db   c1    T.Erbsland     92+Trance logic
NextGeneration    48132 39-a5         
Nexus             38693?32-ce   n1    -              -- -    fight
Nexus.II          50576 b5-15   n1    -              -- Mr.Z arcade adventure
Nibbly'92         36690 13-b5         
NickFaldoGolf     38797 47-7d   n1    -              -- Section8/TCS29Jul85 sport: simul.
NightDriver        8461 7f-3d   n1    Commodore      82 -    simple drive simulation
NightMission      31979 6f-25   n1    B.Artwick      82 cr.1101(in pic) pinball
NightPatrol       32885 a3-79         
NightShade        41346 b4-5e   n1    ACG            85 ACE27/1/86 3Dadventure
NineMoons          8321 c2-6c         
Ninja             26019 f8-bc   c1    MAD            -- -    fight (PIC)
NinjaAttack       27322 2e-9c         
NinjaLegend       34762?63-bb   n1    -              -- -    fight
NinjaMusix        43372 b6-40   n1    AlphaFlight    -- AF   demo sounds
NinjaScooter      26238 85-4d         
NodesOfYesod      51601 7f-e1   n1    Odin           -- -    arcade adventure
Nomad             47191 09-fb   n1    -              -- -    arcade shoot 
NomadOfTime       36312 49-3f         
NonterraQueos     50566 92-b4         
NorthseaInferno   27837 10-74         
NorthStar         31315 f5-7b         
Nova              21853 5a-8c         
NovaBlast         26653 4a-f0         
NuclearEmbargo    40129 c6-16   c1    SevenUp        85 -    sim 
NumberNabber       8264 b8-3e   n1    Commodore      83 -    grab numbers <01b>
Nuts              19536 ad-97         
O       O
O'Riley'sMine     30467 a8-f4   n1    Datasoft       83 -    collect&deliverArcade +PIC
Oberon            43728 4b-23   n1    Radarsoft      85 -    labyrinth?
Obesanje.bas       3631 57-cd   n1    -              -- -    HangMan (Slovene) <03b>
Oblivion          12347 fe-0c         
Octoplex          34123 2c-16         
Odyssey           32507 7a-8c         
OffTheWall         3458 d1-17         
Ogatron            7287 d8-4a         
OhNo              21308 c6-66         
OilsWell          20740 8f-8b   n1    SierraOnLine   83 -    pacman like (NoR)
OilTycoon.bas      5094 be-16   n1    -              -- -    search for oil arcade
Oink              51008 2c-0a         
Old-sys50940        409   -           <07b>
Ole'              42888 56-94   n1    Firebird       88 -    be a matador
OleFighting       43984 59-b3         
Olli&Lissa        27423 aa-f8   n1    Firebird       -- Breaker arcade: deliver items
OlliesFollies     35022 63-83         
Ollo              19654 91-17         
Ollo.II           29830 07-d1         
OlympicSkier      23425 ab-6d   n1    Mr.Chip        -- -    sport: skiing
OlympicTask800    19593 ac-4e         
OmegaForceOne     17605 f7-c1         
OmegaMission      47899 23-7d   c1    -              -- -    creation by menus
OmegaRace          8963 ab-7f   n1    Commodore      82 -    thrust shoot like (NoR)
OnCourtTennis     38913 8f-d1   n1    -              -- -    sport: tennis arcade
OneBiteTooDeep    39777 a7-3b   n1    Reelax 85 -    arcade adventure
OneManArmy        25901 83-ab         
OneOnOne          36388 89-b7         
OneOnOne          36388 89-b7   n1    ElectronicArts 83 -    sport: basketball arcade
OnFieldFootball   44721 0b-ad   n1    -              -- -    doesnt accept commands :(
OnTrackRacing     50792 a5-fd         
Oops!             31265 b2-22         
OperationAnoria   28817 bf-bd         
OperationFireball 24911 c1-2b   n1    -              -- BCC  
OperationHanoi    36251 be-45         
OperationHormuz   34834 19-5d         
OperationIronHawk 42054 53-0b         
OperationSwordfish34011 f3-6f         
OperationWolf     48414 dd-4d   c1    Dolin Porch    --+Bros take'em out like
OperationWW       29601 ca-34   n1    -              -- -    war strategy; moves&turns
Opium             15309 53-75         
Oracle            22889 6f-cb         
Orion             24099 3f-bf         
Orlando           35713 79-b3         
Orpheus           31944 9e-96         
OsloB0rs.bas      20408 cc-8a   n1    Folkedata      -- -    stockmarket? (nordish)
Osmium            34662 19-1f         
OssidoKid.bas     30020 6b-39   n1    Vietata        85 -    Gridder like (Italian)
Othello.bas        5779 c7-85   n1    -              -- -    logic board game (nordish)
Otr               55668 d3-61   n1    -              -- -    sport: BEW race
Outlaw            16644 3e-7e   n1    Hawksoft       84 -    2play shoot each other
Outlaws           48318 93-1f   n1    Ultimate       -- cr.CCS western shoot
OutOfDeep         37722 f2-1e         
OutOfTiles        40841 aa-c2         
OutRun.DeadValley 32889 48-5a         U.S.Gold/Sega  -- -    drive <15a>
OutRun.DesolatorHi33028 3a-7c         U.S.Gold/Sega  -- -    drive <15b>
OutRun.Highway    32550 09-75         U.S.Gold/Sega  -- -    drive <15b;Purkart>
OutRun.LakeSide   32995 5b-0b   c1    U.S.Gold/Sega  -- -    back view driving <15b>
Outspace.demo     48128 38-5e   c1    Orion20/2/88   -- ISN20/9/1988 gfx,3 scrolls & music
Overkill          36197 f2-b2   c1    cr.MenAtWork   -- MenAtWork4/8/87 fight
OxfordPascal      38913   -           -              -- -    util: Pascal compiler <02b>
P       P
P.O.D.            46665 ed-29   n1    -              -- -    ProofOfDestruct. 2play stu
PacBall           36913 2d-53         
PacFamily         32129 54-0a         
Pacman             8258 40-7e   n1    Atari          83 -    simple arcade
Pacman-Mancap     14153 67-b5   c1    Mastertronic   -- -    pacman upside down
Pacmania          38642 5b-eb   c1    Namco          88+Fairlight/INC10-11-88 3D pacman
PacosPete.p1      24401?6d-79   c1    -              -- DSC  TEO 
PacosPete.p2      30313 b2-f8   n1    -              -- Hotline TEO (PIC) 
Pain              36796 4f-03   n1    -              -- Softhunters TA
PainterBoy        36498 5e-da   c1    -              -- Hotline26-2-87 arcade
PairOfMemory      37248 81-07   c1    DoubleDensity  -- Active/Demonix memory game
Pakacuda          11441 c3-3b   n1    Comm*Data      82 -    pacman like
PaleMoon          49876 c2-a4         
Pandora           38471 56-d0         
Panic64           15406 82-6a   n1    Interceptor    -- -    platform simple arcade
PanicExpress      17604 3f-29         
Panther           58334 90-32   n1    -              -- DCS1-11-86 stahead
PaperBoy          48298   -           Atari84/Elite  86 FAC  arcade skill (PIC) (CWP)
ParaAcademy       38181 d8-38         
ParaAssaultCourse 50998 98-48         
Paradroid         40310 c9-49   n1    Hewson/Craftgold85 -   shoot
Parallax          37184 36-60         
Paranoia          36240 64-36         
Paranoimia        23515 a8-dc         
Paranom           26118 c3-e1         
Paraplex          24391 76-86         
Paratroopers      10632 0a-f6   n1    Rabbit -- -    Take'emOut
ParisChase        44123 11-c1         
ParkPatrol        21682 9d-d5   n1    Activision     -- cr.Eagle
PartyGirls        37814 5c-9c   c1    Modedeal          Clockware erotic
PassingShot       34086 cd-e1         
PassingShot-rename15360 44-46         
Pastfinder        17509 64-d6   n1    Activision     84 -    stu
Pathal            15748 45-eb         
Patternia         24119 e3-2b         
PCFuzz            40213 94-e4         
Pebbles           27268 18-42         
Pedro             36893 90-38   n1    Imagine        83 -    take care of your plants
Pegasis           30102 8e-f4         
Penalty'emUp      24832 2f-89         
PenaltySoccer     16362 b8-72         
Pengo             23309 7a-b2   n1    Colosoftware   83 -    arcade logic
PerfectSymetrie   27725 01-85         
Periscope          9797 16-64         
Perplex           31037 6a-4e         
Perplex.II        48729 29-7b         
Perseus           37121 c5-57         
PersianGulf       49177 9a-e0         
Petch             16029 94-4a   c1
PeterBardsley     23271 05-e1         
PeterShilton      44486 9f-7f         
PhantomsOTAsteroid45693 f8-12         
PhantomKarateDevi 25858   -           Phantom        83 -    fight (NoR) <03b>
PhantomKarateDevi 26371 77-15   n1    Phantom        83 -    fight; RESET after RUN
Pharao'sRevenge   48559 e0-7a         
PharaonsCurse     40454 d5-fb   n1    cr.Jedi        -- -    JumpmanJunior adventure
PhileasFBLN       27756 b6-3a         
PI'sRSquared      23881 bc-12         
PickAndPile       25510 8f-2f         
PictureShow.II.Hu 49234 94-26   c1    CFR            -- CFR  Pics from games 
PigsInSpace       14849 51-ab   n1    Anti-rom       84 -    shoot (NoR)
PileUp            37520 7a-c6         
Pill-Box           5102 24-02   c1    Markt&Technik  94 -    tris game
Pinball64          8472 15-11         
PinballBlaster    23490 e5-2f         
PinballPower      24588 7b-6b   c1    Mastertronic   89 Ikari/Talent 3D pinball 
PinballWizard     29570 8a-e4   n1    Sagittarian    84 -    pinball
Pingo             21417 c7-33         
PingPong          25909?1e-d0   n1    Konami         85 -    sport: table tennis
PingPongClass      6036 23-45         
PiratesMap        14198 d4-f2   n1    D.Fiser        -- -    map in hi-res
PiratesMusics     42475 5e-f2   n1    -              -- -    from pirates window system
Pit                8706 60-84   n2    -              -- -    predecessor of BD (NoR)
Pitfall.Cuthbert  30722 71-83   n2    -              -- -    arcade
Pitfall.I          8449 46-d6         Activision     -- cr.NDS arcade (NoR) 
Pitfall.II        16641 05-7f   n2    Activision     84 -    arcade skill
Pitfall.Orpheus   27714 12-c8   n2    Microdeal      -- -    arcade
PitStop.I         16642 65-49   n2    Epyx           -- -    sport: formula drive
PitStop.II        42788 20-5a         Epyx           84 -    sport: 2play formula 
PixiePete         12219 bd-85   n2    cr.Snoopy84    -- -    DigDug like
Plague            17924 bc-12         
PlanetOfWar       25597 39-41   c1    -              -- -    stahead (NoR)
PlasmaTron        39576 fd-35         
Plasto            18265 1b-29         
Platoon.p1        41984 d5-43   c1    Hemdale        85 Anden stlr
Platoon.p2        44032 24-d6         Hemdale        85 Anden sta: The tunnel system    
Platoon.p3        41984 f4-1e   n2    Hemdale        85 Anden sta:TheJungleConfrontation
PlayYourCardsRight37439 ee-48         Forsyth        -- -    gambling 
Plexonoid         29533 75-6b         
PlumbCrazy         9518 cf-f7   n2    Terminal       84 cr.Breakers arcade
Plutonium         24028 61-fd         
Pod               39860 c3-6f   n2    WordLight      -- -    arcade skill<06a>
PogoJoe           27307 5f-49   n2    Screenplay     83 -    jump&hilight the circles
PogoStick         22276 a8-b6         
PogoStickOlymp    18038 0c-b6         
Point-X           29498 0a-12         
Poker             31100 5b-c9         
PoleFighting.II   53683 9a-56         
PolePosition      16449 9a-58   n2    Nameo82/Atari  83 -    sport: drive sim.
