. name size sumxor arc publisher yr intro description
10thFrame 39422 25-f1 a Access 86 DynamicDuo26/10/85 bowling (PIC)
180 42838 a6-1e a Mastertronic WCC86 sport: darts (NoR)
1942 35161 3d-91 a Elite +- stu (NoR)
1943 31921 f3-85 a - -- Triad stu
1944 23721 bd-47 a cr.Crim.Empire *MCG22.12.86 stu
1994TenYearsAfter 29699 8e-20 a Visions 84 - platform coll.arcade
20Tons 30381 e5-ed a -- - simple Boulderdash clone
3DPacMan.bas 6422 68-c0 a Nufekop 82 - 3dPacMan (also 3D-Man)<03b>
3DPool 29312 23-8f a Firebird 89 Hotline/INC sport: billiard sim.
3DSkramble 28774 97-b3 a Livewire 84 ABC85 classic Skramble in 3D
3DSoccer 35477 5e-bc a F.Carla -- Paramount arcade soccer
3DWaterski 21557?b3-35 a Alligata -- - back view waterski
3Tunes.demo 13529?4f-93 a ACC -- - demo music
4.TimesRevlex.demo 2038 15-c9 a Anno 91 Bingo looks like short demo
45 29500 c9-bb a Hitech 90 Action1jun91/Empire25Jun logic
6ASide 42354 37-1f a Microprose 88 Ikari26-11-88 BEW small soccer
720' 35840 72-7c a Atari86/USGold87 RedSector skating
720.docs 9682 82-66 a Hotline -- Hotline20-11-87 intro to 720 <11b>
80DaysRoundTWld.1 49188 4e-54 a - -- - l1: forrest; walk&shoot <11a>
80DaysRoundTWld.2 48648 b1-cf a - -- - l2: castle; walk&shoot <11a>
Aaargh!Condor 20236 e1-2d n1 Alan Osborne 84 cr.Rene simple arcade shoot <10a>
AbsoluteOverride. 16256 f7-db n1 RilleyEller -- cr.Faedorne insulting the user
Ace 50915?5e-22 n3 Cascade 86 cr.DynamicDuo flight sim.
Ace.2088 46601 0b-43 c7 Cascade 88+Sharks fight those planets
Ace.2088.pic 4819 d6-3c c7 Cascace 88 - pic
Ace.II 42609 3e-d8 c1 Cascade 87+TCS14-8-87 head2head fight (PIC)
Ace.II.picmus 11274 89-09 c7 - -- - pic+music; scroll message
Acia&JunglePatrol 23478 6d-33 c1 -/K.P. --/89 Genesis skill / shoot
AcidRunner 38020 19-05 c1 Avalon 93+Chromance/Empire acrade plat.
Actionauts 26176 3c-d0 n1 AdvProgramTec85 Section8'86 onboard strategy
ActionBiker 33783 - - -- - drive&explore
ActionBiker 33900 50-68 n1 - -- - ride your bike and coll.
ActionForce 30467?ae-96 c9 DavenFive -- Hotline stlr
ActionOnProtection46904?d4-20 n3 HG-soft -- - space ship; avoiding
AddictaBall 29934 2b-0f c1 Alligata 87+FLT TTW
AdInfinitum 25516 16-5a n1 SWT 86 - stlr
AdrianMole.1 50604 a3-93 c7 Level9/Virgin -- Pirasoft menu adv.
AdrianMole.2 50763 ef-ab c7 Level9/Virgin -- Pirasoft part 2
AdrianMole.3 50533 84-de c7 Level9/Virgin -- Pirasoft part 3
AdrianMole.4 50689 bb-f5 c7 Level9/Virgin -- Pirasoft part 4
Adv.1.AdvLand.bas 12700 f0-ae c1 ScottAdams -- - TA cr.F.Ekman94
Adv.1.Questprobe 41499 d5-9b n1 ScottAdams 84 - TA (AdventureInternational)
Adv.3.Sarcophagus 16153 03-05 - -- - TA (TheFourthSarcophagus.bas)
Adv.4.VoodoCastle 30723 c5-2f n1 ScottAdams 81 - TA
Adv.9.Perseus 37121 c5-57 n1 AJ.Harding,MolimerxLtd. TA
AdventureC=32592 30722 7d-e5 n1 Commodore-ScottAdams81 TA
AdventureCastle.b 22169 cd-4f n3 Wapi -- - adv. skill (german) <04a>
AfricanAdventure. 22936 e3-c1 n3 SoftSide -- - TA; Search4DrLivingstone<07b>
AfricanSafari 46168 cd-1b n1 KyleHodgetts -- - graphics arcade TA
Aftermath 35897 5a-2e c1 D.Cooper -- - stu
AfterTheWar.1 43318 1f-37 c7 cr.Hotline --+- walk&fight
AfterTheWar.2 43387 ac-88 c7 cr.Hotline -- - walk&shoot
Afterworld 41689 cc-a2 c1 - --+Garbage/Afros logic skill
AgentOrange 22595 b2-ca c1 - -- WestCoast Shooting strategy
AgentX.II.1 28422 51-73 c8 Mastertronic -- DGold18-12-87 str
AgentX.II.2 23812 f2-0a c8 Mastertronic -- DGold18-12-87 plat
AgentX.II.3 11860 b9-87 c8 Mastertronic -- DGold18-12-87 TTW
AirCop2000 19198 15-61 c1 Nuremberg 90+Twente/LRU10.19.90 shoot lr
AirSupport 25170 6b-b1 n1 Synapse 84 - stdown
AirWolf 37813 99-cd n3 Elite -- - chopter flight - avoid
AirWolf.II 56731 22-5e n1 cr.LCP 86 - stl
Aksjemarked.bas 10843 cc-36 n1 Ikke Minst -- - trade sim (lang?)
Alcazar 37634 8c-02 n1 Activision 85 ABC85 escape the castle
Alien 44955 11-4d n1 Concept 84 - menu strategy
Alienator 28416 f2-b8 c1 Ary 92+Mayhem TEO shoot
AlienNew 48419 e6-a6 c2 - -- Culture/Optical27apr90 shoot
AlienPanic 12281 a9-ad n1 BubbleBus -- - catch the alien arcade<10b>
Aliens 46632 ce-36 n1 - -- - movie conversion shoot
AllAmericanBasket 30515 ce-64 c2 Zeppelin 92 Illusion4.12.92 sport:action (PIC)
AlleyKat 37444 4d-b7 c2 Hewson 86 DynamicDuo13/9/86 stu (NoR)
AlligataBlagger 33282 2b-1b n1 A.Crowther -- - Manic Miner clone
Alloyrun 42634 af-af c2 Starlight --+Hotline0-0-88 str
AllTheFish 16559 dd-61 c2 - -- Motiv8 arcade coll.
Almazz 30439 28-0c n1 TheEdge 85 Mediator arc.adv. in Africa
Altarius.prw 19119 0f-af n2 - -- Dom17-9-88 2players str
AlternativePacker210630 f7-25 Druid -- - packing utility
Am.TagTeamWrestli 34992 5c-4c c2 Zeppelin 92 Legend92/TSM2-Nov-92 fight CITMOTG
Amaurote 51271 f8-f6 n1 Mastertronic -- - BEW walk around and shoot?
AmazingSpiderman 47360 89-29 c2 Microprose +NEC 12-11-1990 arc. adv.
Amazon 25248 b3-a7 c2 C.Disc 92 - crach after the (PIC)
AmazonWarrior 45430 01-29 n2 cr.Marksoft 85 - shoot <05b>
AmazonWomen 49643 5c-5e n2 Silvertime 86 - fight in the jungle
America'sCup 37802 2a-c8 c2 - -- - sailing
American3DPool 35362 45-83 c2 Zeppelin 91 Enigma sport: BEW pool (PIC)
Amiga.picture 6503 bf-95 n3 - -- - pic of Amiga 500
Anarchy 48071 01-e3 n2 Hewson 87 - BEW shoot
AndromedaConquest 12849 df-b1 n3 - -- - star system strategy <01a>
AndyCapp 40945 88-18 c3 MirrorSoft BeastieBoys/FBR12/12/87 (PIC)<11b>
Angle 31248 8a-b6 c3 Glory2-20-92 How to pass intro???