PoliceAcademy     44758?c7-fb   n2    P.Wilson       86 Rabbit5-jun-86 code?
PoliceAcademy.II  25267 b0-56   c1    Meth.Solutions87+MadSquad29/12/87 Take'emOut
Polluter.demo      8551 c1-3b   n2    Polluter       87 -    pic&music<14b>
PolterGeist       35688 24-56         
Pool               8452 ad-ed         
Pool               8452 ad-ed   n2    Commodore      83 -    sport: BEW pool (NoR)
Pool.87           10334 1f-49         
Pool2.24055       18103 91-c9   n2    -              -- -    sport: BEW pool (SYS24055)
PoorWizard        38277 a3-59         
Pooyan            20740 10-42   n2    Konami/Datasoft   -    shoot
Popeye            16485 cd-fb   n2    cr.Jedi           -    arc. coll.hearts
Popeye.2          41849 f2-26         
PornoMovie        26518 9d-09   n2    Loverboy       -- -    No.1 erotic movie (Ger)<13a>
Poseidon          48738 89-bb         
Positive          10370 3d-49         
PosterPaster      41217 cd-37         
PostmanPat        39976 d2-b4   c1    -              --+Cosmos29/3/89 arcade
PostmanPat.2      44169 51-59         
PottyPigeon       35920   -           -              -- CBMBandits shit on cars(NoR)<01b>
PottyPigeon       40964 ad-2b   n2    -              -- -    shoot
Powerama          45882 48-ba         
PowerBoatRace     30176 8d-9f         Red-arrow      -- Cr.Zeropage85 BEW race 
PowerPlay         57306 c7-51         
PowerPlayHockey   43687 de-9c         
PowersOfGloom     29239 09-21         
Precompiler.bas   14667   -           -              -- -    utlility <10b>
Predator.2        45498 dc-2e         
PremeteLoSpazio   30976 08-ca   n2    -              -- -    simple arcade ITA 
President         26421 33-4f         
PressScoop        37784 f4-20         
Pride             31108 af-67         
ProBiker          25328 32-b2         
Prodigy           49401 d1-73         
ProEorit          18045 bb-b9         
ProgAid            8458 8d-13         
Prohibition       22288 7a-66         
Prometheus        33133 ab-43         
ProSkateboard     42734 c7-ab         
ProSoccer         24150 6b-dd         
ProSportTennis    10880 ff-41         
Protector         12826 17-ff         
Protector.II      30716 e2-b6   n2    cr.Antiram     83 -    simple stlr
ProtonRun         34598 69-e3   n2    Unicon 87+Ikari88/Survivors5-25-88 <14b>
Psi.5             32283 5c-1c   n2    -              -- FLASH trading (NoR)
Psycho.bas         5679 5a-d0   n2    -              -- -    talk with a shrink
PsychoPigUXB      39382 df-f5         
PsychoSoldier     36313 f3-fd         Imagine        87+Danelaw17/10/87 str (PIC) 
Psycloid          14144 65-47         
Psytron           41344 69-73   n2    -              -- -    creation
PucMan            15618 8d-81   n2    cr.AntiRam     83 -    pacman clone (NoR) <03b>
Puffy'sSaga       29423 53-39         
Pull              30988 99-ff         
Pulsar7           26162 58-98         
Pulsoid           23489 55-a9         
PulsWarrior       29406 28-a0         
PunchAndJudy      32423 e8-1c         
PurpleTurtles     29957 2e-d2   n2    R.Moore        -- -    jump to turtles (NoR)
Puzzlenoid        23304 07-a3         
PuzzleShuffle     28724 f5-8d         
Puzznic           45056 de-52         Taito          90+Ikari/Talent26-11-90 logic 
Pyjamarama        34817 cb-0b   n2    -              -- -    arcade adventure 
PyramidPuzzle     32597 5e-a0         
Q       Q
Q10TankBuster     23586 ed-cb         
Qb                16409 62-d0         
QBert.64738       16409 62-d0    a                           jump&highlight the squares
Quad.II           40421 8b-c7    a    MAgicDisk      89+UnicessFeb90 2pl TTW
Quadrant           5334 43-f1         
Quarkix           21509?dc-2c    a    Commodore      83 -    flying
Quartet           38684 61-4f    a    Activision/Sega  +Fairlight13Jun87 stlr
Quasar            30279 69-4b         
Quasimodo         50167 db-4b    a    Synapse        -- -    arcade skill
Quedex            43459 63-9b    a    Thalamus       87 Hotline/RAD10/7/87 arcade skill
Queens            20648 20-d8         
QuestForTires     18188 a6-48    a    SierraOnLine   83 -    classic! simple arcade 
QuestOfKron       35968 0f-1d         
Questprobe-one    45213 a9-19    a    Adv.Int        84 -    TA
Questprobe.2.Spid 44639 ce-22    a    ScottAdams     84 -    TA Spiderman<15b>
QuickD.McGraw     34560 4b-6f         
Quovadis          44889 29-8d    a    Chapman        84 -    cave arcade adv.
R       R
R-nest             9331 06-26   n1    Colo           -- -    jump&hilight <10b>
RaceAgainstTime   38264 16-e0         
RaceWithDevil     31442 39-87   c2    Protocol       86 Hotline8-5-87 arc.coll.(PIC)<13b>
Racing            31912 c8-58         
RacingManager     28911 54-d0         
RadarRatRace       8452 f7-13   n1    Commodore      82 -    BEW race with a rat (NoR)
Radax             34304 b8-de         
Radius            15574 5b-a1         
RadPoker          22281 e1-23         
RadRampRace       38579 6f-4b         
RadWarrior        52480 fe-b0         
RagingBeast       49918 8c-14         
RagsToRiches      44936 a7-a1   n1    -              -- -    2D adv. try to be drunk
Raid2000          47816 af-43         
RaidOverMoscow    46213 4e-24   c1                   --+Clique15-3-92 arcade strategy
Rainbow           17771 8d-5f         
RainbowDragon     36804 35-0d         
RainbowWalker     13676 6b-8d         
RainbowWarrior    39504 b8-da         
RallyDriver       45056 19-b3   c1    -              -- Orion/Abyss sport: drive sim.
RallyeOstAfrica   17671 ff-fb   n1    Brilliant      85 cr.Chuck RW motorcycle drv.<06a>
RallySimulator    27344 5f-91         
RallySpeedway     25858 32-10   n1    Commodore      84 JollyRoger bew cars (NoR) R:0:26.9
Rambo             34089 36-70         
Rambo.II          40089 a2-c6   c1    Ocean          -- -    STall
Rambo.II.title    13192 65-3d   n1    Ocean          -- -    title screen with music
Rampage           38066 3f-45   c1    -              -- -    simple arcade fight
Ramparts          30563 8b-d9   c1                   --+Ikari28-nov-87 rampage II
Ranantat           9312 23-47         
Ranarama          28302 47-bb         
RansomTheKing     47389 54-1a   n1    -              -- TCI  TA (w/ GFX)
RapidFire         19016 6e-10         
Raskel            28196 e2-92         
RasterRunner      27152 02-dc         
RatterFlatter     42725 94-fe         
Ravenous          37528 1a-d6         
RawRecruit        42019 47-97         
Rbi.2.Baseball    51182 a7-03         
RCRacers          37131 27-c9         
Re-Bounder        47178 48-e2         
RE-Bounder        47178?48-e2   c1    Gremlin        87 -    pass main screen??