AngleBall 18123 7c-90 c3 Mastertronic 87 Ikari27-Nov-87 billiards
Anihilator 38670 e1-11 n2 MikeWacker 83 - stlr
AnimStripPoker 49253 43-f7 n3 - -- - cards
AntAttack 40236 e3-49 n2 Quicksilva 84 - save your girl arcade
Antiriad 41702 cf-91 c3 - -- - shoot adv. (one level?) (NoR)
ApeCraze 9793 25-db n2 Comm*Data 82 - How to start?
AppleCiderSpider 20737 ad-2b n2 cr.Antisoft840719 arcade platform (NoR)
AppleFrenzy 12971 49-e9 c3 cr.FCS -- FCS coll skill arcade (German)
Aquanaut 44386 cb-25 n2 - --+Legend88,Ikari str
Aquaplane 11825 6c-a6 n2 Quicksilva -- - arcade;no hit anything<01b>
ArabianNights 47691 a1-5b n2 Interceptor 84 - arcade (doesnt work good)
Arac 38515 3f-c3 c7 - -- - walk&explore
Arachne 39973 5a-aa c3 T.Espeset -- Legend str
Araknifoe 30264 83-39 c3 S.Chance -- Hotline shoot the spiders
ArcadeClassics 28207 c5-c3 - -- Ikari17-9-87
ArcadeClassics 28207 c6-c0 c3 - -- Ikari17-9-87 the title says it
ArcadeFlightSim 31576 6e-e8 c3 Amazing 89+Hotline27/5/89 stlr
Arcadia64 38913 20-08 n2 Imagine -- - stu
ArcheType 43904 7e-ec c3 Psytronix --+AVTmay94 stu
Archon 41479 35-e9 n2 EOA 84 - like chess,with fight <07a>
Archon.II.Adept 40505 ca-1c n2 EOA 83 - fight in an enclosed area
Archon.III.Excite 25763?db-05 n3 EOA 85 cr.Freefuck board game&fight
ArcOfYesod 44163 bd-15 n2 cr.TBL 86 - arcade platform coll.shoot
ArcticAnticsGame 39438 c3-71 c4 FirstStar 86+DanishGold11-6-87 SpyVsSpy III
ArcticAnticsIntro 11212 e9-59 c4 FirstStar 86 - the main animation
ArcticShipwreck 16433 b0-54 n2 Commodore 83 - be a mamut
ArenaFootball 15039 b8-dc c4 - -- Bingo93 manager
Arkanoid.I 38765 3b-bf c4 Imagine/Taito -- Yeti TTW
Arkanoid.II 32295 c5-41 c4 Imagine/Taito 87 - TTW (19) (Triad)
Arkanoid.NewLvls 42024 0f-55 c4 TheFreak 87+LastGen29.7.87 Ark.I w/diff levels
ArkanoidSounds 22540 02-04 c4 Shadows -- Shadows music from the game
ArktycznePolowanie32384 24-14 c4 Avalon 94+F4CG/TSM7Jun87 ArcticHunt arcade
Armada 34232 af-8f c4 Loehn/Seuck 88+WeirdScience5Sep88 stu
Armageddon 7425 82-28 n2 Ocean -- - TEO <03b>
ArmageddonMan 36527 98-f8 c4 - -- Papillons14.9.87 war menu strategy
Armourdillo 36612 80-32 c5 - -- - stlr
ArmyMoves 37480 5c-84 n2 code?