Reaction          15901 ac-fe         
ReactorRun        33721?9a-72   n1    -              -- -    BEW walk&avoid
RealmOfTheUndead  30592 7e-14   n1    -              -- -    screenpass platform arcade
ReArtu'           30722 19-af   n1    -              -- -    arc. coll. (italian)<10a>
Reaxion           24809 23-cf         
Rebel             49903 ed-e3   n1    Virgin         87 -    stAllAround (NoR)
RebelRacer        30239 52-80         
Rebuilder.2        7754 e1-6b         
RecklessRufus     49536 1c-76   c1    Alternative    92+Success logic BEW onboard
Recon             31931 64-1c         
RedArrows         47883 1c-b6         
RedLed            31555 07-a9   c1    cr.NewEdition     NE   Spindizzy like 3D arcade (NoR)
RedMax            35391 1f-af   c2    -              -- -    BEW fly (CWP)<13a>
RedOctober        42105 1d-f1         
Reederai          30505 12-fc         
Relax             17648 ee-3c         
RelaxedMotion     30146 4d-85         
Renaissance        8452 25-87   n1    VMI Inc        85 -    othello board gme(NoR)<10a>
RenegadeF-16.bas  12550 a8-ca   n1    Luna           82 -    typing strategy
Repel             28723 15-91         
Repton.III        40776?f1-b5   n1    Superior       -- OCS23-11-86 BD like
Rescue.bas         2883 fb-fd   n1    -              -- -    avoid <03b,07b>
RescueOnFractalus 36288 95-3d   c1    Lucasfilm      85 Section8 3D space ship shoot str.
ReturnOfTheJedi   45636 9c-9c   c1    Lucasfilm      87+-    film action
ReturnSpaceW      13947 31-85         
Revenge.II        29076 2d-f7   c2    cr.Yak         -- Madness16-5-87 camel stlr
RevengeOTMutantCa 38912 aa-96   n1    Jeff Minter    -- -    stl
Reversi            5760 65-39         
Revolution        38113 ed-61         
Revs              37878 70-dc   c2    -              -- -    sport: 3D driving
Rhyska            31848 81-0b         
RickDangerous     41824 0d-d3         
Rigel'sRevenge    47178 b6-62   c2    Mastertronic   87 -    TA
RingOfPower       34150 4d-d5   n1    Quicksilva     85 -    TA
Rings'nUp         33264 7d-09         
RingWars          24107 e9-69         
Risk              47790 40-d4   c2    -              -- Ikari30-11-88 strategy board game
Risk!.ShootGame   40118 c0-20   n1    Chris.West     -- -    2D chopter shoot
RiverRaid         14424 e1-55   n1    Activision     84 -    stu
RiverRaid.2       24859 19-81         
RoadBlaster       37138 ea-28         
RoadBurner        37305 2d-a1         
RoadWarrior       40649 d6-a8         
RoadWars          24322 45-1f   c2    -              -- -    arcade (Eliminator like?)
RobbersOTLostTomb 27424?e2-56   n1    Timework       83 -    room walk; logic?
RobinHood         15738 a8-b4   n2    cr.Section8    84 -    stall 
RobinOfSherwood   45714 26-6c   n2    -              -- -    TA
RobinSmithCRT     23479 b1-bf         
RobinToTheRescue  19202 73-67   n2    Solar          83 -    2D screen pass arcade
Robobolt          31503 49-df   n2    AlphaOmega     86 DCS  stAll
RoboRunner        13961 ea-6c         
Robotcop          50457 c3-df         
Robotron          13064 2e-38   n2    cr.1103  30.12.86 -    one screen stAll (NoR)
Robotron.new      46719 14-28         
Rock'nRoll        29960 1d-a5         
Rock.bas          29960 1d-a5   n2    K-Tel int.     84 -    menu manager
Rocketball        43632 e0-60   n2    SteveSinclair  -- -    sport: play w/ rocketball
RocketRoger       46342 0d-6f   n2    Alligata       84 -    fly and shoot LR
Rockford          28834 11-57   c2    cr M.A.D       --+Fusion12-feb-88 BD clone
RockMonitor.III   26254   -           Dutch-USA      87 -    music 4-chn tracker 
RockN'Bolt        22763 a1-4f   n2    -              -- Mr.Z logic
RockPaper&Shear   40725 b8-12         
RockyHorrorShow   49180 32-7c   n2    cr.seen        85 -    arcade adventure
Rogue             28787 82-c6         
Roland'sRatrace   49505 ec-34   n2    Ocean          -- cr.TCS  2D platform collect
RollAround        21942 6f-8f         
Rollerboard       42913 68-1e   c2    Capital Soft   -- Nukebusters87 2D skating (cwp)
Romulus           38941 78-3a   c2    Quicksilva     86 -    stlr (NoR)
RonaldRubberd     24777 73-6f         
RoomTen           29018 1f-51   n2    Galcorp        -- -    sport: 3D table hockey
Rooter            37580 43-51         
RosWarriors       24878 b7-1b         
Rotate.bas         4388 6e-04   n2    Commodore      78 -    logic <10b>
RouletteSimulator 24930 ea-10         
Roundabout        31745 13-0d   n2    DataMost       83 -    stdown <04a>
RoundBend         32672 53-49         
RoundBend.2       33238 2d-25         
Rowdy             36984 76-c6         
Rox64              8245 e1-21   n2    JeffMinter     -- -    shoot <10b>
RubiksCube.bas    16229   -           -              -- -    u:solves any cube pos. 
RudiTheRat        12970 f4-b8         
RugbyBoss         16055 5c-d8         
RugbyCoach        12215 89-83         
RugbySimulator    34733 f5-c7         
RugbyTWC          36656 29-c5         
Rulette.bas       13154 00-cc   n2    Dave Barnes    -- -    NL??
RupertAndIceCastle50988 a5-31   n2    Quicksilva     -- -    2D platform screenpass
RutersWorld       25984 05-8f         
RuthlessRufus     49536 1c-76         
Rygar             28823 54-04   c2    U.S.Gold?      -- SCC20-nov walk and stlr
Rygel'sRevenge    48610 b6-62         
S       S
S-mordor          50952 37-a7         
Sabotage          37859 08-34         
Saboteur          39936 81-37   n1                      -    fight adventure. time race
Saboteur.II       30928 d0-fc   c1    Durell 87+RELAX fight.Type run after intro
SabreWulf         36513 a3-25   n6    A.C.G.Ultimate 85 -    coll.fight.labyrinth<14b>
SamanthaFox       31552 e5-39   n1                      -    strip poker
SammyLightfoot    16467 d4-7a   n1    SierraOnLine   83 -    arcade
SamuraiWarrior    58067 68-9c         
Santa'sChristmasHe25728 6c-c4         
Santa'sXmasCaper  45434 8b-7f         
Santolus          31250 02-ec   n1    G.Allan        87 Legend/Orion5-4-88 str adv.
Sanxion           51169?b5-63   n7    Thalamus          -    str <13a>
Saracen.1         50132 56-aa         
Sargon.II          9097 ed-6f         
Sargon.II          9097 ed-6f   n1                      -    chess
SASCombatSim      39479 3c-1a         
SatansHollow      25956 75-d9         
Saturns10Moons    30555 e1-e1         
SaucerAttack      23809 fd-c1   n1    J.D.Sach       84 -    TEO <04a>
SaveMeBraveKnight 27649 bd-2b   n1    F451 soft      83 -    arcade action
SaveNewYork        8453 80-7c   n1    Creative       83 -    shoot
SayIt.SimonsBas    1616 24-7e   n1    -              -- -    saying things <01b>
Scalextric        48071 1e-1e         
Scarabaeus        37114 27-b3         
ScareBear         28455 85-07         
ScaryMonsters     44775 3d-83                          +Fairlight 17-09-1987 arc adv shoot 
SceptreBaghdad    41578 44-f2         
Schizo'95         11679 f1-15         
ScoobyDoo         31668 c7-ff   c1
Scooty'sFun       39622 3e-3e         
Scores               82 a7-3f         
Scorpio           36971 fa-a4         
Scorpion          25614 7b-9d         
Scorpius          43289 30-36         
Scrolling         12856 f7-9b         
Scrollo           11411 51-a7   n1    Input64           -    worm gets longer
ScrollsOfAbadon   47244 48-64   n1
Scrolly           15853 ae-7a         
ScubaDive         32513 02-e8   n1    Durell         83 -    search the underwater
ScubaKidz         31296 24-8c         
Scumball          35661 51-33   c1    Mastertronic   87 Fusion
Scumballs         29269 ed-cb         
SeaFox            16651 d8-ae   n1                      -    shoot the ships
SeaWolf            8456 9c-3a   n1    Antirom        83 -    shoot up
SecretOfKublaih.b 10235 18-58   n1    JMP soft       83 -    basic TA
Sector'90         28956 b0-76         
Sentence          32226 0a-ae         
Sentinel          32244 9b-45   c1    Firebird          trianon(fantasy2/12/86)  strategy
Sequel            34110 27-5b         
Serpentine        16644 d4-64   n1                      -    arcade
SexGames          23818 7b-59   n1    Landisoft      85 -    porno
SexGames.bas      23818 f9-b9         F/S            84 -    funny simple amin;german<10a>
SeymoreGTHollywood47612 18-74         
SG.Relay&dash     28233 17-bd   n1    -              -- -    3: 4x100m relay; 4: 100m dash
SG.SkeetShoting   29577 69-8d   n1    -              -- -    8: skeetshooting <05b>
Shadowfax          8708 8a-44   n1    M.Sinleton     -- -    shoot&avoid <10b,01b>
ShadowSkimmer     28862 de-80         
Shamus            25148 d0-46   n2    Synapse
ShamusCase.II     18588 be-34   n2    Synapse                cr.olenader84 action adv.