Arnie.II 46977 4f-a9 c8 Zeppelin 93+Illusion15-3-93/Armageddon stall
Arnie.II.doc 2463 c2-9e c8 Illusion 93 - docs
ArrowC=.bas 7966 d9-1d n2 Commodore -- - snake game
ArrowOfDeath 37121 3e-52 n3 - -- - TA with graphics
Artillery 19620 e4-32 c5 Squadron 89 Asterix/Ikari tank wars
Artura 39327 71-b7 c8 Sentient --+Hotline arc adv.
Artura.doc 4635 43-e5 c8 Hotline -- - docs
AsparGPMaster 35671 13-99 c5 Dinamic 89+GP BEW biking (PIC)
AssaultCourse 21445 74-58 c5 Players 90+IkariTalent army training
AssaultMachine 46935 79-a7 c5 - -- Triad8/11/86 stahead
Asterix'n'Cauldron42867?16-2c n3 cr.Stars -- - arc.adv.
Asteroids64 11150?0d-e7 c9 UdoReiss -- - shoot (after BRK type RUN)
AstroBlitz 8451 6c-06 n2 Creative 83 - stlr
AstroChase 16795 21-0d n3 - -- - stAllAround
AstroMania 14343 31-b1 c5 J.Triesch 87 Frantic TTW
AstroMarineCorps1 36325 ab-0d c9 Dinamic 90+Bonzai10May walk&shoot part1
AstroMarineCorps2 35627 e4-62 c9 Dinamic 90+Bonzai10May walk&shoot part2
AstroMarineCorpsm 4452 c1-3b c9 - -- - music
AstroMarineCorpsp 8866 7f-eb c9 Dinamic -- - pic
AstroPilot 20554 a7-8f c5 - -- DerbyshireRamDec93 land the scape
AstroWars.prw 12988 be-7e c5 - --+NFL16jun88 str
ATF 39559 6c-cc c5 Digital 88 Jewels flight shoot sim
Athena.1 41314 03-83 c8 Imagine 87 Triad13oct87 arc 1:World of forest
Athena.2 35743 58-22 c8 Imagine 87 - part 2: World of caverns
Atlantis 2049 0e-b2 n3 - -- - shoot (Joy lr)
Atlantis.stu 38621 3f-c1 c5 Lewis 87 Orion15-4-88 stu
AtomAnt 26467 37-19 c6 HannaBarbera 90+IkariTalent5-9-80 cartoon conv.
AtomAnt.pic 6220 28-f6 c8 HiTech -- - cr.Ikari/talent pic
AtomicHandball 3806 06-04 n3 FrankLindsey -- - TTW
AtomX 14918 87-5b c6 Chrischi -- BadTaste/Lamerz7jul-91 Atomic like
AttackOTMutantCame12481 88-84 n3 Jeff Minter -- - shoot giant camels(NoR)
ATVSimulator 36199 00-00 n3 cr.Fusion87 -- Fusion/FCD1.7.87 2D bike ride
AufwiedersehenMont42967 cb-b3 c9 Gremlin -- - room pass arcade (NoR)
AugieDoggie 42367 2d-07 c6 HannaBarbera 91 Talent cartoon conv.
AuralMystery.1 39866 fc-1c c6 Antitrax -- - musics from games
AuralMystery.2 38162 ff-3f c6 Antitrax -- - musics from games
AuralMystery.3 44040 85-5f c6 Antitrax -- - musics from games
Auriga 19859 9b-3d c6 players 86 1001 stu
AutoMania 37892 4b-2f n3 Micro-gen -- - platform coll. (wally like)
AutoRenner 1768 e2-60 n3 - -- - BEW drive (german) <03b>
AutoTest 34249 80-10 c9 DaisySoft 90+Dominators/NEI4-30-91 BEW drive
AutotestSim 34249 80-10 c6 Daisysoft 90+Dominators/NEI4-3-91 BEW drive
Avenger 39601 da-76 c6 Gremlin 86 - sta adv. search
Avoid 16547 50-62 c6 Fizzle 92 Gulas/Burp avoid asteroids
Avoid'em.prw 29244 a0-30 c9 Dynamic -- Motiv8 avoid aliens
Axiens 13839 03-93 n3 Alternative 88 Rampar15-Dec-88 stu Galaga like
Aztec 32050 1c-04 c9 Datamost 82 - cr.TCI kybd arcade
AztecChallenge 30721 b3-7f n3 -Cosmi -- - skill arcade <02a>
AztecTomb.bas 30724 82-90 n3 A.Crowther 83 - TA
B-1.Bomber.bas 8027 8b-ad n1 AvalonHill 80 - type in navigation commands
B.E.A.M. 39781 d0-d8 c1 - --+Ikari28-5-89 coll.