Shanghai          42690 92-08                           MZP/Hawk pass intro???<15b>
Shao-Lin'sRoad    37175 e3-fb   n2    Konami            Popeye24/2/87 fight
Shark             35075 fe-44         
Sharphagos        16153 03-05         
ShatterLand       36760 e2-f2         
SheepInSpace      38927 e4-cc   n2    cr.               -    str
ShellShock        35278 bc-fc         
Sherlock          42953 83-69         
Shiftrix          17795 08-c2         
Shit.demo         28447 8d-a1   n2    SwedishHackersOnToiletChairs scrolls&musics
Shocker           29402 8c-58   n2                           TTW
ShockwayRider     43566 59-61   n2                      -    fight
ShockZone.II      21730 7b-55         
Shogun            61111 3d-d3         
Shoot             22280 3b-1d         
Shoot'EmUpConSet  28886 83-19   c1
Shootout          37550 c1-f5   c1                      BloodSuckers 10-09-89 take'em out
ShootTheRapids    43262 d0-b4         
ShootToKill       36587 4b-7b         
ShortCircuit      49734 68-52         
Showjumper        40936 1c-52   n2    SanyoTeam         -    PIC+doesnt want to run
ShowJumping       40936 1c-52         
Sidewalk          47228 3b-29   c3    cr.Fusion      87+Fusion/Anarchy12-20-87 beer! <11a>
Sidewinder        21868 f9-5b         
Sidewize          38117 1f-e5         Firebird       87 CCS'87 str 
Siege              6403 24-fa   n2    M.Singleton    -- -    simple arcade <10b>
SigmaSeven        47702 6c-04   c1    Durell         86 -
SilkWorm          38653 ea-ac         
SilverAxe         30080 c4-24         
SimulGolf         47827 e5-43         
Sinbad            58385 f2-36         
SirenCity         38857 3e-98         
Sirius             5301 78-f6         
Six                8742 69-1f         
Six-A-Side        42345 37-1f   c1    Microprose     86 Ikari 26-11-88 small soccer
Sj0slag            8450 0b-c1         
Skakanje           7541 43-cb   n2    -              -- -    simple skill (Slovene)<03b>
SkateBoard.1      13364 7b-65   n6    -              -- -    ??? <11b>
SkateBoard.2      47105 79-cb   n6    -              -- -    skate in full pipe<11b>
SkateRock         40385 ae-7a   c1    BubbleBug      86+DireBreaks skating
Skatin'USA        26253 0d-67         
Skidz             30336 66-b0         
Skiing            12832 b8-44   n2
SkiJump           28892 e1-81         
SkiRun            25800 c4-70   c3    IDEA           86 ECC18-10-87 sport: slalom <11b>
SkoolDaze         44720 21-cd   n2                      -    arcade adv.
Skramble.Anirog   32785 1e-a8   n2    Anirog         83 -    str
Skramble.Rabbit   26669 87-6b   n2    Rabbit      Jan84 -    str
Skramble.Stevens  10241 e7-ab   n2    -Stevens       83 -    str
Skull             29232 1a-f2   n2    cr.Johnny      8  -    labyrinth
SkyFox            51398   -           ElectronicArts 85 -    crash: blank screen
SkyHigh           43083 88-24         
SkyJet            25774 93-d5   n2    -              -- Yak4+7+85 shoot the submarine
SkyRaider         33232 7e-48   n2    SCoox             -    str
SkyRunner         40696 34-3c         
SkyTwice          27381 11-1d   c1    VoodooDesign     +Exile 20/10/87 str
Slaine            40934 be-70         
Slalom            29954 17-65   n2    Tronix         83 -    skiing (NoR) <07b>
Slamball          32391 46-5a   n2    cr.GCS            GCS
SlapFight         37359 20-f4         
Slapshot.II       50054 e1-0f   n3    Superior          -    sport: hockey
SlapshotHockey    40193?11-7d   n3     -             85 -    sport
SlaterMan         42280 cd-1b         
Slayer            42237 b3-67         
SleepWalker       43345 30-90         
Slide             35835 62-56         
SlightlyMagic     41955 da-52         
Slinky            30721 1f-d7   n3                      7769/11/12/1984 hilight the squares
SlipOfMemory      47166 27-53         
Slug              33628 94-d0         
Slurpy            16898 6a-a2   n3
SmashBall         16315 02-18         
Smashed           43204 a6-92         
SmashOut          44287 21-41         
Smurfen           38838 d4-58   n3                      -    arcade for chilren
SnackMan          15020 e3-e9         
Snake.bas          3594 62-66   n3    -              -- -    simple snake game <07b>
Snake.Wolf.bas     1204 b2-06   n3    Ch.Wulf        -- -    simple snake game
SnakeByte         16642 c8-f8   n3    Sirius         83 -    worm game <04a>
SnakeMania        32180 f2-42         
SnakeOrDie        35402 82-7a         
SnapDragon        31023 85-b1         
Snoball           31486 7d-0d         
Snocat.bas         7105 5d-0b   n3
Snokie            36916 f2-a8   n3    Funsoft        83 -    arcade
Snooker           14336 e6-9e   n3    -              -- -    sport
Snoopy            12061 57-db   n3                     *
Snoopy.Commodore  13458 89-27   n3    Commodore      -- -    add&subtract <10b>
Snowball.29728    29696 85-19   n3    Level 9        83 -    TA
SnowboardRace     14099 f4-6a         
Snowman           23245 5f-2b         
SoccerC=          16641 0e-52   n3    Commodore         -    sport: soccer
SoccerCupFinal    16641 0e-52   n3    Commodore      83 -    soccer (NoR) (PIC) 
SoftwareHouse     28441 78-e8         
SolarFox          15908 4e-1a         Commodore      83 -    like gridder 
Solaria           45639 ed-c5         
Soldier           41341 d2-a8   c2                      Fantasy 27-12-87 creation
Soldier3001       43366 67-d1         
SoldierOfFortune  33503 35-e5   n3    English        85 -    platform arcade
SoldierOne        38375 60-1a   c2                      triad shoot TEO
SoldierOne        43366?67-d1   n3    cr.Triad       -- -    shoot (PIC)
SolidAfrica       21921 3f-45         
SolidOne          39853 f8-be         
Solitax           39697 5a-16         
SoloFlight        38785 21-c7   n3    Microprose        -    flight simulator
SolomonsKey       27975 03-4f         
SonOfBlagger      47105 24-4c   n3    A.Crowther        -    platform arcade
Sorcery           26460 fa-90         Virgin         84 -    platform adventure 
SOSTerrorists     29908 7f-11         
SoulsDarkon       34560 52-3e         
SoulsOfDarkon     46575 1e-d4         
SpaceAcademy      44931 08-88         
SpaceAce          49532 a9-d3   n4    Mike Davis     -- -    stlr
SpaceAction        8455 5e-38   n4    cr.Riminini    84      str
SpaceArmada       16129 9e-00         
SpaceBall.II       2516 9a-88         
SpaceCommand      40105 d2-5c         
SpaceDoubt        41802?fd-b1   n4    Flora          86 -    room walk
SpaceDuel         25323 ff-3b         
SpaceEnemy         6595 75-79         
SpaceFiends       11055 59-5d   n4    RedArrow       87 Paco stlru
SpaceFighter      41777 6d-79   c2
SpaceGold         42590 41-03         
SpaceGunner       30726 ce-16         
SpaceHarrier      40548 fb-d9   c2    Elite86/Sega   85 -    6-12-86 fastshoot arcade
SpaceInvaders      6211 9b-9d   n4
SpaceKnight       37078 f1-1f         
Spacemania        20661 8a-48         
SpacePilot        47106 80-22   n4    cr.               -    st all around
SpacePilot.2      51201 b7-59         
SpaceRes          30709 cc-34         
SpaceRider        32022 3d-17         
SpaceSentinel     28326 ea-f6   n4    T&F soft       -- cr.Freeze shoot <03b>
SpaceShootout     24774 e8-80         
SpaceShuttle      17665 c4-7a   n4    Activision     84 -    space shuttle simulation
SpaceTalisman     38915 08-c2   n4    cr.SSA         -- -    room walk&shoot adv.<05b>
SpaceTowers       24102 25-0b         
SpaceTurds        15681 13-f3         
SpaceVegtCorps    29987 79-75         
SpaceWarriors     10559 55-cb         
SpaceWorm         20850 68-b0         
SpanishTreasure   48640 a7-e3         
Sparkk            23709 65-13         
SparklingBlades   48971 8e-12         
Spazio2000        37381 87-1b   n4    -              -- -    str (Italian) <06a>
SpecialAgent      28657 08-8e         
Spectrum48kEmulat 33286   -           Uhitby         85 -    u:basic emulation <10b>
Speedball          8584 7d-11         
Speedball.II      50553 0e-be         
SpeedBingo         8455 65-e7   n4    Commodore      82 -    learn math (NoR) <10b>
SpeedDuel         14290 43-a4   n4
SpeedKing         30945 34-a4   n4    EstCourt       85 Mr.Z bike racing
Speedway          35774 bb-0d         
SpeedwayHero      22174 7b-77         
SpeedZone         11688 bb-dd         
Spellbound        44284 59-bf   n4    cr.               -    graphic menu adventure
Spellcast         37942 73-49         
SpellSeeker       20898 92-7e         
Spermer           11906 08-7a         
Spheron           39164 4b-5d         
Spider            11720 5f-a3         
Spiderman         47360 d4-da         
Spike'sPeak       29550 6d-15   n4    Snoopy/MAM     84 -    arcade (NoR) <01b>
SpikyHarold       27427 c8-40   n4    Bogg           86 -    platform adventure
Spindizzy         36889 ee-d6   n4    ElectricDreams86*-     arcade adventure collecting
SpiritStones      35064 1c-52   n4
Spitfire40        51201 39-a3   n6    -              -- -    flight simulator<13b>
SplitImages       35279?e2-78   n4    Domark         -- -    puzzle
Spooks            41261 d6-14         
SpookyCastle      24817 19-2f         
SportLanesBowling 51201 6b-87   n4    -              -- -    sport: arcade sim
SportOfKings      24475 64-de   c2    Mastertronic   86 WCC horse racing manager
Spy'sDemise       13620 bc-18   n5    Penguin        83 -    arcade
SpyHunter         20994 43-87         
SpyHunter         20994 43-87   n5    BallyMidway    83 -
SpyStrikesBack    15428 22-8e   n5    Penguin        83 -    SpysDemise.II <01b>
SpyTrek           48107 62-68         
SpyVsSpy          42121 48-16   n5                      -    2play arcade logic&fight
SpyVsSpy.II       45097 f8-a8   n5
SpyWhoLovedMe     38619 28-ae         
Sqij              38388 5a-6a   c3    Alpha-Omega    84 Hotline13-5-87 shoot 
SquareOut         33866 d1-b1         
SquareScape       21871 08-6e         
Squash            48923 ae-8e   n5    2010              -    sport: squash
Squish'em          9221 8f-85   n5
Sst               18743 b0-fa         
StaffOfKarnath    39171 c9-b5         
Stagger           18678 8b-4b         
StarAce           35676 82-a0         
Starball          46852 32-d8   n5
StarBrain         46884 71-df         
StarBurst         42399 c7-b9         
StarCommando      17926 aa-42   n5    Terminal       84 -    stahead
StarEggs          28929 c2-6e         
StarFighter.1     45928 c0-94         
StarFighter.2     36852 6d-2b         
Starfire          29488 95-97         
Starfire          29488 95-97   n5    Epyx           83 -    stahead
StarFlight        25360 c0-fe         
StarForce         30724 af-93   n5    -                 -    shoot strategy
StarForceFighter  29237 59-cf         
StarForceNova     19465 24-d0         
StarFox           35414 c5-b9         
Stargate          19101 3f-3b         
Starglider        50123 d8-66   n5                      -    shoot
Starion           52530?7c-f2   n5    -              -- -    stAhead
StarLab           13059 be-e4         
StarLeagueBaseball34306 cc-8e   n5    GameStar       83 -    sport: arcade <02a>
StarPaws          32019 f8-7a   c2                      Triad 7/11/87 didnt figure
StarPost           8449 dd-d9   n5    Commodore      83 -    shoot
StarQuake         45761 59-af   n5
StarRaiders       35224 c8-d0         
StarRanger        16445 f7-75         
StarSlayer        37449 38-de   c2    Unicon         87+Satan/Ikari
StarSoldier       35625 6d-37   c3              Triad stallaround
StarTrek.32757    16396 97-c3   n5    Sega           83 -    shoot strategy
StarWars          28304 3f-33   c3    Lucasfilm/atari83-     shoot
StarWars.atari    16641 6b-a5   n5    Atari          83 -    shoot
StarWars.III      49082?  -           Lucasfilm      87 -    shoot (screwed main screen)
Starways          36101 79-1f         
StarwaysDroid     28682 47-a1         
StarWreck         43762 61-cb   c3    C.A.Sharp      87 FAC  TA <13b>
Stealth           28102 e5-1b         Jedi 20001        -    stahead 
Steel             33276 9c-58         
StegTheSlug       42407 06-78         
Steigar           38100 f9-f5         
Stella7           34898 7b-79         
Stellar7          39816 3b-8f         Penguin/Dynamic83 -    3D strategy Driller like 
StellarTriumph    28477 9f-ef   n5    Hal labs          -    stall (no reset)
StellarWars       22548 23-25   n5    K.Moughtin     83 -    st out
StifFlip&Co.II    50684 9c-64         
Stix               8448 82-82   n6
StockCar          47109 3e-d2          -                -    BEW 2pl. car race  
Stocker           41752 e8-b8         
Stones             8473 34-14         
StopTheExpress    36634 3d-f3         
Stormlord         44837 ba-92   c2                     +Future »plays music fast«
StormWarrior      36865 f7-5f         
StoryOfCaptainHoo 15735 3b-a7   c3    -              -- AlphaFlight shoot (how to start?) 
StrangeLoop       40160 90-3a         
Stratton          31446 3f-29   c2    Imperial       87+Papillons stall
StreetCredFootball26395 f9-a9         
StreetHawk        45629 9b-a5         
StreetMachine     42714 0b-83   n6    F4CG           86 -    BEW racing (PIC)
StreetsOfLondon.b 31242 be-0a   n6    Supersoft      -- -    TA
StreetSurfer      28078 09-4f   c2    Mastertronic   86 Yeti PIC+skate&race on street
StreetWarriors    38670 9f-b3         
StriderMega       50559 25-b5         
StrikeForceCobra  43518 c4-30   c3                      Triad6/11/86 action adv.
StrikeForceHarrier35228 b3-13   n6                      TheStars1/9/?? flight simulator
Stringer          30465 7a-86   n7    Addictive      85 -    arcade collecting
StripPoker        38062 de-18         ArtWorks          -    it has pirate messages 
StripPoker.II     44697 12-c6   c3    ArtWorks          -    Marlena, Candy
Strongman         37857 7c-02         
StuntBike         39290 75-1b   n6    Ami            -- -    platform bike drive
StuntBikeSim      22653 10-5c   c3
StuntCarRacer     41630 10-c0   c3    -              -- X-Factor inview drive
StuntMan          38279 6d-a9         
Subbuteo          35521 d4-a2         
Subclavian        27085 da-5a   n6    -              --+Ikari88/Survivors5-25-88 sht<14b>
Subsunk           22046 77-f9         
Subterranea       49591 78-f6   c3    Hewson    LaserCS12-3-88 stl
SuicideExpress    42621 22-ea         -                 -    LOCO like 
SuicideSolution   11368 f4-3e         
SuicideStrike     31034?68-7e   n7    Tronix         -- -    STahead <02b>
SupaCTropa        16467 1a-3c         
Super-Droid       40279 51-29   n6                      -    name? 3D adv.
SuperBall         42496 7f-21         
SuperBowl         39392 38-94   n6    Ocean          86 -    crashed?
SuperCars         40000 7e-86   c3    Gremlin        91+Sharks bew drive (PIC)
SuperCode         13032 ad-75         
SuperCross        30657?4d-f3   n7    SyystemEditor  86 Bitstopper rear view driving
Supercuda         12047 17-b3   n6    DynamicsMarket83 -     pacman clone (German)<02b>
SuperDarts         7476 1e-e2         
SuperDeal         44952 c0-7e         
SuperDeathRide    36005 89-9f         
SuperDogFight     10671 a5-31   n6    R.W.Stevens    -- -    2.pl shoot <10b>
SuperDroud        40279 51-29         
SuperFroot        14340 56-e8   n6    CBM            83 -    fruit slot machine <10b>
SuperGridder      10241 ef-b7         
SuperHero         50471 3c-b0         
Superior          19263 6c-b8         
SuperKid          33971 98-78         
SuperKidInS       33971 98-78         
SuperLem          39363 a2-16         S.R.L          -- -    coll. & avoid <15a>
Superman          15360 5c-02   n6    -              -- -    str <10a>
SuperMonacoGP     48338 f3-9f         
SuperPingPong     26239 36-00         
SuperPipeline     38915 64-be   n6    Taskset        83 -    arcade skill <02a>
SuperPipeline.2   42475 93-a7         
SuperRider        41780 0c-56   n6    Firebird       -- -    show jumping(PIC)<13a>
SuperSeymour      41043 93-df         
SuperSmash         8263 3f-cd   n6    -                 -    TTW
SuperSnakeSim     14047 48-18         
SuperSoccer.II.1  13417 8b-95   n7    -              -- -    ??? <11a>
SuperSoccer.II.2  47105 81-47   n7    -              -- -    sport: arc&manager<11a>
SuperSpeechSample 37816 09-c7   n6    Gente          -- -    demo DJdigi sound <13b>
SuperSpy          48107 63-6b         
SuperSpy          48107 63-6b         
SuperStockCar     31016 79-e9         
SuperTact         11665 5a-26         
SuperTank         41579 09-35         
SuperTed          32863 3f-cd         
SuperTrolley      31326?9d-19   c3    Mastertronic   -- Zenith/Abyss logic <14b>
SuperTrucker      38479 4a-d8         
SuperTrux         39761 c9-47         
SuperZaxxon       42496 a3-b9   n7    Sega82/Hesware84 -     search&collect
Suprallay         38733 5e-a0         
Surfer            29687?eb-4b   n7    -              -- -    sport: surfing
Survivor          24661 58-8a   n7    Synapse        83 -    stallar. cr.YourFloffy <10b>
Survivors         23862 77-77   n7    Atlantis       --+Ikari BD variation<11b>
Swag              18397 c9-11         
SwampFever        23588 b4-e8         
Swap              39626 d4-26         
Swat              33268 52-14   n7    Mastertronic   86 Yeti Commando like
SwitchBlade       45802 3d-df         
Swoop             13905 cc-3c   n7    cr.PMK         84 PMK1984 Invaders like
SwordFighting     42228 f9-b3         
SwordOfFargold.ba 26626 c8-c6   n7    Epyx           83 -    <04a>
SydneyAffair.1    27528 5e-22         
SydneyAffair.2    13807 8c-42         
Synex             38312 0d-b1         
Synopsis          26394 0c-ba         
Syntax            22690 6b-59         
Synthimat          8449   -           -              -- -    music utility <06a>
T       T
TableFootball     35986 02-bc         
TableTennis       24534 47-3d         
TagTeamWrestling  26237 29-31   c1    Data East      87 1001crew sport: ring wrestling
TaiChiTortoise    43391 ec-3a         
talesOfTheCat     43671 de-c8         
Talladega         37843 e6-62   n1    Cosmi          84 -    backview drive
Tamer             40947 c5-55         
TankAtak           8593 d7-cb   n1    Supersoft      83 -    shoot strategy.