B.O.Planets 25003?8e-a2 n6 - -- NZC stAhead
BabylonFour 39701 50-28 c1 PSD-Prod. 88 Bros stAllAround
BabyOfCanGuru 48071 e2-4e n1 M.Pley -- LightCircle arcade fight'em right
BackGammon 13440 0a-d6 c1 HighScoreDisc -- HSD board game
BackToFuture 41965 7c-c6 n1 Universal 85 Caesar arc.adv. (PIC)
BackToFuture.III 41065 1b-0d c1 UCS&Amblin 90 Censor11-3-91 from the movie
BadCat 46276?5a-12 n6 - -- LegionOfDoom walk&shoot
BadCat.docs 8827 0b-ab n6 Parade 87 - Ninja writer text <11a>
Bagitman 30789 a0-98 n1 AardvarkAS --*- platform coll.
BalakonRaider 34007?fe-38 n6 Interstel 86 - stAllAround
Ball-Land 22475 ce-80 c1 CP Verlag 93+Epic 2pl. TTW
BallBlasta 36675 3c-f8 c1 Zeppelin 88+Ikari5-8-88 TTW-good
BallBlazer 23418 50-c0 c1 - -- CRM 2pl. fight
BallCrazy 20295 d1-89 c1 Mastertronic --+Hotline10-6-87 (PIC) build
BalletjeDeLuxe 13857 c3-b3 c1 DRO 87 Hotline logic-observe good
BallFever 47769 71-87 c1 Cosmos -- Vision guide your ball
BallGame 27455 80-c8 c2 ElectronicZoo -- Legend/NEi17jul91 logic
Ballisation.prw 13857 e0-02 c2 - -- Chromance 5 in a row
Ballistix 31040?af-e5 cB Psygnosis 89 7-11 sport: a ball game
BallJob 46703 f7-eb c2 BlueAngel -- Cream93/Chromance/Demonix logicPIC
Baloon 10391 e5-f7 n1 ARC -- - skill;guide da baloon <07b>
BananaDrama 33794 3d-bb n1 - -- - be the president;strategy
Bandits 31747 9f-b7 n1 Sirius 83 - stu <02a>
BangerRacer 31178 7a-3a c2 - -- Dominators/Empire9-5-91 manager
BangersAndMash 30405 16-ea n1 Ocean 84 cr.OddBall arcade logic skill
Barbarian 41190 90-d6 n1 - -- RawDeal fight (NoR) std.bck
Barbarian.Desert 42088 68-70 n1 - -- RawDeal fight (NoR) desert/forest
Barbarian.new 36988 b8-64 c2 - --+Hotline5-8-88 walk and fight
Basil 45743 25-13 Gremlin -- - great mouse detective<15b>NR
BasildonBond 46604 03-a5 n1 - -- - arcade adv. (SITMOTG)
BasketBall 27055 c5-97 n1 Commodore -- Section8 sport: arcade <07b>
Basketball 27059 39-63
BasketballSam&Ed 8071 b0-12 c2 - -- F4CG21-11-93 ball vs ball
BasketManager 17762 16-16 c2 - -- Hotline sport: menu manager
BasketMaster 22105 f7-63 c2 G.Biasilo -- Triad sport: one on one
Batalyx 50135 6d-03 n1 cr.Yak -- - atAllAround
BathTime 10227 52-1a c2 Andromeda -- - keep the water level in bath
Batman 46689 88-26 c3 - -- TNF88 arcade adv.