TankBattleZone    34296 c1-a9         
TankPolice         8604 f1-8b         
Tanks             41856 6b-95         
TankWarConSet     37476 36-02   n1    Wisniewski     84 -    BEW tank shoot & Const.Set
Tanx              18436 2c-76         
Tanx              18436 2c-76   n1                      -    TEO shoot other tanks
TaoCeti.III       47276 2a-6c   n1    CRL            86 BFG  TA with gfx <08>
Tapper            25603 b0-24   n1    BallyMidway    -- -    skill arcade
Tarot             33619 3e-d4         
Tarzan            49099 e1-15   n1    Martech        86 -    fight in the jungle
TarzanGoesApe     46464 a4-f4   c1    CodeMasters    91+Dominators/Excalibur90 climb&shoot
Task.III          40892 9c-4c         
TaskForce.1       23837 5d-b7         
TaskForce.2       32696 71-55         
Taskmaster        30620 9c-10   n1    CreativeSparks85 -     atall
TauCeti           40666 f0-22         
TauZero           32512 e7-35         
Tazz              44725?a4-2a   n1    BubbleBus      84 -    stlr
TeamTetris        37576 84-de         
Telnyr.1          15001 48-44         
TempleOfTerror    41591 46-02   c1    -              -- Fairlight870514 TA
Tennis            42364 38-54         
TenSpeed          32640 cc-e6         
Terminator        31997 87-91   n1    Gaxx           86 Doughnut28/2/87 stlr
TerraCognita      34128 4f-17   n1    CodeMasters    86 Hotline5-11-86/KOF stu
TerraCresta       40580 51-1d   c1    Imagine        86 Triad7-dec-86 stu
Terrafighter      48004 b8-16         
Terraquake.Master 40458?d1-ed   c1    -              -- Yeti2-4-87 TA
Terror            44732 f4-dc         
TerrorOfTDeep     48071 be-a8         
TerrorPos         21725 6c-56         
Terry'sBGAdv      39216 91-31         
TestCricket'85    19541 d5-17         
Tetris            27698 4f-01   c1    -              -- Hotline22-1-88 skill logic
TetrisSoundtrack  10305 d0-f6   c1    Hotline        -- -    demo music
Tetriz            17297 df-a1         
Tetrys             2432 c4-90   n1    JulianBurger   89 -    tetris clone
Thanatos          39692 bc-d6         Durell         87 Plutonium16.4.87 <15b>
Thanatos          46814 fa-d2   n1    -              -- -    fly with a dragon and burn
Thargon           35242 14-be         
TheatreEurope     50854 3b-8b         
TheJet            45059 e1-93   n1    Sublogic       85 -    flight simulator <08>
ThingBouncesBack  44149 98-de   c3    -              -- Jazzcat arcade <13b>
ThingOnASpring    56534 22-f2   n1    -              -- -    platform coll. arcade
ThingOnASpring.2  41027 8f-af         
ThingyForce       14195 57-9f         
Think             11264 3b-7d         
ThinkFast         35712 4a-3e         
ThinkTwice.demo   11264 3b-7d   c1    FLD            --      some music&impressive scroll
ThomasTrain       37597 b1-eb         
Thrust            16566 76-ae   c1    -              --*     collect and destroy
ThrustaBall       41576 84-72         
ThunderBirds      46695 b3-07         
Thundercats       39075 66-b0   c1    Elite          -- FCG87 fight lr
ThunderCross      32199 d2-7a         
TieBreak          39403 b5-51         
Tiffany           40395 0e-ce         
TigerHell         39765 fa-ec         
TigerMission      40110 df-b3         
Tilt              29204 e0-6a         
TimeClock         14368   -           NH <15b>
TimeCrystal       42146 07-71   n1    SachsEnt.      93 1001 mega gfx arcade
TimeFighter       41309 86-74   c2    -              --+Hotline23-2-88 run&shoot
TimelordsAmulet   28928 d8-18         
TimeMachine       27622 dd-89         
TimePuzzle        32977 00-4e         
TimeRunner        12809 2c-04   n1    FunSoft        83 -    Digger like
TimeTraveller     32877 c8-b0         
TimeTrax          37679 be-f4         
TimeTraxx         50687 33-5b   n2    -              -- -    arc.adv.<13a>
TimeTunnel        46675?4e-fc   n1    Kila&Ban       85 -    room walk
TimeWagon.bas     26165 27-89   n1    Elsoft         -- -    TA
Timewise          14054 c0-22         
TipTrick          35049 4c-40         
Titan             50195 70-b6   n1    -              -- -    TTW (SITMOTG)
Titanic           51062 25-33   n2    -              -- -    simulation
TitanicBlinky     37875 22-62         
TMC'sGrave.demo   17348 fe-30   c2    FAT            -- FAT  scroll&music 
ToadForce         40967 bc-0c         
Tobruk            31988 26-ee         -              -- Ikari war strategy + arcade <15b>
ToHellAndBack     35366 e3-e3         
TokenOfGhall      37929 79-bd   n2    -              -- -    TA w/ gfx <02a>
Tolteka           34005 de-a2   c2    Aridlasoft     87 FCS11-12-87 ardace with a ball
Tom               48094 33-bf   n2    Section 8      -- -    platform labyrinth arcade
Tom&Jerry         39637?b2-9c   n3
Tomahawk          36933 a8-5c         Digital        86 Triad24-dec-86 flight sim. <15a>
Tombola           21605 c0-0c         
TomCat            44132 dc-f8         
Tonido            37376 a9-bd         
Toobin            38461 9b-39         
Toolkit            2717 5d-61         
TopDuck           26519 86-58         
TopGun            40621 09-df   c2    Ocean          -- Hotline11-4-87 2play schoot (PIC)
TopperCopper      40831 81-a5         
TornadoLowLevel   35768 bb-fb         
TorsonWarrior.II  31236 62-a6         
TotalEclipse      42302 9b-d1   c2    -              -- FBR  3D Driller like adventure
TotalEclipse.II   44165 a9-45         
TouchdownFootball 49477 13-03         
Toughboys         41053 2d-79         
TourDeFrance      44288 30-ba   n2    -              -- -    sport: cycles
Tournament        48915 71-bd         
TournamentTennis  42364?38-54   n3    -              -- -    sport
Towers            39939 d3-d1         
Toyballs          45592 24-ba         
ToyBizarre        16433 1e-78   c2    Activision     84 -    platform arcade
ToyBizzare        16433 1e-78         
Tracer            28544 f2-4e         
Track&Field       42471 dc-66   n2    Konami         83 Trackman sport: 100m left-right
Tracker           39644 e8-4a         
Trailblazer       23985 6b-51   c2    Southern       86 -    2play ball on track
TrailRunner       13826 28-f8         
TrainRobbers      47118 32-ae   c2    Firebird       87+Fusion/INC2-17-88 action arcade
Trains.bas         3459 99-0f   n2    J.Aughton      -- -    try to control the trains
Trajectory        27803 e4-9c         
Tramp.bas         17242 9c-e2   n2    -              -- -    trade sim. (german)
Tranqualized      26589 a1-cd         
Transformers      49951 7b-67   n2    -              -- -    walk&shoot <05b>
TransWorld        34088 82-02         
Trantor           48603 2d-15   c2    Probe          87 Yeti flame'em lr (PIC)
Trap              51002 28-9a   n2    Alligata       86 -    stu
TrapDoor          43325 38-80   c2    Piranha/Macmillan'86 DynamicDuo15/10/86 logic arc.
TrapDoor.II       47398 1d-03   n2    Piranha        --+Fusion(no press spc) logic arc.<11b>
TrashMan           8452 3d-61   n2    Creative       83 -    pacman clone <10a> (NoR)
TrashMan.II       37953 15-ef   n2    NewGeneration    -     collect trash
Travl0p            4202 0f-39   n2    -              -- -    language?
Traz              40080!53-93   c3    Cascade        88 Edtcrack87 TTW
Traz.III          48088!30-bc   c3    Cascade        88      TTW
TreasureIsland    43477 01-9d   c3    -              -- Fairlight TA gfx
Tremmel           16078 60-f2         
Treshold          12545 70-72   n2    SierraOnLine   83 -    stu (NoR)
Triacus           39201 22-88         
Triad             28929 c8-1c   n2    LiveWire       83 -    stahead
Triango           36244 29-99         
Triaxos           31673 5a-bc         
Triaxxon          48071 c2-6c         
TriggerHappy      45465 6a-0c         
Trilistron        30255?b4-da   c3    -              -- Yeti87 stAhead (German)
Triplex           16947 96-78         
Triss             36840 ae-ea         
TrivialPursuit    48248 bf-b1   c3    -              -- BAM  quiz game
Trojke.bas         4074 77-61   n2    MojMikro       -- -    quiz (Slovene) <10b>
Troll             38918 ed-bf         
TrollieWallie     25628!1a-b8   c3    Interceptor    84+CRC  cr.Crackout platform coll.
TrollsAndTribulat 34086 96-6a   n2    Creative       -- -    platform coll.
Tron              13824 48-f6         
TronicForce       36610 1e-2e         
TronNew            9332 6b-cd         
TropicalFever     43435 ff-a1   n2    Headbanger     84 -    task platform arcade
TroubleBubble     29099 16-ca   n2    S+S soft       86 COD  2play 3D coll. field arcade
TrueSpit.bas      32210 95-71   n3    -              -- -    TA
TubularBells      12423 7c-5c         
TuermeOfPompeji.b  5300 6f-e9   n3    -              83 -    logic (German) <02b>
TugOfWar          16976 92-4c         
TunnelVision.bas   3953 31-73   n3    -              -- -    3D maze <10b>
TurboBoat         25887 8a-30         
TurboEsprit       43412 90-68   c3    Durell         -- Hotline4-5-87 drive action
TurboGirl         43423 33-7d         
TurboTortoise     45429 c5-f1         
TurfForm          11950 cc-42         
Turmoil           18446 0c-44   n3    Sirius         83 -    stlr
TurnIt.2          29495 ea-ba         
TurtleJump        20738 c8-62   n3    Romik          84 -    BEW coll.  arcade
TurtleJunior      24066 0e-46   n3    HesWare        -- -    create with turtle <03b>
TuttiFrutti       24653 35-17         
TwinCobra         42103 61-17         
TwinForce         15267 69-ef         
TwinKingdomValley 34305 4c-2a   n3    -              -- -    TA
TwinkyGoesHiking  36586 8e-e8   n3    Firebird       86 -    2D 2play race
TwinTornado       34918 f0-b6   c3    -              -- TCS'86 flight simulator
Twist             16030 1c-42         
U       U
U-96              49317 5a-a2    a    CpVerlag       92 Enigma/Empire board:battleShip PIC
U.C.M             22620 b3-89    a    Gremlin        88+Sharks Ultimate combat mission stu
Uchi-Mata         49715 f8-b0    a    Martech        -- -    judo
Ufo               49213 ff-47    a    O.C.G.         86 -    stu
Ufo.II            29748 92-c7    a    -              -- TFD/Jayce3-jun stu (NoR)
Ugh               20745 a4-a4    a    Softek         83 -    arcade coll&shoot <07b>
Ukjent            38913 34-ac    a    -              -- -    platform arcade
UltimateEvent      7193 80-d0    a    99             91 Bingo/Burp6-feb-93 skate board
Underground.bas   23036 14-9c    a    -              -- -    TA
UndergroundZone   11408 e5-7b    a    -              -- -    avoid (german)
UnderWurlde       38551 45-21    a    Ultimate       -- -    arc adv. coll.
Unitrax           27668 46-74    a    LH & NP        87+Fairlight21.3.88 shoot&coll.adv
Up'nDown          16473 56-a4    a    Sega           84 -    arcade avoid& coll (NoR)
UpUpAndAway       30638 b9-bf    a    Starcade       -- -    bly the baloon - avoid
Ural              36835 67-0f    a    Szegedy        -- Delta tank game (cwp) (NoR)
Uridium.2         41492 5a-e6         
Uridium.I         47967 95-5d    a    Hewson         86 Softrunner stlr (NoR)
USAFalcon         47991 3c-fe    a    Virgin         87 -    travel&shoot (NoR)<13b>
Usl               24785 e6-ea    a    Sachs          92+Elite3.22.92 str
UssJohnYoung      33293 c4-76    a    Micro          90 CrazyLotus/Exodus4-23-90 war sim
V       V
Valkyrie .17      42551 f9-17    a    RamJam         85 -    TA w/gfx
Vampire           50200 c3-61    a    CodeMasters    87 -    room walk&jump
VampiresEmpire.pr 30012 79-77    a    MagicBytes     -- -    Plat. walk PIC
Varidian          35814 40-7c         
Velocipede        32632 77-73    a    Players        86 -    shoot (PIC) <08a>
Velocipede.II     45241 ce-2a    a    Players        86 -    shoot&avoid (PIC)
Vendetta.intro    17123 6b-bb    a    System3        90 -    credits & anim
VendettaJewel     19754 83-4f    a    -              --+GPFE be an assassin
Vengeance         34566 50-46    a    CRL            87+Comics29.11.87 stu <15b>
Vengeance.pic      6970 fb-9d    a    -              -- -    pic <15b>
VenomStrikesBack  41463 3a-64    a    Gremlin        --+Ikari88 walk&str
VideoPoker        23954 ca-02    a    Mastertronic   86 -    poker for 1
Vietnam.bas       30965 d2-7c    a    -              -- DSC  stlr
Vikings           44614 cd-33    a    S.Gronbech     -- -    STAllAround
Vindicator        42484 93-f9    a    Atari          --+Legend/NEI13-nov-90 2plr shoot BEW
Vioris            20822 cb-39    a    -              -- Success/Armageddon 2player tetris
Viper             33536 03-33    a    -              -- Legend12-12-88/13-88 str
Virus             23712 ba-dc    a    CSC            --+StrikeForce8-10-88/Mayhem9 pacman
Vislice.bas        6694 b0-5c    a    MojMikro       -- -    hang man (Slovene) <02b>
VoidRunner        12377 32-aa    a    cr.yak         -- DD   Shoot the worm
Volfield          36284 be-74    a    Taito          89+Chromance like stix
Volleyball        33639 44-86    a    Mastertronic   86 cr.Doughnut sport: arcade <08b>PIC
VolleyballSim     29790 b0-f6    a    -              -- Devils22-2-88 arcade&edit
VoodooCastle      30723 c5-2f         
VortexRaider      20545 0a-2e    a    Interceptor    -- -    stahead
Vortron           35584 fc-3e    a    Alligata       87 Wanderer atallaround (NoR)
Vulgus            23659 89-cb    a    Suicide        --+Decibel stu (PIC)
Vyrus             23918 f4-5a         
W       W
W.A.R             46965 6a-a8   c1
WackyStories.bas  13072 6e-4e   n1    -              -- -    enter words and make story
Wahn               9746 46-86         
Walkingdead       21936 9e-36         
Waller'sWabbler   31944 df-9b         
WallieGTRymeland  32868 66-e2   n1
WarBall           24019 e8-76         
WarBattle         28480 88-0c         
WarCarsConSet     35461 c9-21         
WarGames          12550 a8-ca         
WarHawk           34086 5a-10         
Warhawk           34086 5a-10   c1
WarHawk.II        50203 ab-9b         
Warlock           41430 af-69         
Warlok            48131 84-5a         
WarMachine        37939 b6-8c         
Warp              25379 17-cb         
Warp              25379 17-cb   n1    Mutant-X       84 -    out run like
WarPlay           41272 bf-4b   n1    -                 -    stAllAround
Warrior           32267 e2-b4         
Warrior.II        39555 30-e8         
WarriorOfZypar    47106 7a-4c         
Waterline         47107 5c-02   n1    cr.hghh           -    platform adventure
Waterpolo         36566 c4-58   c1    -Hotline16-9-87/DrPac27-1-88 sport
WavyNavy          46446 0c-00         
WaxWorks          28644 cc-ea         
WayOfTheGhost     33408 07-5f         
WayOTExplodingFist48915 71-bd   c1    -Microprose    -- -    fight
WayOTTiger.II.Pole43984?59-b3   n1    -              -- ace  fight
WayOTTiger.SwordFi42228?f9-b3   n1    -              -- ace10-6-86 fight
WayOut            30728 97-9d         
WC.BoxingManager  36423 02-12         
WeatherWar.II     13568 05-9b   n1
Web               45140 d1-77         
WebDimension      48181 8f-25         
WegaStation.bas   19030   -           R.Werner       83 -    TA <01a>
WegaStation.bas   18872 48-b6   n1    RalphWerner    83 -    TA
WeHaveIt          12639?74-66   n2    -              -- DutchUSAteam 
WeMusic.demo       7313 d3-29   c1    -              -- -    Blue Monday music
WerewolvesOfLondon49894 a0-50         Viz design     88 -    arcade adventure 
werner'sGame      11951 70-22         
West              42613 34-1a   n1    cr.TIF         86 -    TA
WestBank          44086 07-1d   n1
WestBank          44086?  -           Gremlin        86 NoName simple shoot
WetPaint.bas       4572 9a-88   n1                      -    like Snake Byte
WG.Biathlon       39009 40-18   n1    -              -- -    WinterGames SYS4096 <06b>
WG.Bob            40929 27-87   n1    -              -- -    WinterGames SYS4096 <10a>
WG.FigureSkating  29409 8a-c2   n1    -              -- -    WinterGames SYS4096 <06b>
WG.HotDog         26049 41-2f   n1    -              -- -    WinterGames SYS4096 <06b>
WG.Jumping        29649 96-b0   n1    -              -- -    WinterGames SYS4096 <06b>
WheelinWallie     34944 89-d9   n1
WheelOfFortune    35328 6d-13         
WheelSoccer       15715 12-fc   n1    Commodore      -- -    same as soccer, but on wheels
WhereTimeBegan    34052 a9-79         
Whirlinurd        29112 46-fe   n1    Chris Gray     85 WMCS platform arcade
WhiteViper        43184 98-0e         
WhoDaresWins      13024 a1-dd   n2    DK'Tronics     83 -    take'em out (Kos)
WhoDaresWins.I    42950 8a-8a   n2    SteveEvans        cr.ET stu (Commando like)
WhoDaresWins.II   47040 76-b8   n2    cr.JamesBond      -    stu
Wibstars          29483 42-74         
Wicked            45230 64-3e   c1    ElectricDreams 89 MP
Widow'sRevenge    10770 31-e9   n2    Nufekop        83 -    shoot the worm
WildDemo.III      31104 39-7b   c1    WildStyles     88 sigma demo
WildFire          32640 95-89         
WildRide          42672 44-7a   n2    Interceptor    85 -    arcade
WildStreets       40144 3a-c8         
WildStyle         31104 39-7b         
WildWestSeymour   44416 ce-6a   c1
Will'OTheWisp     28766 78-a6         