Batman.1 45907 e1-3b - -- Hotline1/12/88 arc.adv. insert the disk
Batman.2 48765 78-3e - -- Hotline1/12/88 arc.adv.
Batman.New 37516 b1-0d c3 DCC 89+Talent shoot
BatOutOfHell.pic 9474 48-c2 n1 Rat -- - from the song from MeatLoaf
BattleChopper 20257 f2-b4 c2 - --+DreamTeam stAhead; nice anim
BattleField 15897 3e-dc c3 Atlantis 88 Ikari25-11-88 2pl. hunt and shoot
BattleOfBritain 48651 ea-d2 n1 - -- - war strategy
BattlePlanets 33229 a1-27 n1 - -- - 3D fight - Elite style gfx
BattleShip 18624 01-51 c3 Kinley/Fresh 92 Trash/??? TEO
BattleShips 48071 f0-c2 n1 Cr.Laffen -- RawDeal7-10-87 board game
BattleStations 28858 87-11 c3 - --+Ikari2-8-88 TEO
BattleThroughTime 35090 78-ae n1 K.Grant -- - stur (PIC) <07a>
BattleValley 44703 9c-7a c3 S.Wellard --+Papillons21-2-88 stlr
BattleZone 31456 d4-18 n1 - -- - TEO
Batty 42186 0b-0f c3 HitPak -- Dominators16-10 TTW <19b>
Bazair.lvl1 47713 20-74 Proteus 88 - arcade <22b>
Bazair.lvl6 47712 ed-c3 n5 Proteus 88 - arcade. start at level 6 <22b>
BazookaBill 50031 bf-25 c3 - --*LightCircle fight'em lr (PIC)
BeachBuggy 20467 32-c8 c3 - --+Jewels2-6-88 side view drive&jump
BeachCommand 42719 93-6f n1 SoftwareEnt. 92+ULT stAllAround
BeachHead.III 34010?47-b7 n6 cr.AtomHead -- - stAhead
BeamRider 16642 a8-64 n2 Activision -- cr.2708 stu (NoR)
BearGeorge 16936 24-58 c3 Sheetah 93 - catch nuts
BeatBall 33089 c4-76 c4 DoubleDensity 91+Insiders/Mirage8-2-91 kill balls
BeerBellyBurt 49634 fe-60 n2 AmericanEagle -- - defend your brewery-shoot
Besieged 23492 62-00 c4 - -- Onslaught logic strategy
BestMoneyMaker 104 89-f9
BetterDeadThanAlie35192 ac-42 c4 Electra 88 Hotline2-11-88 stu
BeyondIcePalace 41452 2d-7f Elite 88+Papilons31.5.88 arcade shoot<15b>
BeyondIcePalace.pi 9375 e5-ab n5 Elite -- - pic&music <14b>
Biff 41463 7e-be c4 BeyondBelief --+Image/Empire9apr92 arcade adv.
BigBen 19696 42-62 c4 cr.Mr.L 24-12-84 - platform
BigFoot 42425 3f-35 c4 CodeMasters 90+Ikari17-10-90 platform coll.
Biggles 59932?c2-e2 n6 Mirrorsoft 86 - airplane str
Biggles.TimeWarp 43195 19-2b
Biggles.Weapons 31377 d2-10
BigKO 32866 30-1c n2 TymeSoft 87 - sport: boxing
BigMac 28971 93-af n2 - -- - platform
BigNosesUSAadvent 30277 d9-77 c4 Codemasters 92+Talent shoot platform
BigSleaze.I 42554 59-b9 c4 Piranha 87 - TA part 1 <19a>
BigSleaze.II 32098 5f-b9 c4 Piranha 87 - TA part 2 <19a>
BigSleaze.III 32896 2e-60 c4 Piranha 87 - TA part 3 <19a>
BigTopBarney 33985 23-03 c5 Interceptor -- - arcade; avoiding enemies
BigTroubleInLChina28627 1c-5a c5 - -- Omega fight'em left
Billiards 8450 43-f9 n2 Commodore 83 - sport: BEW pool (NoR) <01a>
BionicGranny 14477 75-c9 n2 - -- - catch'em lr
Bioritem.bas.WSG 1981 a5-e9 n5 West S. Group 83 - biorythm <04b>
BirdMother 27905 b0-ec c5 Ivanhoe --+Gulas/BurpBoys build a bird nest
BizyBeezzzz 22530 d1-89 n2 Solar 84 - platform coll.
BlackAdder.bas 14591 fe-1e n2 Hama 85 - TA-marry the Spanish princess
BlackBox 14401 87-dd n2 MicroSpec 83 - logic <10b>
BlackHawk 24207 ca-48 n2 ThornEmi 84 - stu <07b>
BlackIce.demo 25984 d8-b0 c5 Eclipse 92 - cool demo
BlackJack.bas 3672 39-8f n2 A.Dripke 80 - play cards <03b> (del.13)
BlackKnight 17922 dc-3e c5 Interdisc 84 nova85 horse ride&jump
BlackLamp 34604 6d-b1 c5 Firebird -- Triad shoot
BlackMagic 41055 11-dd c5 - -- - run and shoot and cast spells
BlackPearl 36480 12-c4 c5 Logyk 93 Motiv8-94 TA (NoR)
BlackShagger 12800 ad-4d c5 - -- Zenith stu
BlackThunder 51201 10-c6 n2 A.Crowther -- - cr.F1 Loco like (NoR)
BlackWyche 32244 4b-79 c5 A.C.G 85+- black magic on the ship
BladeRunner 50570 eb-6b n2 CLR 85 - labirynth
BlaggerGTHolywood 24354 a6-f6 c6 M.Altman -- - 3D arc.
BlastBall 22424 a3-c3 c6 YourDisk 88+Hotline TTW
Blasteroids 38498 49-1f c6 Tengen 88+Ikari3-4-89 blow the asteroids
BlastersOTUnivers 36373 44-80 c6 Lyon 88 Legend4-12-88 stu (PIC)
BlazingThunder 32659 d7-93 c6 Pal 90 Genesis stud
BlipBlop 18501 6d-df n2 - -- Zenith88/Outsiders6-4-88 TTW
BlipBlop.III 31897 60-a0 n2 Phoenix -- Phoenix/IHC7sep88 TTW
Blobber 22629 d0-a2 c6 V.J.Schrader 88+Ikari one screen platform coll.
Block'n'Bubble 14556 5c-5e c6 Construction 86 NewEdition18-6-87 shoot (NoR)
BlockBusters 26624 ef-8d n2 - -- - wants to load :(
BlownAway 27283 6e-c2 n2 sos 2-2-92 - TA-make your own story
Blubria 18523 cf-a3 c6 Verlag -- TRGSGS CITMOTG
BlueMax 27055 ab-f9 n2 Synapse 83 - air combat <02b>
BlueMax.2001 25347 54-a6 n2 Synapse 84 - air combat
BlueMoon 11767 cc-22 n2 Merlin Aug83 - space arcade <10b,Green,CDm>
BlueThunder 30721 ca-82 n3 - -- - chopter shoot
BMX 15487 69-37 n3 - -- - BEW simple bmx drive-avoiding
BMX.II.ExpDesert 36190 65-f1 c7 CodeMasters --*Hotline sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.ExpDirt 35961 5c-46 c7 CodeMasters --*Hotline23-2-88 sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.ExpQuarry 36861 72-50 c7 CodeMasters --*Hotline sport: BEW ride <17b,CDm>
BMX.II.StdDirt 35336 6f-91 c7 - -- X-Factor screwed version
BMXNinja 34835 d8-d8 c7 M.Lister --+Hotline22-10-88 fight
BMXSimulator 37402 e1-01 n3 CodeMasters -- - sport: BEW ride
BMXStunts 30785 4b-81 n3 Jetsoft 84 - side view ride
BobbyBearing 31387 d5-8b c6 TheEdge -- TCS spindizzy.II (PIC)
Bobix.prw 11520 2c-b6 c6 - -- Succes avoid baloons?