WilliamWobbler    28128 49-63         
WillOfWishes      34194 81-3f         
WillowPattern     38098 c6-18   n2    G.Duddle       85 -    arcade labyrinth adventure
WillyTex          46785 f1-cf         
WillyTex          46785 f1-cf   n2    cr.SAL      SAL85 western shoot
Wimbledon         19304 aa-84         
Wimbledon'64      19304 aa-84   n2    Merlin         84 -    sport: tennis
WinterCamp        36517 7d-11         
WinterWonderland  48488 c3-d9         
WinterWonderland  48488 c3-d9   n2    -              -- -    TA
WirlyBird         30740 37-d1         
Wix-Wax           22074 f1-67         
Wiz               48071 94-12         
Wizard'sCastle.ba 15060 eb-45   n2    J.Power        80 -    TA
Wizard'sLair      43128 bc-38   n2    RichardClark   -- ABC85 arcade adv. <03b>
WizardDuel        34310 d5-bb         
WizardOfAkryz     29071 fe-00         
WizardOfWar       16450 a9-f9   n2    Commodore      84 -    2 player shoot cr.Domini
WizardsPet        33621 f0-c8         
Wizardy           58901 ec-e8         
Wizball           42580 7b-83         
WolfMan.1         38430 24-ce         
WolfMan.2         35881 71-0b         
WolfMan.3         37272 96-62         
WonderBoy         37088 64-a8         
Wonderboy         37088 64-a8   c1    Activision/Sega'87 27-may-87 arcade
WorkGames         32430 18-3a         
WorldChampBoxing  36296 68-92   c1                      X-Factor sport: manager
WorldChampBoxing  36423   -           -              -- Phoenix sport: manager
WorldChamps       15044 8b-bd         
WorldChampSquash  27963 68-42   c1    Zeppelin       93 Sunrise93 sport: arcade
WorldCup          28160 8c-ba   n2    cr.YP          85 -    sport: soccer<06a>
WorldcupCarnivl   33913 e8-82         
WorldCupRugby     43068 79-39         
WorldLeague.bas   29021 71-b5   n2    TCS & FF          -    nordish manager
WorldSBaseball    40311 dd-69         
WorldTSoccer      35936 23-a9         
Worm              31401 40-1c         
Worm1992          16461 b3-45         
Wozzle            20680 ed-3b         
Wrestling         27963 68-42         
WrestlingStars    46647 5c-18         
Wulfpack          32738 27-e3         
Wumpus.II.bas      7407 d2-32   n2    -Chris    -    typing strategy
X       X
X-15alphaMission  24164 6a-8a   ca    Activision     87 Triad22-sep-87 flight sim
X-venture         20776 3a-4a   ca    Panic          89 Ikari19-5-89 TA porno
Xceleron          29165 f7-33   ca    Video Images   --+Ikari2/11/88 str
Xeno              29144 6c-16   na    AF 1001        86 Softrunner86   table hockey
XenonRanger       30583 0b-99   na    cr.CCS         -- CCS  stlr (NoR)
Xerons            10243 99-4d   na    -                 -    space invaders like <07b>
Xeropus           10752 07-77         
Xertyn            37847 7e-aa   ca    -              -- Chromance platform
Xevious           46678 70-98   na    Namco          82 -    stu
Xiphoid.prw       32054 34-50   na    -              --+Fusion/INC7-26-88 walk&str
Xiphoids          44517 e2-6a   ca    Dynafield      91+Legend/Success stAllAround (nor)
Xonox             22868 38-68   ca    Filorux        --+Chromance/Armageddon16-may-92 str
Xonox.intro        9564 23-6f   ca    Filorux        -- -    text&music
Xroads             5933 43-63   na    -              -- -    walk & stAllAround -good
Xroads.II          6594 55-d5   na    -              -- -    sequal- new levels
Xybots            41667 eb-09   ca    -              --+RawDeal Doom like shoot&coll.
Xybots.dupl       39776 92-88   ca
XYZ.demo           5888 e8-f8   na    XYZ-soft       87 -    demo
Y       Y
Y-out             23040 0c-fe   ca    Micro Gear     -- BadTaste str
YabbaDabbaDoo     43418 a3-8f   na    cr.Computerkids        Flintstones?
Yanizee.bas        6577 9f-27   na    -              -- -    throwing dice(Slovene)<03b>
Yathzee           17989 85-9d   ca    Magic Disk     91 Wicked23-may-92  dicing
Yeti              30694 8a-3e   ca    Destiny        86+Ikari12-3-90 waolk adv
YieArKungfu       55551 69-8b   na    Konami         -- -    fight simulation
YieArKungfu.II    46037 ff-9b   na    Konami            BAM  fight simulation
YIP-MusicsColl.I  12928 9a-5c   na    Juri Olkkonen  -- -     demo musics
YogiBear          38791 ee-d4   ca    Piranha        87 Ikari13-nov-87 arcade for kids
YogiBear.II.GreedM37140 1e-98   ca    HannaBarbera   90+IkariTalent15-11-90 arc walk adv
YoungOnes         48641 d3-2d   na    Orpheus        86 -    Graphic menues adventure
YuppieTrainer     16383 b1-33   ca    Josh           91 Ultimate stock market
Z       Z
Z                 26821   -     c2    Rino           --
Zaga.II           31872 28-84   c1    cr.Hawk        --+Ikari89 chopter flight; sequel
ZagaMission       50735 3a-98   n1    KingSoft       84 -    chhopter flight; avoid
Zalaga            26125 76-d2   c1    Firebird       -- Hotline20-5-89 galaga clone
Zamzara           50513 1a-58   c1    Hewson 88+Hotline7-4-89 str
Zamzara.inst       6077 4b-9d   c1    Sharks         -- -    Ninja writer text
Zamzara.Music      6673 81-03   c1    Sharks         -- -    musics
Zamzara.pic        6530 a2-2c   c1    Sharks         -- -    game main pic
ZappyZooks        16904 92-f4   n1    Romig          83 -    pacman
Zarjaz            40847 26-74   n1    Darrell        86 Laser stAllAround
Zaxxon            28161 0e-36   n1    Synapse        -- -    stdiagonal (nor)
Zaxxon.GCS        32049 af-8f   n1    Synapse        -- GCS  <05a> (nor)
Zenith            38843 cd-47   n1    F.Tout         89+DSH  str 
Zenji             13653 7a-18   n1    Activision     84 EGR84 logic level pass
Zenos             25395 49-21   c1    Imagez         87+Madonna15-4-88 atl
Zepp              28499 9f-dd   c1    DoubleDensity  90+Ultimate/Brenda zeppelin navigate
Zeppelin          25090 a4-ee   n1    Synapse Mataga    -    stAll
ZeppelinRescue    31242 a8-4a   n1    Intercept      82 -    be precise and dont crash
ZeroGravity       19918 43-a9   c1    Eas            88 Elite 3D TTW 2pl.
ZeroGravity.pic    6080 d2-bc   c1    Eas            -- -    game main pic
Zeus              26161 35-a1   n1                      -    stu, space inv.
Zevious           42587 29-4b   n1    -              -- -    ST all around
Zillion           25074 0d-4b   c2    Cp Verlag      93 Afl  slot machine
ZimSalaBim        32258 f5-2b   n1    G.Russel       84 -    TA arcade
Zodia             22842 71-35   c2    Atlantis       88 Ikari stu (start game?)
Zodiac            22529 54-ee   n1    Anirog         84 -    room walk stAll
Zoid               8755 d5-a5   n1    Softek         83      shoot and collect in space
Zolo              34543 af-09   c2    cr.FutPro      --+FutureProjects/TFD stlr (NoR)
ZompyStomp        11267 df-9f   n1    -              -- -    stu shoot the worm
ZonalPatrol        9185?0f-c5   c2    -              -- Hotline13-5-87 stAllAround
Zone7             33354 06-ca   n1    Radarsoft      85 Bert stall (NoR)
Zone7.II          35213 27-43   n1    RadarSoft      87 FP   same game (PIC) (nor)
ZoneRanger        17665 37-7d   n1    Activision     84 -    sta
Zoom              31116 18-a8   c2    Discovery      88+     3D Gridder
Zoomatic        -  9647 a8-8c   c2    -              -- -    utility; zoom pictures
Zoomerang         22784 f0-64   c2    ColinJones     91+Discovery/Empire31-oct-91 logic
Zorro             47654 b6-28   n1    Datasoft       85 -    arcade adv.; fight
Zub               46189 96-fc   n1    Mastertronic   86 -    jump to get up (NoR)
ZxSpectrumSim     19877 8f-a3   c2    cr. phantoms   -- -    emulates ZX basic
Zybex             41796 bf-bf   c2    K.Franklin     --+Fusion27-01-88 str (nor)
Zylogon           22052 58-20   n1    BigG           -- -    bad Zaxxon clone
Zynaps            34255 f2-e2   c2    Hewson         87+Fairlight str
Zynon             35499 2b-c1   c2    Welardsoft     --+Hotline22-3-89 strl (NoR)
Zyron             45763 59-05   c2    KingSoft       86 LightCircle7-1-87 stu

_01 stulra      - shoot'em up, left, right and/or ahead (all) game
_02 TEO         - take'em out game (point your gun and shoot)
_03 BEW         - birds eye view
_04 SITMOTG     - start in the middle of the game
_05 CITMOTG     - crash in the middle of the game
_06 CWP         - crashes while playing
_07 coll.       - you must collect items in this game
_08 NoR         - game restarts after pushing RESET key
_09 nor         - game doesn't permit reset but cannot restart either
_10 <..>        - source of the game
_11 PIC         - there is a picture at the beginning of the game
_12 +           - game has built in trainer mode
_13 *           - there is a poke for this game in my poke list
_14 ?           - game works on emulator but not on real C64 (NTSC?transfer?)
_15 !           - game doesnt work if transfered with Dnet to real C-64
_16 cr.   - there is pirate message in the game from group 
_17 TA          - typing adventure
_18 TTW         - thru' the wall