BobsWinner 47883 ea-1c cB - -- - walk&fight SITMOTG <14b>
Bocce 36672 85-cf n3 Simulmondo 87 CG4F'88 olympic game (balls)
BodySlam 31084 39-81 c7 Firebird 88+Hotline3-9-88 ring fight
Boeing727.bas 14175 d8-de n3 - -- - flight sim (German) <03b>
Boing 38629 99-eb c7 E&J soft 89+Ikari Jump and shoot
Bomb 46544 dd-4f n3 DanishBH 85 - menu adventure
Bomber 15189 83-eb c7 Active 92+Illusion14-10-92 catch the bombs
BombFusion 17408 f9-57 c7 Virgin 89+Hotline
BombJack 47404 55-a9 n3 Elite 86 - Collect the bombs
BombJack.II 43145 d3-8b n3 Elite 86 Goonies2-14-88 3D BombJack
Bombo 45672 28-52 n3 Rino 86 - BombJack like
BombUzal 46778 4d-01 c7 Mirror 88 Ikari19-11-88 logic
BonduelleSoccer 31889 00-6a n3 - -- FD17.6.87 soprt: acade side view
BoneCruncher 39569 5b-91 c8 Superior 87 logic -BD like
BoneCruncher.pic 8536 4f-cb c8 Superior 87 - Start Picture
Bonka 12292 fc-8c n3 Morrison 83 - platform
BoogaBoo 34213 8a-32 n3 KotzBrocken 84 - Jump with frog to exit
Boom 12362?d1-3d cB - -- Lithium stu (PIC)
Boost 33653 08-1e c8 - --+Bros/NewAge3-16-89 str
BootlegBandits 22900 43-6f n3 ScorpioGW -- - shoot
Bop'n'Rumble 42226 2c-76 c8 Beam 87+Illusion fight
BorderBlast.II 29828?33-dd cB - --+Troep stu
Bosconia 25472 c5-2d c8 - -- FCG87 stAllAround
Boss 34543 da-ae n3 - -- - soccer manager
BoulderConKit 26927 17-b3 c9 - -- star Edit your own BD caves
BoulderDash.16x 44997 c6-64 n4 Replica 87 - logic: coll. compilation
BoulderDash.I 16450 b2-0a n4 First Star 84 - logic: coll. cr.MrM
BoulderDash.II 22543 cc-e4 n4 First Star 85 - Logic: coll. Megabyte85
BoulderDash.III 16896 a5-2f
BoulderDash.III 32365 47-6f n4 First Star 86 FLASH Logic: coll. <07a>
BoulderDash.IV 23395 ee-d0 n4 Peter Liepa - Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.IX 25090 d2-42 n4 Don Pedro 86 Pedro Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.pro 16896 4b-fb n4 Sijben 85 - Logic: coll. caves by Sijben85
BoulderDash.VI 24835 4e-ba n4 Don Pedro Pedro Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.VII 24834 b7-e5 n4 Don Pedro Pedro Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.VIII 24835 46-12 n4 Don Pedro 86 Pedro Logic: coll.
BoulderDash.X 25090 9f-1f n4 Don Pedro 86 Pedro21-9-86 logic; coll.
BoulderDash.XI 25090 50-b8 n4 Don Pedro 86 Pedro Logic: coll.
BoulderDashSuper 17890 bf-a7 n4 First Star 84 EOArts Logic: coll.
BoulderDashSwedis 25760 85-d9 n4 - -- - can also load new caves
Bounce 28934 01-d1 c8 CP Verlag --+Chromance/Empire Eliminator like
BounceIt 21634 70-ca c8 - 93+RedSector platform coll.
Bouncer 14319 8b-c1 c8 MagicDisk 92+BrainBombs stu
Bounces 50756 cc-bc n3 - -- - 2pl. fight
Bounces 50756 ee-9e
BounchingBall 23685?ec-7e